Topic: Whats your views ??
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Sat 03/03/07 04:48 PM
When you are in a loving relationship,
and you both want to do something else,
Like the guy wants to eat at arby's and his lady wants to
go into a set-down restraunt, it would take more time, and more money
for you both to be done.
But YOU,,,,,are tired and just want to go home and sleep...??

The "YOU" here, is the Question, the ROLES can flip around!


:heart: :wink:

kntrygal1964's photo
Sat 03/03/07 04:52 PM
if it was me i would just say honey im tired can we just go home and
maybe pick up something to take home because if its a loving
relationship then he should understand that u are tired. not that i have
ever been in a relationship where someone was lovin like that but im
sure there are ppl out there somewhere who are lol

no photo
Sat 03/03/07 04:53 PM
crap---guess i'd better work on that---hmmm--

Lantz's photo
Sat 03/03/07 04:59 PM
Rock, Paper, Scisors...


lazyj321's photo
Sat 03/03/07 04:59 PM
If it was me..I would go sit down with my lady and enjoy our meal.. who
knows she might really like that and maybe help me fall asleep later..

Morena350's photo
Sat 03/03/07 05:11 PM
I'll say, communication is the key to everything
I will tell him, Im tired and don't feel well, can we do this tomorrow
or any other day please!! I will make it up to you

I think that if he does not understand that, then there is a problem !!
and I will tell him that also,,, that is a problem with me
because your not listening to what Im trying to explain to you
Im not feeling well and we can do this another time..

and if he does not understand that
then I will call him


jeanc200358's photo
Sat 03/03/07 05:34 PM
Well, if he was the one who was tired, I'd be more than happy to go to a
restaurant another day. I'd expect (or hope, anyway) he'd do the same
thing for me if I was tired and just wanted to go home and rest.

nurjoyce's photo
Sat 03/03/07 05:34 PM
I would just give in.
Appreciate the relationship I have.
Maybe ask for a massage when we get

Chuckee's photo
Sat 03/03/07 07:43 PM
still laughing at the "rock, paper, scissors!" whew, too funny.

LAMom's photo
Sat 03/03/07 08:48 PM
Babe,,, I love you so much and really missed you today while I was
gone,,,,, Ohhhh back to the question,,, Well,,, you and me home in bed
with candles and an awesome dinner for two...

Babe it is compromise,,, give and take if I were tired you would
understand and we would then do it another time,,, Vice a versa,,,


no photo
Sat 03/03/07 09:32 PM
AHHHH, I love you more babe,,but we can't let them know what we would do
here yet,,,shhh,lol
they must think for them selves or always be apart!! lol:heart:

LAMom's photo
Sat 03/03/07 09:38 PM
:heart: :heart:

Marie55's photo
Sat 03/03/07 09:45 PM
I would compromise, and go with what he wants and hope that the next
time we could do what I want, BUT, if it developed into a pattern then I
would point out the onesidedness - communication as Morena said is the
right way. I am all for compromise, as long as it goes both ways.

BillRoot's photo
Sun 03/04/07 03:08 AM
Thats the way I think Marie.If the other never wants to compromise then
its not a good relationship.Each has to give and take at different

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 03/04/07 05:07 AM
A relantionship is all about give and take like some said if it turns
into a pattern and they never want to do anything it is differnt if it
is just once in a while I would say fine lets just grab something and go
home and relaxe hummm nothing wrong with that sure they would do the
same for me.bigsmile

oldsage's photo
Sun 03/04/07 05:27 AM
I would talk about it, try to comprimise by making a date for a NICE set
down dinner. AND keep that date, no changing.

newguy's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:58 AM
In a truly loving relationship between 2 people that wouldn't be a
problem. You partner would already sence your condition and would want
to do what would be best for both. If he or she is tierd or not in the
best of moods...then a night at a sit in diner would not be very
enjoyable to anyone. Best to save that for a better night.

crazysillygirl's photo
Tue 03/06/07 11:34 AM
i dont need no stinkin cuddling with my guy

no photo
Tue 03/06/07 06:02 PM
Its so iroinc and wierd noway that almost everyone here on this post
is all nice and kind and about caring and communication and giving in to
the their partner.....

And I see this repeated on all the other post like this one....

Tell me o tell me, why is everyone single then?noway

All this good advice and lovey dovy stuff and your all single..... LOL
laugh laugh