Topic: One question.........
no photo
Thu 06/12/08 08:58 AM
Am I being lied too?

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:03 AM

Am I being lied too?

Christians don't lie!

Personally I have an unforunate problem I am honest some say to a fault...For this I apologize it just isn't right in a non-christian!

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:06 AM
No I meant when you questioned spider was he/she/it lying?

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:07 AM

No I meant when you questioned spider was he/she/it lying?

I knew what you meant...
Lie is a rather strong word.

What I know leads me to belief that someone is misinformed I would consider it very dishonest to be posting lies.

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:08 AM

No I meant when you questioned spider was he/she/it lying?

I knew what you meant...
Lie is a rather strong word.

What I know leads me to belief that someone is misinformed I would consider it very dishonest to be posting lies.

That's cool.

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:10 AM

Please cite sources on the new testament copies were available in 70 AD when the original books were Koine writen originally between 45 and 140 A.D..

Let me explain, I meant "books" of the New Testament, not the New Testament itself. That was my mistake.

You can read a little about the Historicity of the New Testament here:

The original copy of John is believed to have been written in 70 AD, but the oldest fragment we have is from between 110 AD - 120 AD.

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:16 AM

Please cite sources on the new testament copies were available in 70 AD when the original books were Koine writen originally between 45 and 140 A.D..

Let me explain, I meant "books" of the New Testament, not the New Testament itself. That was my mistake.

You can read a little about the Historicity of the New Testament here:

The original copy of John is believed to have been written in 70 AD, but the oldest fragment we have is from between 110 AD - 120 AD.

Well that's only about 34 years after his death supposedly for those times I would guess that was pretty immediate so I couldn't have been right about it being written long after the fact my apologies!

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:17 AM

1) Christianity is supported by prophecy.
2) Christianity (and Judaism) is supported by History.
3) Christian believers are usually dedicated to their beliefs.
4) Christianity has a very unusual history of documentation. In terms of the number of existing historical documents, we have more proof that Jesus lived than we do of anyone born before the invention of the printing press. There are close to 100,000 copies of the New Testament, some books dating back to 70 AD. With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the accuracy of the Old Testament was proved to be unparalleled. A document of that size with hudreds of years seperating the copies and only a few errors were discovered. None of the errors even changed the meanings of the verses.

However, the same could be said for other religions, such as the Ancient Egyptians.

(In reference to your numbered order :smile: )
1. Ancient Egyptians had prophets and prophecies as well, modern-day Christianity, there are no more prophets, unless looking at the Mormon branch of Christianity - in which case they do believe in a Prophet and that he is the mouth of god.

2.Ancient Egyptians are also supported through history, and have a more "scientific" leg to stand on, as much of their culture is still standing, touchable and preserved. Original writings and documentations available to be seen firsthand and read. For Christianity, it can not be proven (such as it can with Egyptian kings and queens, who were considered almost god-like in their stature, hence the pyramids and such to their honor) that Jesus actually lived, aside from the bible. Hence the reason many people have a hard time following the religion (for those wanting scientific proof). As to the religion and deities of the Egyptian gods and goddesses, no...they can't prove that they exist/ed, however we're looking at this from an angle of "1000 years or more from now" and simply comparing the "then civilization" to the "current ancient civilization" and on those religion can provide "unequivicable proof" that their deity is real. And on those basis...I believe that there is more proveable history for the Egyptians than there will be for Christianity.

3. The Ancient Egyptians were dedicated to their beliefs as well, and in fact, their religion WAS their state and way of life. Religion dictated every movement they made, how they lived, what they did...everything. Now that religion varied King to King, Queen to Queen as they implimented their own personal beliefs into the current beliefs of the time...but, in manner of how they lived...their religion by far played a much more direct role in their daily lives and etc than Christianity does with it's followers.

4. Ancient Egyptians also had a very unusual history of documentation, however...the originals are still intact and readable. Christian documentation has been altered and originals missing, destroyed or shrouded in secrecy to the point that the true existence of the documents could be questioned. And the Egyptian documents date back by 3-6,000 years ago, well before the B.C./A.D. timeline was implemented and used.

The reign of the Ancient Egyptian religious ruling was almost 3,000 years. Based upon that information and given the similarities in culture and could be said that 1000 years from now will see the end of Christianity as a mainframe religion and 1000 years from then would see Christianity as we see Ancient Egyptians today. Argueably an extreme influence on the people of the time, but outdated and turned into myth and bedtime stories.

