Topic: Why is Religion Important?
Lord_Psycho's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:00 PM
Why do we need religion? Do we really need it each religion we have came acros to is really silly! Like Jews and muslims why so they have to wear all that stuff n hide their faces with beards?

kirk443's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:01 PM
personally i feel it is all just hoopaladrinker :wink:

Jokull's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:03 PM
huh Its not

kirk443's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:05 PM
it is hoopala and malarchydrinker

Neomagna's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:13 PM
Meh, I'm at the point at my life where I do believe in christianity, but I believe that as long as you are a good person, you'll do fine if there is an afterlife. It doesn't matter what you believe in.

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:17 PM

Why do we need religion? Do we really need it each religion we have came acros to is really silly! Like Jews and muslims why so they have to wear all that stuff n hide their faces with beards?

We do not need religion in my opinion.
What about Christians : some priests do not get married and abuse sexually some kids ......etc .
Religion is for those who live in imagination .

lifestooshort6's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:22 PM

Why do we need religion? Do we really need it each religion we have came acros to is really silly! Like Jews and muslims why so they have to wear all that stuff n hide their faces with beards?

We do not need religion in my opinion.
What about Christians : some priests do not get married and abuse sexually some kids ......etc .
Religion is for those who live in imagination .

sexual abuse happens outside of the religious arenas, also

trashing all religion on the basis of some people seems rather harsh and uncalled for

Religion is FAITH, not imagination, IMO

Lord_Psycho's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:48 PM
Religions are like cults! they bring u in make u believe in somethin to make u feel special then they tell u wat to wear n how to look.

lifestooshort6's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:49 PM

Religions are like cults! they bring u in make u believe in somethin to make u feel special then they tell u wat to wear n how to look.

you have a right to your opinion, i can respect that

willy_cents's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:53 PM
My religon is important to me. It does not matter what others feel or believe about it, it is purely and absolutely mine, and the creed I try to live by. The amazing thing I have noticed over my life is that, as people get older, and the problems of old age set in, they turn to scripture reading, start going to church, etc. The same seems to occur when they get extremely ill, and have to face the probability of death.

Almost as if they are studying for their final exam.laugh

Unique2468's photo
Fri 06/27/08 08:01 PM

Religions are like cults! they bring u in make u believe in somethin to make u feel special then they tell u wat to wear n how to look.

Are you familure with maslows pyramid? In psychological needs, it is important to have a group of people that believe in a common thing. This helps you upkeep the interest in the common thing. Religions are important for those that either have a hard time with spirituality, or need a place to go and or belong.

Why is spirituality important? Because there are many questions no one can answer. These questions can plaque our minds. Will so and so call me, will i get this job, what will happen now that my friends dead, how will i get through this crisis. Spirituality allows you to remove the burden. Psychologically it's a phenominon.

Whenever you create another personality, a fantasy, or what not, in order to cope, your pushing the troubles on that, so you can deal with it. With everything else at some point the pesonality, fantasy, or what not collapses. HOWEVER people who believe in a higher power (spirituality: mans concious contact with a higher power), have not had it collapse. In other words something is infact taking the psychological burden. At this point it can't be explained, nor linked to any single religion. The psychological benifits of believing in something and having faith are insanely high comparativly. Read jung. That doesn't mean religion per sae, but believing and having faith in a power greater then yourself.

Lord_Psycho's photo
Fri 06/27/08 08:04 PM
I worship Optimus Prime!

s1owhand's photo
Fri 06/27/08 08:08 PM
religion is part of the essence of humanity. through religious concepts we explore the meaning of life, our spiritual origin, definition of virtue and wickedness, ritual and aspiration. to be human is to experience these and other religious questions. whether one observes an organized religion or not, one is likely to wrestle with such questions at many times in life.

style of dress and content of religious texts and prayer are part of rituals many find conducive to producing the type of spiritual mood and mindset useful for reflection on these issues. how you dress or wear your hair has very little to do with your value overall as a person or your religious aptitude or sincerity be it wearing a cross, a star, or hijab.

the ethics and beliefs of most major religions are fundamentally similar and in harmony - none superior to any other. the source of religious conflict primarily boils down to ignorance, haughtiness, insecurity, and pretension. human traits to be sure, but none of these are promoted by any religion...espcially not ignorance...

meanmarthajean's photo
Fri 06/27/08 08:11 PM
Religion and politics....all a bunch of bunk! Peace and love and kindness and equality for about that? MMJ

lifestooshort6's photo
Fri 06/27/08 08:16 PM

Religion and politics....all a bunch of bunk! Peace and love and kindness and equality for about that? MMJ

right on, MMJflowerforyou