Topic: I think some of the women on here...
aLittleBird's photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:52 AM
I have no reason to be dishonest about who or what I am. laugh all you want, but it is me. If you read my profile, you would see that I have a link to my blog, which happens to have a photo of me too. Then if you compare the ones on my profile to will see it's me.

But, since I owe you no explanation, I will leave you with this wisdom:

life is short, don't be a d*ck.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:52 AM

Have you ever seen the movie "What Women Want." Rent it.

Some men think they have it all figured out. When in reality, it's quite the contrary. Everyone is different. I haven't met anyone that has "it all" figured out. Just plain and simple, it doesn't exist. And those who insist they do, usually have narcissistic character traits. noway

No one has it figured out. it's knowing how to see the one your with....

Amathyst2's photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:57 AM
Then perhaps you should edit your original post. Because it sure seems like a generalization to me. lol

TheShadow's photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:58 AM

My marriages were challenges! Also, not all women want the same things nor do men, its each individuals preferences as to how the world goes. If we all wanted the same things, wouldnt we all get along better and wouldnt the world be a boring place to live in?

yeah it's might be, but would we be growing or learning new things in life.

Everyone has ther preference, my who thing about this topic is, how people make things harder then what they really are. And they thing is, people are not hard to figure out. you just have to stop and take your time to get to know them and hope that there being real with you on the way.

rainysky39's photo
Sat 06/21/08 11:00 AM
That is what I mean, my husband was not being real. Abusive and a drinker. Most people cant be real because they are afraid they wont be liked for who they are so they put on the masks.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 06/21/08 11:01 AM

Then perhaps you should edit your original post. Because it sure seems like a generalization to me. lol

I wont, because this is where people need to learn how to look beyond. Most wont, they see what they want to see and not the truth. It's called open your mind and see whats around you. not always what infront of you...

TheShadow's photo
Sat 06/21/08 11:05 AM

That is what I mean, my husband was not being real. Abusive and a drinker. Most people cant be real because they are afraid they wont be liked for who they are so they put on the masks.

I agreedrinker

You know what, I really want to thank youflowerforyou for looking beyond what the post is and just expressing your thoughts and in your life as you see things.

WHY the hell can't more people do this. Is it really that hard and does everone have to look at the bad things just to express themselves on some post. Thank you for being you. This is what we need more of on the forum....

Amathyst2's photo
Sat 06/21/08 11:07 AM
I wont, because this is where people need to learn how to look beyond. Most wont, they see what they want to see and not the truth. It's called open your mind and see whats around you. not always what infront of you...

Oh I have an open mind. And I'm very observant to what's around me. But to make such claims that women are easy to figure out is a little unrealistic. But if what you say is true, then prove it.

Amathyst2's photo
Sat 06/21/08 11:16 AM
Game, Set, Match! laugh

aLittleBird's photo
Sat 06/21/08 11:22 AM
laugh laugh flowerforyou

TheShadow's photo
Sat 06/21/08 12:35 PM
Edited by TheShadow on Sat 06/21/08 12:41 PM

I wont, because this is where people need to learn how to look beyond. Most wont, they see what they want to see and not the truth. It's called open your mind and see whats around you. not always what infront of you...

Oh I have an open mind. And I'm very observant to what's around me. But to make such claims that women are easy to figure out is a little unrealistic. But if what you say is true, then prove it.

You say it's a little unrealistic. Is it really?

Nope, not when you know how to here what somone is saying. I mean really paying attention to the small things that matter the most. Communication is a big thing and not many know how to, that means knowing how to express ones self and allowing them to be who they are. letting that one come to you at there time when they feel comfortable in shaing. People don't stop and look at whats infront of them. There always looking away around things. I don't. I look at things for what they are. Have you ever sat down and had a conversation with a man and be honest here and look in his eyes and felt that he was seeing and feeling what you were seeing and actually feeling and you didn't have to say anything? Women are not looking for somone to take care of them. There looking for somone that will actually be there for them. Some that has an open mind to things and is willing to work for what they have. The min you cross the line and think that you have control of anything. Thats when it's lost, there is no one who wears the pants in a relationship. it's agive and take. But to me, it's knowing that i learnd how to give more then ill ever take. My whole thing is how i figure women out. it's in your eyes, your actions, how you persent yourself, how you take care of yourself. Just like men. You can be beautiful or attrative on the outside, but more ugly then anyone would want to deal with on the inside. I read people and it's not me saying i read your mind or anything like that. I read your heart, what you want out of life, where you plan on going in life and if i can can help in that. I will do it in anyway i can as long as it's not hurting you or anone else. just this post alone. there was only one woman on here that actually expressed herself and just her opinion and was not looking at negative side of things and that alone i can have more respect for because she wasint looking for anything or to try to prove anyone wrong. How you persent yourself on here is how i will and anyone else will see. So do i have you figured out. yeah iwould say i do. and it shows in your post.

Amathyst2's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:04 PM
Wow... Did you think of that all by yourself? laugh

I wasn't being negative. I was being a realist. All I have to say is keep telling yourself that. laugh This conversation isn't going anywhere.

Christinacospgs's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:11 PM

Have you ever seen the movie "What Women Want." Rent it.