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:17 AM

There are close to 100,000 copies of the New Testament

Either my memory is going or my prevous sourse was wrong, but it appears there are only 24,000 whole ancient copies of the New Testament. Sorry, my mistake.

cherub_girl's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:21 AM

4) Christianity has a very unusual history of documentation. In terms of the number of existing historical documents, we have more proof that Jesus lived than we do of anyone born before the invention of the printing press. There are close to 100,000 copies of the New Testament, some books dating back to 70 AD. With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the accuracy of the Old Testament was proved to be unparalleled. A document of that size with hudreds of years seperating the copies and only a few errors were discovered. None of the errors even changed the meanings of the verses.

I am interested in your source for saying this because it was the basis for me coming back to Christianity. I said in a previous post on a differant thread that the Bible was scientificly proven but got shot down cause I couldn't provide the source. "Scientifically proven" may have been a bad choice of words but what you wrote in point 4 is what I was trying to get at. I have read this in a couple of sources. I took a class through a church but I don't have the texts anymore. I also read it in a couple of books afterword but I don't remember what books they were and because I give away my books after reading them, I can't go back to my library and find it!!! ARH!!! SO until I find who I gave my books to and search though them, I won't be able to provide the source. HELP!!

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:27 AM

1) Christianity is supported by prophecy.
2) Christianity (and Judaism) is supported by History.
3) Christian believers are usually dedicated to their beliefs.
4) Christianity has a very unusual history of documentation. In terms of the number of existing historical documents, we have more proof that Jesus lived than we do of anyone born before the invention of the printing press. There are close to 100,000 copies of the New Testament, some books dating back to 70 AD. With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the accuracy of the Old Testament was proved to be unparalleled. A document of that size with hudreds of years seperating the copies and only a few errors were discovered. None of the errors even changed the meanings of the verses.

However, the same could be said for other religions, such as the Ancient Egyptians.

(In reference to your numbered order :smile: )
1. Ancient Egyptians had prophets and prophecies as well, modern-day Christianity, there are no more prophets, unless looking at the Mormon branch of Christianity - in which case they do believe in a Prophet and that he is the mouth of god.

2.Ancient Egyptians are also supported through history, and have a more "scientific" leg to stand on, as much of their culture is still standing, touchable and preserved. Original writings and documentations available to be seen firsthand and read. For Christianity, it can not be proven (such as it can with Egyptian kings and queens, who were considered almost god-like in their stature, hence the pyramids and such to their honor) that Jesus actually lived, aside from the bible. Hence the reason many people have a hard time following the religion (for those wanting scientific proof). As to the religion and deities of the Egyptian gods and goddesses, no...they can't prove that they exist/ed, however we're looking at this from an angle of "1000 years or more from now" and simply comparing the "then civilization" to the "current ancient civilization" and on those religion can provide "unequivicable proof" that their deity is real. And on those basis...I believe that there is more proveable history for the Egyptians than there will be for Christianity.

3. The Ancient Egyptians were dedicated to their beliefs as well, and in fact, their religion WAS their state and way of life. Religion dictated every movement they made, how they lived, what they did...everything. Now that religion varied King to King, Queen to Queen as they implimented their own personal beliefs into the current beliefs of the time...but, in manner of how they lived...their religion by far played a much more direct role in their daily lives and etc than Christianity does with it's followers.

4. Ancient Egyptians also had a very unusual history of documentation, however...the originals are still intact and readable. Christian documentation has been altered and originals missing, destroyed or shrouded in secrecy to the point that the true existence of the documents could be questioned. And the Egyptian documents date back by 3-6,000 years ago, well before the B.C./A.D. timeline was implemented and used.

The reign of the Ancient Egyptian religious ruling was almost 3,000 years. Based upon that information and given the similarities in culture and could be said that 1000 years from now will see the end of Christianity as a mainframe religion and 1000 years from then would see Christianity as we see Ancient Egyptians today. Argueably an extreme influence on the people of the time, but outdated and turned into myth and bedtime stories.

1) Please quote a couple fullfilled Eqyptian prophecies. If they weren't fullfilled, then how do those prophecies support Eqyptian beliefs?

2) Christian history contains a lot of detail, mixed in with their religon. Hindus and Muslims have the same, but their texts mention cities and rulers and people that never existed (as far as archeology can prove), but Christianity has continually been supported by history. One example is that historians didn't believe that crucifixion was done as described in the Bible, until a heel bone was found with a spike through it. This proved that crucifixion was done, but they still doubted it was as common as the Bible implied, since only one example had been found. This mystery is solved by the Talmud, which described a practice where Jews and Romans alike would take the spikes from the hands and feet of the crucified to use as magic talismans.

