tigerman1956's photo
Mon 03/05/07 08:57 AM
No one falls in love by choice, it is by CHANCE.
No one stays in love by chance, it is by WORK.
And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by CHOICE.


TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/05/07 08:59 AM
Ohhhhh are those some very true words bigsmile

don2610's photo
Mon 03/05/07 10:11 AM
Truer words have never been spoken but why does that choice always make
you so miserable. Why must you pay for taking a chance.Why.

BillRoot's photo
Mon 03/05/07 12:46 PM
unfair ppl make life unfair!Suck it up,step it out and move it
on!!!grumble laugh explode

sandylou2456's photo
Mon 03/05/07 01:11 PM

So true Tiger..what happens to us and what we acchieve in life all has
to do with the *choices* we make.

oldsage's photo
Mon 03/05/07 01:29 PM
we pay for our CHOICES in life everyday. You chose not to do something
when you should & then swear because you have to hurry. Make a hasty
decision & complain about the results that you get. We are personally
responsible for everything that happens to us. Opinion of the writer.

BillRoot's photo
Mon 03/05/07 01:38 PM
Some times others do exactly oppisit of there word and change your whole
life.At 12 years togather I had no reason to not trust her.Yep my bad
choice to trust.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/05/07 02:21 PM
Bill I hear ya mine made it 11 and never thought it would fall apart
over trust for I did trust him goes too show just because you do don't
mean they will be faitful to the end but on the other hand I will always
trust until they give me a reason not to will not let one ruin it for me
for a lifetime. bigsmile

BillRoot's photo
Mon 03/05/07 02:29 PM
I hear ya Tex.Most bad happenings are our own bad choices.Others
becoming unreliable all of a sudden do cause some.Cant agree all bad
that happens to a person is always there fault.Suck it up,step it out
and move it on!laugh

FedMan's photo
Mon 03/05/07 02:45 PM
good words till the last line I don't think you fall out of love by
choice, you are driven to it or it happens because you are not meant to
be with that person

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/05/07 02:45 PM
yeppiers move on or drown in your sorrows I chose to swimbigsmile

BillRoot's photo
Mon 03/05/07 03:00 PM
Just wonder how long ago tex.Your not obligated to answer and I would
understand.Its been 6 years for me.Swam out of it 2 years ago
finally.Some ppl say no you didnt because ya still talk about it.I say I
did but they bring up subjects that I have to reflect back to make my
point.No pain over it no more.I say your right,dont hold it against
others eather.Trust till reason has been given to not trust.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/05/07 05:12 PM
LMAO, Bill I have been divorced for 15 years now. I can honetly say I
don't hate my ex we are on talking terms now. What happen in the past is
in the past. My past relantionships some ended on good terms some did
not. But I don't dish any of them for there actions for sometimes things
were just not meant to be. bigsmile