Topic: Z'S PUB........................Part 3
karmafury's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:46 AM
Hiya Silly. (((Silly)))

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:46 AM
hey yall hows it goin?

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:47 AM
really T?? the last one I did a few years back netted me over 600.00..
as they SAY.. some peoples GARBAGE is other peoples TREASURE.. but..
it's all a matter of taste/opinion.. I LOVE visiting Garage sales.. get
some REAL cool stuff.. happy

karmafury's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:48 AM
Hey Lion. How you?

Tneal's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:48 AM
I do ceramics, I sew, and I am learning tole painting.... it helps in my
ceramics.... I am going to start selling my stuff soon. As soon as I
have enough inventory to put up a website.

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:48 AM
((((((((Lions/bro))))))))) hey.. how are ya?? happy how's it going??

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:49 AM
what a GREAT idea T.. power to ya.. hope it works well for ya happy

Tneal's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:49 AM
Hugs lion hon.... how ya doing sweetie??? Hope all is going well with

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:50 AM
its going ive been gettin some side work and helpin my peeps move this
week im tired as hell no rest for the wicked as they say lol.

Tneal's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:50 AM
I am hopin... *S* It would be fun to have my stuff in peoples houses,
collecting dust... *S* and admired as well lol

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:51 AM
*picks up me marble* Hugs gf right back
Z, much too long, but needed the break, not from you all, just things
did someone say garage sales love em, never know what you'll find,
hey Lion how are ya?

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:51 AM
yes.. but it's ALL for a GOOD cause rite lion?? :wink: this too SHALL
pass.. you'll see.. in no time you'll be BACK with mac and all will be
as it SHUD!! happy flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:53 AM
Tneal, what type of ceramic things do you make?

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:54 AM
yeah silly.... the SEASON has beGUN!! wooooooooooooohooooooooo.. gotta
LOVE the country though :wink: wayyyyyyy more unusual stuff :wink:'s almost a nation holiday out THIS way in the summer.. we got
over 3 cities combined closing their streets for 2 days and they just
have garage sales.. pretty much door to's a HOOT.. thank GOD
for MINI VANS with reMOVABLE seats bigsmile

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:55 AM
laugh @ T's dust collectors

some people actually have TIME to dust T.. jsut not ALL the time

Tneal's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:58 AM
I do all kinds of ceramic stuff. Right now I am working on southwest
designs. I take a picture and carve into the greenware, then paint it,
fire it, and put gold in the carving lines. I did this for the fair a
few years ago and got first place. I can do this on plates, bowls,
cups, planters all kinds of things. Its really pretty! I have been
looking up old indian drawings and carving those also.

Next I will be working on flowers. I think that would be really pretty
on vases.

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 09:01 AM
that sounds beautiful T.. happy wow.. THAT shud sell no problem

Tneal's photo
Sun 04/29/07 09:05 AM
I hope so. I have a friend of mine that will be helping me with the
website. I want it to look real professional. And I want folks to be
able to use credit cards and what not.

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 09:05 AM
wow Tneal you go girl, ebay is the way to go, or your own website as you
say, lots of people out there looking for unusual creative things,
just don't go putting marbles in em,k.LMAO!

Tneal's photo
Sun 04/29/07 09:07 AM
lol I may make something just for you Silly with marbles on it.... *S*
something with CATSEYE!!!