3) Christianity has a unique history of martyrs. Thousands of Christians went to their death in the arenas of Rome rather than kneel before Ceasar. Christians in many parts of the world are killed for their beliefs to this day. Ex-muslims risk death daily by converting from Islam to Christianity. Christians aren't just believers, they are remarkably willing to die for their beliefs.

4) There is no evidence of the alterations you speak of. The Bible isn't written on stone, it never was. The fact that 24,000 copies exist of the New Testament, when it is written on fragile material is a testament to the sheer number of documents which must have been in circulation.

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:31 AM

4) Christianity has a very unusual history of documentation. In terms of the number of existing historical documents, we have more proof that Jesus lived than we do of anyone born before the invention of the printing press. There are close to 100,000 copies of the New Testament, some books dating back to 70 AD. With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the accuracy of the Old Testament was proved to be unparalleled. A document of that size with hudreds of years seperating the copies and only a few errors were discovered. None of the errors even changed the meanings of the verses.

I am interested in your source for saying this because it was the basis for me coming back to Christianity. I said in a previous post on a differant thread that the Bible was scientificly proven but got shot down cause I couldn't provide the source. "Scientifically proven" may have been a bad choice of words but what you wrote in point 4 is what I was trying to get at. I have read this in a couple of sources. I took a class through a church but I don't have the texts anymore. I also read it in a couple of books afterword but I don't remember what books they were and because I give away my books after reading them, I can't go back to my library and find it!!! ARH!!! SO until I find who I gave my books to and search though them, I won't be able to provide the source. HELP!!

First, watch the videos by this guy:

He's an amazing apologist. In one video he will give many resources that will give you the facts you want.

From a documentary standpoint, Christianity is unique. That's not even debated in scholarly circles. Unfortunately, it is still debated in other circles.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:37 AM

Okay so the Ancient Greeks followed Zues and the Romans Jupiter.
We see their RELIGION as myth. So in 1000 years or more will our religion be myth?

Absolutely. It's already deteriorating at a phenomenal rate. The authority that it had commanded a mere 200 years ago is basically nonexistent in today's world already. For all intents and purposes the religion is already dead. All that exists today is a mere ghost of what the religion once was.

It will always be remembered. Just like we still remember Greek Mythology. People aren't going to just forget it ever happened. But as a religion it's passed on. The overwhelming majority of people who still claim to be "Christians" are no longer affiliated with churches. They have become "Designer Christians" The church is dead.

Many Christians are even used the term "Chruchianity" to refer to the organized religion anymore. And the use of that term is growing rapidly. They 'justify it' by claiming that "true Christianity" is a personal relationship with Jesus and not with a church. Even those people who deny "Chruchianity" often belong to small church of specific denominations. Entire congregations that denounce "Chruchianity" will denounce other churches whilst supporting their own denomination. We see this all the time. It just continues to become more and more fragmented.

That's fine and wonderful. But that would be like claiming that even though Greek Mythology is dead you're going to continue to have a personal relationship with Zeus on your own terms and you don't care about the larger organized religion.

Those kinds of individual "Designer Christians" will linger on for quite some time until they become such small groups that they can no longer financially support their increasingly highly-denominated churches.

It's kind of like Elvis fans only on a larger scale. They will cling to the old rugged cross for many generations, but eventually it will be seen as nothing more than memorabilia from a time gone by.

And rightfully so. flowerforyou

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:38 AM
Edited by Blackbird on Thu 06/12/08 09:41 AM

1) Christianity is supported by prophecy.
2) Christianity (and Judaism) is supported by History.
3) Christian believers are usually dedicated to their beliefs.
4) Christianity has a very unusual history of documentation. In terms of the number of existing historical documents, we have more proof that Jesus lived than we do of anyone born before the invention of the printing press. There are close to 100,000 copies of the New Testament, some books dating back to 70 AD. With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the accuracy of the Old Testament was proved to be unparalleled. A document of that size with hudreds of years seperating the copies and only a few errors were discovered. None of the errors even changed the meanings of the verses.

However, the same could be said for other religions, such as the Ancient Egyptians.

(In reference to your numbered order :smile: )
1. Ancient Egyptians had prophets and prophecies as well, modern-day Christianity, there are no more prophets, unless looking at the Mormon branch of Christianity - in which case they do believe in a Prophet and that he is the mouth of god.

2.Ancient Egyptians are also supported through history, and have a more "scientific" leg to stand on, as much of their culture is still standing, touchable and preserved. Original writings and documentations available to be seen firsthand and read. For Christianity, it can not be proven (such as it can with Egyptian kings and queens, who were considered almost god-like in their stature, hence the pyramids and such to their honor) that Jesus actually lived, aside from the bible. Hence the reason many people have a hard time following the religion (for those wanting scientific proof). As to the religion and deities of the Egyptian gods and goddesses, no...they can't prove that they exist/ed, however we're looking at this from an angle of "1000 years or more from now" and simply comparing the "then civilization" to the "current ancient civilization" and on those religion can provide "unequivicable proof" that their deity is real. And on those basis...I believe that there is more proveable history for the Egyptians than there will be for Christianity.

