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Topic: Help me fill in the blanks
Derekkye's photo
Thu 06/19/08 12:54 PM
Edited by Derekkye on Thu 06/19/08 01:27 PM
5 things that women are sensitive about that men should be careful in discussing with them

Female Respondents
1. pms grumble
2. friends
3. earnings
4. star trek laugh
5. intelligence
6. bra size

Male Respondents
1. weight
2. age
3. former lovers

YourLove1's photo
Thu 06/19/08 12:55 PM
their age

chuck366's photo
Thu 06/19/08 12:56 PM

5 things that women are sensitive about that men should be careful in discussing with them

Female Respondents

Male Respondents
1. weight

somewhatshy2's photo
Thu 06/19/08 12:56 PM

5 things that women are sensitive about that men should be careful in discussing with them

Female Respondents

Male Respondents
1. weight

izzie's photo
Thu 06/19/08 12:57 PM
how much $$ we make


ljcc1964's photo
Thu 06/19/08 12:57 PM
Who would win in a fight between Captain Kirk and Captain Picard.

izzie's photo
Thu 06/19/08 12:58 PM

Who would win in a fight between Captain Kirk and Captain Picard.
no brainer..

ljcc1964's photo
Thu 06/19/08 12:59 PM

Who would win in a fight between Captain Kirk and Captain Picard.
no brainer..

Oh I don't think so....

izzie's photo
Thu 06/19/08 01:00 PM

Who would win in a fight between Captain Kirk and Captain Picard.
no brainer..

Oh I don't think so....
its SO ON!!!!

picard would kick kirks azz twice before kirk knew what hit him!!!!

ljcc1964's photo
Thu 06/19/08 01:02 PM

Who would win in a fight between Captain Kirk and Captain Picard.
no brainer..

Oh I don't think so....
its SO ON!!!!

picard would kick kirks azz twice before kirk knew what hit him!!!!

No friggin way!! Kirk has the flying kick! And isn't afraid to fight dirty!!! Picard would be all bleeding and cryin' 'n stuff.

Derekkye's photo
Thu 06/19/08 01:03 PM
wouldn't picard just pull at kirk's hair?

Lily0923's photo
Thu 06/19/08 01:10 PM

Female Respondents
1. Intelligence bases on gender
2. calling women whores
3. Acting as if you know more because you have a ****
4. assuming that because I have a vagina I'm going to sleep with you
5. assuming that because I have a vagina I'm going to be flattered by you saying I'm...pretty, beautiful, sexy...
6. why over the course of 10 years I've gained 10 lbs, while in the mean time your penis has not gotten any bigger.
7. Asking "chicken again" when I have cooked every meal for the last 3 years.
8. Asking why your shirts weren't ironed the right way.

Male Respondents
1. how many beers have you had tonight
2. how good you are in bed, if not told the best.

izzie's photo
Thu 06/19/08 01:13 PM

wouldn't picard just pull at kirk's hair?
thats what im sayn...

and krk can move faster...

no wind reistance!!!bigsmile

lilangel2's photo
Thu 06/19/08 01:24 PM
bra size noway

no photo
Thu 06/19/08 02:45 PM

Who would win in a fight between Captain Kirk and Captain Picard.

We'll never know. They killed kirk off, but if it had happened earlier, he'd look at #1 and say, "Make it so".

no photo
Thu 06/19/08 02:47 PM

bra size noway

I'm never concerned about bra size. I know that the effects of gravity are inversely perportional to size, and while big is good, gravity is strong.

no photo
Thu 06/19/08 02:56 PM
telly tubbies vs. Barney

not sure but I think its gender neutral.

notboring111's photo
Thu 06/19/08 02:56 PM

bra size noway

I'm never concerned about bra size. I know that the effects of gravity are inversely perportional to size, and while big is good, gravity is strong.

I'm much more concerned about their knee caps...laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 06/19/08 03:15 PM
I like a man with good knees...:smile:

Blaze1978's photo
Thu 06/19/08 03:35 PM
Edited by Blaze1978 on Thu 06/19/08 03:36 PM

Who would win in a fight between Captain Kirk and Captain Picard.
no brainer..

Oh I don't think so....
its SO ON!!!!

picard would kick kirks azz twice before kirk knew what hit him!!!!

No friggin way!! Kirk has the flying kick! And isn't afraid to fight dirty!!! Picard would be all bleeding and cryin' 'n stuff.

Kirk would try all his cheesy '60s acting on Picard.

Unimpressed, Picard would retort, "Not good enough, dammit! Not good enough!", then phaser Kirk between the eyes.

Kirk would overact with his strange halting way of speaking until the very end. "Mr Spock...where...are you? dying...Damn you...Picard..."

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

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