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Topic: Not a good start....
krupa's photo
Thu 07/03/08 09:47 PM
Just signed on. (Less than four hours) My first posting in forums lasted about 2 hours before it was shut down. No one swore or said anything negative.....

I am confused. Is this the normal thing for around here?

Strictly speaking as a newbie......seems hostile from the management. I mean, at least let me cuss if I am gonna get canned!

If not, tell me to move on to another site......

brooke007's photo
Thu 07/03/08 09:49 PM
it means they :heart: you

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 07/03/08 09:50 PM
Bye - Bye thread

eileena9's photo
Thu 07/03/08 09:50 PM
Your thread was moved to "feedback" is the second one in there right nowflowerforyou

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 07/03/08 09:54 PM
Yeah. It means that they :heart: you. They thought that your post was so special that they just had to put it in a special place. They only do that for the V.I.P.s People who have been here for a while don't need special treatment.:smile:

krupa's photo
Thu 07/03/08 09:54 PM

Is this the norm here? Like I said....been here about four hours so I won't lose sleep not getting to know you nice people.

I read that this site is pg-13.....does this mean I can't say "damn"? (Done that a couple times)..

Just honestly trying to figure out what I am w orking with..........

Queene123's photo
Thu 07/03/08 09:57 PM


Is this the norm here? Like I said....been here about four hours so I won't lose sleep not getting to know you nice people.

I read that this site is pg-13.....does this mean I can't say "damn"? (Done that a couple times)..

Just honestly trying to figure out what I am w orking with..........

its just that you forgot to put in your credit card :tongue:

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 07/03/08 09:59 PM
Oh, hell. You have already screwed up. The reprogramming people will be along shortly so I wouldn't worry about it. After you are reprogrammed you won't have a need to say words "damn". ( I have been evading them. Don't squeal on me. I have seen the effects the effects that the thought police have had on some.) I hope you are having a nice day.:smile:

robert1652's photo
Thu 07/03/08 09:59 PM

Just signed on. (Less than four hours) My first posting in forums lasted about 2 hours before it was shut down. No one swore or said anything negative.....

I am confused. Is this the normal thing for around here?

Strictly speaking as a newbie......seems hostile from the management. I mean, at least let me cuss if I am gonna get canned!

If not, tell me to move on to another site......
Read the do's and dont's before you post memorize them you will be fine

eileena9's photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:00 PM


Is this the norm here? Like I said....been here about four hours so I won't lose sleep not getting to know you nice people.

I read that this site is pg-13.....does this mean I can't say "damn"? (Done that a couple times)..

Just honestly trying to figure out what I am w orking with..........

I thought I gave you the correct answer......I guess I didn't, but check out Feedback and see if that is the thread you mean.

krupa's photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:33 PM
Edited by krupa on Thu 07/03/08 10:34 PM
Thanks Eilenna....but, if I can't simply be me....Then I am probably wasting my time here.

Best of luck guys......

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:40 PM
Poeple can be themselves here...just in the correct forums.
Get down and dirty in sex threads (never go there myself) and some words are definately not shown here.

We have rules, and sometimes break them and find out "oops" and go on.

eileena9's photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:46 PM
It wasn't pulled, just moved to what the moderators thought was a better forum for it, the feedback area, because it dealt with you getting paired up with yourself.

It's a slow night.....give this place another chance before you deactivate.flowerforyou

whow's photo
Thu 07/03/08 11:00 PM

because it dealt with you getting paired up with yourself.

Reminds me of an older headline from The Onion: "Area Man Accidentally Responds To Own 'M4M' Ad"

LIJOMA's photo
Thu 07/03/08 11:04 PM

no photo
Thu 07/03/08 11:54 PM


Is this the norm here? Like I said....been here about four hours so I won't lose sleep not getting to know you nice people.

I read that this site is pg-13.....does this mean I can't say "damn"? (Done that a couple times)..

Just honestly trying to figure out what I am w orking with..........

Damn, hell, bloody hell, and minor variations work. As long as one posts while suffering from fecal saturation, one will fit in perfectly. :banana: :banana: :banana:

DestinysDream's photo
Fri 07/04/08 03:43 AM
Another person making snap decisions. You will fit right in. laugh laugh laugh

Sluggo's photo
Fri 07/04/08 03:51 AM
Yeah, things have changed a lot around here....oh the good ol days in JSH laugh Not sure if it's running to another site over, after all it's just a cyber page on the WWW....

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 03:55 AM
HEY I resemble them good ole days Sluggo......whats up man??

s1owhand's photo
Fri 07/04/08 03:57 AM
moderation is only good in moderation....

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