3. The Ancient Egyptians were dedicated to their beliefs as well, and in fact, their religion WAS their state and way of life. Religion dictated every movement they made, how they lived, what they did...everything. Now that religion varied King to King, Queen to Queen as they implimented their own personal beliefs into the current beliefs of the time...but, in manner of how they lived...their religion by far played a much more direct role in their daily lives and etc than Christianity does with it's followers.

4. Ancient Egyptians also had a very unusual history of documentation, however...the originals are still intact and readable. Christian documentation has been altered and originals missing, destroyed or shrouded in secrecy to the point that the true existence of the documents could be questioned. And the Egyptian documents date back by 3-6,000 years ago, well before the B.C./A.D. timeline was implemented and used.

The reign of the Ancient Egyptian religious ruling was almost 3,000 years. Based upon that information and given the similarities in culture and could be said that 1000 years from now will see the end of Christianity as a mainframe religion and 1000 years from then would see Christianity as we see Ancient Egyptians today. Argueably an extreme influence on the people of the time, but outdated and turned into myth and bedtime stories.

1) Please quote a couple fullfilled Eqyptian prophecies. If they weren't fullfilled, then how do those prophecies support Eqyptian beliefs?

2) Christian history contains a lot of detail, mixed in with their religon. Hindus and Muslims have the same, but their texts mention cities and rulers and people that never existed (as far as archeology can prove), but Christianity has continually been supported by history. One example is that historians didn't believe that crucifixion was done as described in the Bible, until a heel bone was found with a spike through it. This proved that crucifixion was done, but they still doubted it was as common as the Bible implied, since only one example had been found. This mystery is solved by the Talmud, which described a practice where Jews and Romans alike would take the spikes from the hands and feet of the crucified to use as magic talismans.

3) Christianity has a unique history of martyrs. Thousands of Christians went to their death in the arenas of Rome rather than kneel before Ceasar. Christians in many parts of the world are killed for their beliefs to this day. Ex-muslims risk death daily by converting from Islam to Christianity. Christians aren't just believers, they are remarkably willing to die for their beliefs.

4) There is no evidence of the alterations you speak of. The Bible isn't written on stone, it never was. The fact that 24,000 copies exist of the New Testament, when it is written on fragile material is a testament to the sheer number of documents which must have been in circulation.

2. Unfortunately this is where I must step in and stop being obtuse long enough to point out the fact that much of the bible is in refute in many ways due to translation problems, missing original text, and ignored texts contradicting or explaining important details. This is all text that you of course denounced on the other thread but is regardless respected by the rest of the world including serious scholars. If you are able to denounce alternate texts as valid then everything you post as being valid about bible texts because of the supposed authenticity of the pages loses all meaning here. It could be simple fabrication, invalid, or meaningless like the rest of the text you have denounced. Either the text of the times did exist in it's entire nature, or not at all. You fail to prove you are god, from the times of the text as a personal witness, or have any way of validating the truth of texts. Asking someone to post the book of the dead, prophecies, ect from the Egyptian history would involve pictures since it was written in hyroglyphics and this is a simple fact everyone knows.

3. The Martyrs you speak of are those that speak AGAINST christianity. For every Christian killed they in turn killed hundreds and thousands out of spite, profit, revenge, or propogation of the religion which is more than just cause for it's roots to be erased much as some of the roots of the Single Egyptian queen was erased for opposing what was considered proper during her lifetime.

4. Unlike your bible much of the Egyptian texts were written in stone, metal, or other mediums so that they would last unchanging for all to see without being edited because they were old and fragile and must be replaced allowing for editing. Since you yourself admited the original coppies seem to not exist you made his point rather well on this.

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:51 AM

1) Please quote a couple fullfilled Eqyptian prophecies. If they weren't fullfilled, then how do those prophecies support Eqyptian beliefs?

2) Christian history contains a lot of detail, mixed in with their religon. Hindus and Muslims have the same, but their texts mention cities and rulers and people that never existed (as far as archeology can prove), but Christianity has continually been supported by history. One example is that historians didn't believe that crucifixion was done as described in the Bible, until a heel bone was found with a spike through it. This proved that crucifixion was done, but they still doubted it was as common as the Bible implied, since only one example had been found. This mystery is solved by the Talmud, which described a practice where Jews and Romans alike would take the spikes from the hands and feet of the crucified to use as magic talismans.

