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Topic: First Move
Winx's photo
Tue 07/08/08 04:40 PM

They need to make it clear to me to make that move.laugh

Do they need to put it in writing?laugh flowerforyou

michiganman3's photo
Tue 07/08/08 04:42 PM

They need to make it clear to me to make that move.laugh

Do they need to put it in writing?laugh flowerforyou

I think you just did!!!!!
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 04:44 PM
I ask my ex-hubby out and I was the one to propose to him. It's about 75/25 for me. If I'm really interested...I ask.

No1sLove's photo
Tue 07/08/08 04:45 PM

It's sad for some of the people that don't make a first move and alot will never do it. lokking at that, there going to be waiting for half there life just wating for someone to make a move...
I've never really had the opportunity to make it really. I've been lucky that most of the guys who have asked me out would have been the ones I would have wanted to ask. I don't know if that makes me lucky, or made me miss out on a good experience. I assume I would be too nervous...but how would I ever know? huh

wily's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:07 PM
I have not made the first move. Always believing that everyone is good hearted, I've been a fool twice. Now that I'm single, how do you know if someone is interested?

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:10 PM

I have not made the first move. Always believing that everyone is good hearted, I've been a fool twice. Now that I'm single, how do you know if someone is interested?

Most of the time its just a guess.. unless they make it obvious. It's worth the try cause you never know what just a few words can do. If they say no..at least your showing interest which makes most people happier.

dae11x's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:30 PM

Whenever there's someone I'm interested in, it seems like I ALWAYS have to make the first move. So I guess the answer to "who has never made the first move?" would be all my ex-boyfriends.
slaphead Sorry to hear it hon! flowers
Don't worry about it. If I'm interested in someone, I just don't have the patience to wait for them to make the first move. flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:42 PM

It's sad for some of the people that don't make a first move and alot will never do it. lokking at that, there going to be waiting for half there life just wating for someone to make a move...
I've never really had the opportunity to make it really. I've been lucky that most of the guys who have asked me out would have been the ones I would have wanted to ask. I don't know if that makes me lucky, or made me miss out on a good experience. I assume I would be too nervous...but how would I ever know? huh

I know what you mean, Love. I've been lucky that way too.

No1sLove's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:40 PM

It's sad for some of the people that don't make a first move and alot will never do it. lokking at that, there going to be waiting for half there life just wating for someone to make a move...
I've never really had the opportunity to make it really. I've been lucky that most of the guys who have asked me out would have been the ones I would have wanted to ask. I don't know if that makes me lucky, or made me miss out on a good experience. I assume I would be too nervous...but how would I ever know? huh

I know what you mean, Love. I've been lucky that way too.
Gotta like that...I really don't know if I'd be able to. HA! I'm pretty good at giving the why don't you ask me out look I guess. laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:40 PM

Has anyone here never made the first move? Who has never asked someone out on a date? Anyone? Anyone? huh

A few times, one regrettable...the other two? Meh.

brooke007's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:43 PM
iv e made the first move before...
but im not doing it again

Tanzkity's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:44 PM
I have to say i have never had to ask for a date.............and if that were to happen that i had to why not...........

Winx's photo
Tue 07/08/08 11:44 PM

It's sad for some of the people that don't make a first move and alot will never do it. lokking at that, there going to be waiting for half there life just wating for someone to make a move...
I've never really had the opportunity to make it really. I've been lucky that most of the guys who have asked me out would have been the ones I would have wanted to ask. I don't know if that makes me lucky, or made me miss out on a good experience. I assume I would be too nervous...but how would I ever know? huh

I know what you mean, Love. I've been lucky that way too.
Gotta like that...I really don't know if I'd be able to. HA! I'm pretty good at giving the why don't you ask me out look I guess. laugh


If I remember correctly , aren't you good at hypnotizing?laugh

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