Some men think they have it all figured out. When in reality, it's quite the contrary. Everyone is different. I haven't met anyone that has "it all" figured out. Just plain and simple, it doesn't exist. And those who insist they do, usually have narcissistic character traits. noway

I LOVE that movie

TheShadow's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:11 PM

Wow... Did you think of that all by yourself? laugh

I wasn't being negative. I was being a realist. All I have to say is keep telling yourself that. laugh This conversation isn't going anywhere.

When you get through enough of your sexuallity exploring and ready to be with somone. Then you will understnd this whole topic. Your 27 on a datting site. I was married at 27 living my life. I wasn't on a datting site. So if you have the answers. why you here? Ill tell you why, it's how your persenting yourself....

Amathyst2's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:21 PM

Wow... Did you think of that all by yourself? laugh

I wasn't being negative. I was being a realist. All I have to say is keep telling yourself that. laugh This conversation isn't going anywhere.

When you get through enough of your sexuallity exploring and ready to be with somone. Then you will understnd this whole topic. Your 27 on a datting site. I was married at 27 living my life. I wasn't on a datting site. So if you have the answers. why you here? Ill tell you why, it's how your persenting yourself....

My point is no one has all of the answers. That has been my point all along. I'll ignore the insults of the clueless.. laugh

hikerchick's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:24 PM

Wow... Did you think of that all by yourself? laugh

I wasn't being negative. I was being a realist. All I have to say is keep telling yourself that. laugh This conversation isn't going anywhere.

When you get through enough of your sexuallity exploring and ready to be with somone. Then you will understnd this whole topic. Your 27 on a datting site. I was married at 27 living my life. I wasn't on a datting site. So if you have the answers. why you here? Ill tell you why, it's how your persenting yourself....
are you really implying that she is not living her life because she is on a dating site and not married?

I don't think I have ever heard anything so rude. You don't know anything about her or her life.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:25 PM

Wow... Did you think of that all by yourself? laugh

I wasn't being negative. I was being a realist. All I have to say is keep telling yourself that. laugh This conversation isn't going anywhere.

When you get through enough of your sexuallity exploring and ready to be with somone. Then you will understnd this whole topic. Your 27 on a datting site. I was married at 27 living my life. I wasn't on a datting site. So if you have the answers. why you here? Ill tell you why, it's how your persenting yourself....

My point is no one has all of the answers. That has been my point all along. I'll ignore the insults of the clueless.. laugh

Amathyst2, why you backing out now. read your post. you started out with a question and i answerd it and you agreed and then came back in with an attitude asking to prove it. I did and you still went on from there. So before you post, think about what your saying and how your expressing youreslf. If this is you. this is sad...

TheShadow's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:29 PM

Wow... Did you think of that all by yourself? laugh

I wasn't being negative. I was being a realist. All I have to say is keep telling yourself that. laugh This conversation isn't going anywhere.

When you get through enough of your sexuallity exploring and ready to be with somone. Then you will understnd this whole topic. Your 27 on a datting site. I was married at 27 living my life. I wasn't on a datting site. So if you have the answers. why you here? Ill tell you why, it's how your persenting yourself....
are you really implying that she is not living her life because she is on a dating site and not married?

I don't think I have ever heard anything so rude. You don't know anything about her or her life.

Read before you reply.and that means the whole post. And if you don't know what i mean then ask me! not on the post....

Amathyst2's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:38 PM
That isn't proof. That is just a bunch of mushy bs. Granted communication is important. But when you think you can judge someone for what they are, you are mistaken. The only thing in life that is certain is change. People grow. Therefore they change. So to assume you know how to size a person up as to how they are and what they want in life isn't possible. It's mathematically impossible. But if you want to think something so absurd that's your business. You wanted a challenge on these beliefs and you got one. It just wasn't the answer you wanted. But I have expressed my convictions on this matter so I rest my case.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:50 PM
Edited by TheShadow on Sat 06/21/08 01:56 PM

That isn't proof. That is just a bunch of mushy bs. Granted communication is important. But when you think you can judge someone for what they are, you are mistaken. The only thing in life that is certain is change. People grow. Therefore they change. So to assume you know how to size a person up as to how they are and what they want in life isn't possible. It's mathematically impossible. But if you want to think something so absurd that's your business. You wanted a challenge on these beliefs and you got one. It just wasn't the answer you wanted. But I have expressed my convictions on this matter so I rest my case.

Thank you for reply with a honest answer. But it's not a bunch of mushy stuff. Because how many people do you know that even like that. Your a newbiew to this site and you don't know anyone on here, and if you read the post. I mean read it. you would of seen this was just for fun,Do you know me? no! did you care to No! You only came on here because you seen the word challenge. In your mind that ment ego. The thread wasn't ment that way and if you don't know. I think people should keep there opinions to themselves. You seen this as a game. The funny thing about it. It did turn out in one way i expected. That people don't look at things for what they are. They see what they want to see and run with it. Oh and the part about sizing somone up isn't possible.Sorry when there willing to share there life with you, it's a whole new thing...

Alittle suggestion, try reading a post before you reply and if you not sure on a question Ask that person. but there is a thing called respect, if you want it. you have to learn how to give it.drinker