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Topic: Leftist bullies
krupa's photo
Wed 07/09/08 05:15 PM
I dig the way this Jeannie woman thinks. Right on girl!

I do gotta admit....an awful lot of what I read hear does seem a bit spiteful, in a really broad and generalizing sort of way.

There are good, bad and neutral people no matter which side of the aisle one may be on.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/09/08 07:51 PM

A few examples of the Republican Majority Congress's Pork spending!
(not like the one more that the Dems have in congress)

For example:

At $286.4 billion, the highway bill just passed by Congress is the most expensive public works legislation in US history. In addition to funding the interstate highway system and other federal transportation programs, it sets a new record for pork-barrel spending, earmarking $24 billion for a staggering 6,376 pet projects, spread among virtually every congressional district in the land.


One wonders what more Young could have wanted. The bill funnels upward of $941 million to 119 earmarked projects in Alaska, including $223 million for a mile-long bridge linking an island with 50 residents to the town of Ketchikan on the mainland. Another $231 million is earmarked for a new bridge in Anchorage, to be named -- this is specified in the legislation -- Don Young's Way. There is $3 million for a film ''about infrastructure that demonstrates advancements in Alaska, the last frontier." The bill even doffs its cap to Young's wife, Lu: The House formally called it ''The Transportation Equity Act -- a Legacy for Users," or TEA-LU.


Meander through the bill's endless line items and you find a remarkable variety of ''highway" projects, many of which have nothing to do with highways: Horse riding facilities in Virginia ($600,000). A snowmobile trail in Vermont ($5.9 million). Parking for New York's Harlem Hospital ($8 million). A bicycle and pedestrian trail in Tennessee ($532,000). A daycare center and park-and-ride facility in Illinois ($1.25 million). Dust control mitigation for rural Arkansas ($3 million). The National Packard Museum in Ohio ($2.75 million). A historical trolley project in Washington ($200,000).

$24 BILLION in bull**** projects like horse tracks, snowmobile trails, bike trails, and vintage car museums.

When we a) have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan without the proper equipment, b) a House Majority Leader who thinks the budget is so lean there's no fat to cut and c) (biggest of all) a major national disaster to repair.

The GOP used to be all about reining in spending (and cutting taxes). Now they are just about cutting taxes, and giving a free rein to spending (unless it is something that helps people, like the Heritage Foundation's suggestion of cutting Medicare and prescription drug benefits).

I'm sure there is a much better way to spend that $24 billion. Say, in Louisana? And not on historical trolley projects...



Conservative radio and press always talks about 'free-spending liberals', but the Bush Administration has them beat with all the money it has spent.

Of course he does, but you both are making it alright for what Congress is doing. Talk about party attack dogs.


FACT — CURRENT 110TH CONGRESS HAS CUT EARMARKS IN HALF: “As promised when they took control of Congress,” in 2007, “House Democratic leaders cut in half from last year the value of earmarks in the bill, as they did in the other 11 agency spending measures.” [New York Times, 11/4/07

01tim's photo
Wed 07/09/08 07:57 PM
of course lets leave out the part where Republican ran congress for six years. what did they do. gave tax breaks to rich oil company's. wasted billion on war in Iraq. to all republicans. people in glass houses should not throw stones.

keepontrukin's photo
Wed 07/09/08 08:17 PM
And everyone fights with each other,and keep at each others throuts, 'Its all the republicrats fault!'. 'NO! Its all the democans fault! your stupid!'. Neither party is for the people, Thay
Are only for themselves. the people in america dont want to do anything for themselves, Thay want the goobermnt to do everything for them, Then when thay are unhappy(of course) thay blame the 'SIDE' of the goobermnt thay think thay dont like, 'Its all your fault im unhappy'. Why dont all the people who dont like one party start doing everything for themselves, take over everything that the gov regulates, Then there wont be any more politicians Ruining things for them,
If thay dont like the way others do things, then Do it themselves.

no photo
Wed 07/09/08 09:15 PM

And everyone fights with each other,and keep at each others throuts, 'Its all the republicrats fault!'. 'NO! Its all the democans fault! your stupid!'. Neither party is for the people, Thay
Are only for themselves. the people in america dont want to do anything for themselves, Thay want the goobermnt to do everything for them, Then when thay are unhappy(of course) thay blame the 'SIDE' of the goobermnt thay think thay dont like, 'Its all your fault im unhappy'. Why dont all the people who dont like one party start doing everything for themselves, take over everything that the gov regulates, Then there wont be any more politicians Ruining things for them,
If thay dont like the way others do things, then Do it themselves.

