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Topic: Which is mostly the case?
Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:50 PM

Generally people suck. Mean ones especially.

Cynics Sucklaugh

but sarcastic cynicism seeks to sic cynicism on the cynics with a succinct strike saving souls from the soured

Oh sure... you say that now... :tongue:

Had to happen sometime for it to be a then....

and NOW...it's A THEN........VOILA.

no photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:52 PM
Mean people are just bullies!!!There is no exscuse!!j/m/o.

no photo
Sun 07/06/08 12:20 AM

People are mean out of ignorance? People are mean to protect themselves from having feelings and being vulnerable?

Pain has its limits, but there is no limit to stupidity.

wiley's photo
Sun 07/06/08 12:27 AM

People are mean out of ignorance? People are mean to protect themselves from having feelings and being vulnerable?

Pain has its limits, but there is no limit to stupidity.

Yes. Examples rear themselves up on a daily basis.

Jtevans's photo
Sun 07/06/08 12:30 AM
it's the government mind control! the government wants people to be mean.i don't know why but they just do....

wiley's photo
Sun 07/06/08 12:31 AM

it's the government mind control! the government wants people to be mean.i don't know why but they just do....

Good thing they still sell plenty of aluminum foil. I hear you can make a pretty fashionable helmet out of the stuff. Good for deflecting all kinds of mind control rays and impressing the neighbors with your elite skills.

Jtevans's photo
Sun 07/06/08 12:34 AM

it's the government mind control! the government wants people to be mean.i don't know why but they just do....

Good thing they still sell plenty of aluminum foil. I hear you can make a pretty fashionable helmet out of the stuff. Good for deflecting all kinds of mind control rays and impressing the neighbors with your elite skills.

oh i know,i've made 1 helmet and i've covered the outside of my house in aluminum foil

they'll never get to me!

no photo
Sun 07/06/08 12:35 AM

People are mean out of ignorance? People are mean to protect themselves from having feelings and being vulnerable?

Mean people are mean to block attention to the fact that they have their head shoved right up there......well,I'm sure you know where! They make others the object of attention so that nobody will stop to notice that they are the real bottom feeders of the world. Amazing they don't hang themselves with their head stuck there isn't it?

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 07/06/08 12:59 AM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Sun 07/06/08 01:02 AM
3rd Grade
Lee J. P***...the meanest BIGGESTnoway Neb. corn fed boy in class. In fact many of the 6th graders wanted nothing to do with him. He would push everyone around and tell them they needed to toughen up.

In the 70s there was the first push to integrate the special needs (before "PC" called retarded)kids into public school. In our class it was Darrin..a very sweet kid.

One day Darrin had to clean up a mess that he had made and by the time he came out to recess, we were lining up. Darrin was crying inconsolibly.

Lee J. went, put his arm around Darrin, took him to the front of the line, told him he was going to be King and lead everyone.
He did it all very affectionately. Darrin perked up. We were dumfounded.

It wasn't until years later that it was put together that nothing was good enough for Lee's father. He had to toughen up because it's a cruel world. He couldn't do anything right. He was dumb. The competition would eat him up.

In us he either saw unprepared soldiers (yes at 8) or the competition. He saw Darrin as the victim...himself.

So when you say mean people just suck...and unbendingly say they are just jerks...bullies...with their heads "you know where"..
make sure you are not posturing, saying they aren't good enough for change, being unforgiving, a bully,.....mean.

That would be just ignorant....or are you protecting yourself from something?

DestinysDream's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:09 AM
It's perception. If you ask a mean person they will think they were not being mean.

If they gave it some thought they may agree with your but they have the same level of intelligence so being ignorant is not a good excuse.

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:15 AM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Sun 07/06/08 01:16 AM
Not allowing for people to to discover the triggers for their behaviour and being so rigid as to say there is no excuse just dis-allows for any understanding. It lacks compassion.
It's judgmental in perception. It's mean.

Only the arrogant "have no excuse".

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