Topic: about men
no photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:02 PM
SOME of us maybe.. I got this sisTER in reaLITY?? well.. let's just say
I'm SOOOO Glad I'm adopted.. cuz GURL.. she weighs in at like 350?? and
she won't be fallin in ANYwhere anytime SOON I tell ya..
eeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh!!! noway

they even made a SONG after her.. "BIG BUTTS"

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

sushi's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:03 PM
Know, Who ever said that God is a man? IT/he/she is an intellictual
force, a spirit. The Bible is written by man in a form that MAN can
understand--inspired by God or not. OOPS, better run. LOL

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:03 PM
not CUD dude.. more like DESERVE!!!! :tongue:

krowraven7's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:06 PM
sushi what ever..god god god..god head god in the manifestation of us as more semantics thats a nice way to get off the main idea..

you will submit. and you will like it.

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:08 PM
subMIT?? you talkin SUSHI or Z?? either way Krow.. VERY doubtful EITHER
of us will SUBMIT.. rite Sushi??

OMG sushi.. ya didn't abandon me did ya?? grumble

that's ok.. got me army ... *z stands firm in the face of this lil ol

krowraven7's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:10 PM
you'll like it and lick it..

Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:10 PM
dut ta da
defenders of the weak downtrodden under apreciated woman
everywhere!bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

My sister asked me one day
"Do you know why men name their privates?"
"NO", I said, "Why"
She said, " because they cant stand a stranger making all their
deciscions for them" drinker blushing blushing huh huh

herewego's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:11 PM
i know what i want.. in a guy

i'll be the first to admit i'm very picky.

and i agree with z.. submitting? doubtful

krowraven7's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:11 PM
yea mines named larry link

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:13 PM
you're not being very respectful krowraven7 and I'm really not enjoying
the way in which you're speaking to me at the moment.. I find it very
degrading.. could you please refrain from dissing me in that way?? you
do NOT have ANY Idea who I am and I do NOT deserver YOUR disrespect..

thank you

purplecat's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:14 PM
brain fart...........forgot the topic for a minute........
not much point in pointing out each others faults and wavin

LMFAO !!! finger pointing gets boring fast,,,,,,,,,,,ya guys are guys
and gals are gals ,,we are different in our own ways and that is what
makes it so interesting , challenging etc..
individuals have individual attitudes , expectations and so on ,,cant
roll it all up into a ball and say it is a specific gender that has this
kind of issue,,,,,,,,,see some folks takin some things the wrong way
here to ,,

this topic is a loaded gun waitin to go off in some ones face

safety first..........I'm outta this one............smokin

buttons's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:15 PM
fanta that was funnylaugh laugh

krowraven7's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:15 PM
if you dont submitt what happens is that you start a vicious sick power
play in which the man has to now deal with your fear..over and above
what is normal because you think that submitting to him is bad..and that
your going to be under his thumb..and your not going to take that one
minute..right?? well for ther harmony and scyncronicity to has
to be a leader and one has to be the help mate..if god came down
here..he'd be pissed and he start kicking ass..and the first thing would
be to take that piss and vinegar out of you ladies..because you don't
get down on your knees and ask god for peace...instead you continue on a
daily basis swinging that axx and hating..and wheres it got

karmafury's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:16 PM
Z, don't worry about him. Regarding an earlier comment, it's not that
you could use a good man. You deserve a good man.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:17 PM
really peeps, too serious!

Z, you missed my joke,, laugh, damn it!!!bigsmile bigsmile
smooched bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile
bigsmile bigsmile

Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:19 PM
Karma, I wasnt going to bring that up! I remember ppl telling their
secrets too.. LOL

karmafury's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:19 PM
I wouldn't want my life-mate to submit to me. Much rather have an equal

krowraven7's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:20 PM

herewego's photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:20 PM
krow.. i did the submitting thing for 15 yrs of hell. my ex used it to
his advantage.. he mentally, emotionally and verbally abused me during
that time. i don't think that was God's intent when he said wives be
submissive to your husband or in the wedding vows when it talks about
women obeying their husbands. i believe a relationship should be equal
where the man and woman share the responsibility.

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 12:21 PM
yeah but karma.. he's really upsettin me.. who does he think his is
being soo degrading like this.. well if nothing else he's showing his
TRUE colors and no GOOD woman in their rite mind would WANT to be with
him.. sheesh.. couples are COUPLES.. and if he reads the bible he shud
KNOW that woman was created AFTER the man cuz the man MAY have been
first.. but was a mistake and the WOMAN was the perFECTED version...

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh

sorry ..couldn't resist.. but yer rite.. DESERVE is a MUCH better word..
and one I'd RAther apply