Topic: Frustrated with restaurants
mickyjune26's photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:12 AM
I'm about to travel for work in a few weeks, and I'll be gone for a week.

It's really frustrating trying to find places (especially fast food) that will serve meals with high amounts of low-fat proteins and real complex carbs like real whole wheat. ...and do this at the same price as reg fast food ...and make it taste good.

With a mealplan that requires about 50grams protein per meal, it's always frustrating eating while on the road. I find myself eating a lot of almonds (BLEGH!!!)

Anyone else feel the pain here?

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:14 AM
just brown bag your own grubbigsmile

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:15 AM
Have you thought about buying food and storing it in a cooler in your car??? Cheaper and you can get the healthy food you like!!bigsmile

mickyjune26's photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:17 AM
Yeah, I usually end up just using up all my perdiem when I travel and order double-meats on whatever I get. A few times I've gone to the grocery store and bought cans of tuna.

It sure feels funny eating tuna in my room at a 5-star hotel, lol.

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:19 AM

Yeah, I usually end up just using up all my perdiem when I travel and order double-meats on whatever I get. A few times I've gone to the grocery store and bought cans of tuna.

It sure feels funny eating tuna in my room at a 5-star hotel, lol.

so just call out of work sick and dont go!bigsmile

livelife68's photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:20 AM
stock up on meal replacements/protein bars

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:20 AM
I kind of understand, I don't eat meat and going out with family and friends it makes it difficult to eat at a lot of places, especially fast food.

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:22 AM
Well U know fast joints are all the same.They quickly appease the mass gen.public w/greasy,unhealthy food(I use the word food lighty)Go w/GYpsy's idea so your not breaking away from your diet regiment.:smile: drinker

mickyjune26's photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:27 AM
Def gonna have to do the meal replacement bars. Anyone know of ones that have high protein, high fiber / complex carbs, but low sugar carbs?

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:28 AM
My son likes the Vector bars......but I have no idea whats in themnoway