Great idea. You can let the stock market crash too, I don't give a tinkers damn.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/09/08 09:20 PM

And everyone fights with each other,and keep at each others throuts, 'Its all the republicrats fault!'. 'NO! Its all the democans fault! your stupid!'. Neither party is for the people, Thay
Are only for themselves. the people in america dont want to do anything for themselves, Thay want the goobermnt to do everything for them, Then when thay are unhappy(of course) thay blame the 'SIDE' of the goobermnt thay think thay dont like, 'Its all your fault im unhappy'. Why dont all the people who dont like one party start doing everything for themselves, take over everything that the gov regulates, Then there wont be any more politicians Ruining things for them,
If thay dont like the way others do things, then Do it themselves.

Damn Ive got to learn this language.....laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 07/09/08 09:24 PM

And everyone fights with each other,and keep at each others throuts, 'Its all the republicrats fault!'. 'NO! Its all the democans fault! your stupid!'. Neither party is for the people, Thay
Are only for themselves. the people in america dont want to do anything for themselves, Thay want the goobermnt to do everything for them, Then when thay are unhappy(of course) thay blame the 'SIDE' of the goobermnt thay think thay dont like, 'Its all your fault im unhappy'. Why dont all the people who dont like one party start doing everything for themselves, take over everything that the gov regulates, Then there wont be any more politicians Ruining things for them,
If thay dont like the way others do things, then Do it themselves.

Damn Ive got to learn this language.....laugh laugh laugh

He is just a person who has crossed over from a parallel dimension. There are a view things a little different in his world. It will take some time for him to adjust.


Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/09/08 09:27 PM
Where's Buttons?
She's from Oregon. Maybe she can help!!!laugh laugh laugh

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 07/10/08 02:20 PM

Sounds like they canceled the scouts so they wouldn't be around the Rainbows which was a good decision.Did you want a bunch of boys around lawless hippies?

Anyway the Rainbows have a right to be in the woods like everyone else or is America just for Christian Right wingers?

I am a Christian Right Winger. Did not like the hippie movement. People have a right to be whoever they are, I just do not like the 'flaunting' of certain types of behavior.


Of course you wouldn't like the hippie movement. It was about "Make love, not war" You on the other hand like war. Almost all Christian right winger do. War is good for business.bigsmile


Watch it. That is a bit extremely bold of a statement, rhetoric and very bigotted really unless you have some evidence to show that 'almost' all Christian rightwingers 'like' war and is good for business.

Yes well this is a great example of what drugs can do to the brain. LOL

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 07/10/08 02:30 PM


You sure do love to name call and label people.

Leftist Bullies? LOL You make me laugh.

You know what that brands you as? That's right!

Right wing nut case.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

laugh Thats right.laugh I think she would fit in better in a right wing country like Iranlaugh

Lindyy's photo
Thu 07/10/08 03:43 PM

Have you become a shill for the Democratic Party now? A 'Karl Rove' attack dog?

Just keeping it honest!

The Republican Party is dangerous.
Dangerous for America's Reputation and security!

Oh, paranoia is still romping about in these threads!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh


t22learner's photo
Thu 07/10/08 03:45 PM
Speaking of paranoia, what happened to your Coultergeist thread?

no photo
Thu 07/10/08 04:22 PM

Speaking of paranoia, what happened to your Coultergeist thread?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh :thumbsup: waving

Tanzkity's photo
Thu 07/10/08 04:50 PM

Speaking of paranoia, what happened to your Coultergeist thread?

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/10/08 04:52 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

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