Topic: Good and Evil
PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 09/14/06 01:48 PM
Can they exist separately or is there no such thing without the other?

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 02:01 PM
They define each other..BUt from another point of veiw.. the shadow from
a lamppost is but the absence of that light.. So is evil really
evil...or just the absence of good..Evil= nothing at all.. WILL

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 09/14/06 03:50 PM
True, they do define each other, and true, evil is the absence of good,
but the opposite is true..good is just the absence of evil..I don't
believe either can exist separately, since there would be no scale by
which to judge either one

HOTMOMMA's photo
Thu 09/14/06 05:10 PM
both of you are right but in the eyes of nost its a power strugal

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 09/14/06 07:52 PM
It's what your definition of evil is. The guys who flow the pains into
the Towers I'm sure thought they were doing good even though most of us
believe it's evil. So I guess you could say that one mans evil is
another mans good.


lionsbrew's photo
Thu 09/14/06 08:30 PM
well i think their is a deffinate line between the two but as obie one
kenobi said truth is all in the eye of the beholder yeah i know i qouted
star wars lol

amacree's photo
Thu 09/14/06 08:33 PM
i think that there is alittle of both in all of us it just depends on
which side u listen 2 on what comes out of u. that is what a persons
conchunse (sorry cant spell)is for.

MynDLash's photo
Thu 09/14/06 08:50 PM
no, i don't think that they can be seperated. as many of u have said
that they both (lie) within the other. it is all on how we precieve it,
as has been told. just think about it... what would the world really be
like without the other? how would we become as people because of it?

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 11:28 PM
they don't exist without each other in my opinion and without good and
evil there would'nt be religions either.

MynDLash's photo
Sat 09/16/06 02:19 PM
no worries, no sickness, no indifferences, everything would be perfect.
yep, we'd all be just one big happy

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 09/16/06 07:01 PM
Actually King..the majority of religions that have existed really didn't
discern between good and evil. It wasn't until the concept of
monotheistic religion came along that good and evil became actualized
concepts. If you look at the the Viking religion, if you died well in
battle, you went to live with the gods in Valhalla, if you didn't die in
battle you just didn't go anywhere, there was no real concept of a bad
place. The natives of North and South America believed once you died you
went to live with the gods, again, no real concept of another
destination for "bad" people. The idea of hell didn't show up until the
Bible: Satan and hell being the personification of evil..the only
religion I can think of that had a concept of "hell" was the ancient
Egyptian religion where they acknowledged an underworld but I don't
really know if they considered the underworld as an evil place like we
do with hell.

no photo
Sun 09/17/06 07:07 AM
alot of the earliest religions at least had some sort of concept on
positive and negative if not good and evil. they realized that if they
did not appease their gods that there would be negative repercussions. a
budhist doesn't believe in a bad place either but the religion is based
on reincarnation which basically says that you don't get into paradise
unless you life is worthy of the reward and if it isn't you are
reincarnated to give it another go til you get it right.
your right tho, not all religions are set up with the same kind of
concept of good and evil as the ones that have come along in the last
couple thousand years but most have a concept of it in some way i
believe. if you worship a god or gods, there is definitely always a
positive and negative aspect to the way that people live their lives.
most religions don't add up to much more than guidelines on how you
should live your life.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 09/17/06 07:29 PM
Why is nobody addressing the fact that one mans evil is another mans
good? If it is wrong to kill, as in the bible, then shouldn't a lot of
so called Christians have a nice warm place in hell waiting for them? Of
course they make excuses for the need to kill to preserve their rights
but I tend to think that hypocritical.

paterafan's photo
Sun 09/17/06 08:12 PM

Jimi366's photo
Sun 09/17/06 08:35 PM
We are multi-dimensional creatures.
If life were "all good" it would be boring.
If life were "all bad" it would suck and we'd have no
desire to live.
Good and evil exist together and in a way they
challenge each other. One is responsible for the
very existence of the other, and vice versa.
The bible doesn't say this,
but I would like to think that
instead of going to Hell people
get sent back here as many times as
they need to to get it right and
then they go to Heaven.
I could get even deeper-
who and what defines right?
what defines wrong?
In times of war the victors decide what's right and wrong.
In our system of government the government
decides what's right and wrong.
For example, in the US smoking weed is wrong.
In Holland and Jamaica and many other
countries smoking weed is perfectly right.
In times of peace, killing is wrong.
In times of war, killing is perfectly acceptable.
I feel inside that there must be
a universal, unchangeable right
and a universale, unchangeable wrong.

no photo
Sun 09/17/06 08:59 PM
Never happen; as people grow and mature; what was wrong when we were
younger may be perfectly fine as an adult. Survival, motive, are key
elements as well of human evil and good. GOD has always existed as has
electrical charges and IONS and NUETRONS and gases, etc, etc, etc.