3) Christianity has a unique history of martyrs. Thousands of Christians went to their death in the arenas of Rome rather than kneel before Ceasar. Christians in many parts of the world are killed for their beliefs to this day. Ex-muslims risk death daily by converting from Islam to Christianity. Christians aren't just believers, they are remarkably willing to die for their beliefs.

4) There is no evidence of the alterations you speak of. The Bible isn't written on stone, it never was. The fact that 24,000 copies exist of the New Testament, when it is written on fragile material is a testament to the sheer number of documents which must have been in circulation.

1. There was the Prophecy of Neferty, but, like any prophecies...they are fully subject to interpretation. Take Nostradamus for example...several of his prophecies could be for several different things, it's based upon interpretation. So, by those standings...prophets from Ancient Egypt could say something and it be used for interpretation by the King.

2. I didn't say that the entire history couldn't be proven or wasn't based in fact, just saying that the Ancient Egyptians have more that can be seen today than Christianity will have 1-2,000 years from now. Speaking more along their pyramids, the sphynx's, remaining buildings, written original texts..etc. As we're speaking of the original question "will today's religions be myth 1000 or more years from now, like we view the religions from ancient civilizations". I was saying that they were just as supported by history as Christianity is, and they still eventually died out and became myth.

3. Again, wasn't saying Christians are not dedicated to their beliefs, was just saying that the Ancient Egyptians were just as dedicated, if not their religion dictated every aspect of their lives. Christianity (and some other religions) allow for their followers to break from the mainstream and live their own life. It's not dictated to them and does not control each movement they make. Again...was simply pointing out the similarities between the religions...not saying that Christians are not devote to their faith.

4. I didn't say it was written in stone, but there have been several controversial articles written proclaiming documentation that was never put into the bible that should have been, that was removed by Priests aages ago because it was considered inaccurate. Those documents have since been found missing or still not included in an updated version of the bible or otherwise. The articles I'm making reference to were written about the same time that the Da Vinci Code came out and if you'll give me a moment I'll try to find which magazine I had read them from and provide a link. But again...I was not trying to say anything about Christianity, merely pointing out the similarities and differences between the religions, and using Ancient Egypt documents as example to provide quantity and age, pointing out that the original originals are still available for public viewing...and showing that this civilization's religion still ended up becoming myth and that it is likely (given 1-2,000 years) the same will happen with Christianity and other religions by that point in time.

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:54 AM

1) Please quote a couple fullfilled Eqyptian prophecies. If they weren't fullfilled, then how do those prophecies support Eqyptian beliefs?

2) Christian history contains a lot of detail, mixed in with their religon. Hindus and Muslims have the same, but their texts mention cities and rulers and people that never existed (as far as archeology can prove), but Christianity has continually been supported by history. One example is that historians didn't believe that crucifixion was done as described in the Bible, until a heel bone was found with a spike through it. This proved that crucifixion was done, but they still doubted it was as common as the Bible implied, since only one example had been found. This mystery is solved by the Talmud, which described a practice where Jews and Romans alike would take the spikes from the hands and feet of the crucified to use as magic talismans.

3) Christianity has a unique history of martyrs. Thousands of Christians went to their death in the arenas of Rome rather than kneel before Ceasar. Christians in many parts of the world are killed for their beliefs to this day. Ex-muslims risk death daily by converting from Islam to Christianity. Christians aren't just believers, they are remarkably willing to die for their beliefs.

4) There is no evidence of the alterations you speak of. The Bible isn't written on stone, it never was. The fact that 24,000 copies exist of the New Testament, when it is written on fragile material is a testament to the sheer number of documents which must have been in circulation.

1. There was the Prophecy of Neferty, but, like any prophecies...they are fully subject to interpretation. Take Nostradamus for example...several of his prophecies could be for several different things, it's based upon interpretation. So, by those standings...prophets from Ancient Egypt could say something and it be used for interpretation by the King.

2. I didn't say that the entire history couldn't be proven or wasn't based in fact, just saying that the Ancient Egyptians have more that can be seen today than Christianity will have 1-2,000 years from now. Speaking more along their pyramids, the sphynx's, remaining buildings, written original texts..etc. As we're speaking of the original question "will today's religions be myth 1000 or more years from now, like we view the religions from ancient civilizations". I was saying that they were just as supported by history as Christianity is, and they still eventually died out and became myth.

3. Again, wasn't saying Christians are not dedicated to their beliefs, was just saying that the Ancient Egyptians were just as dedicated, if not their religion dictated every aspect of their lives. Christianity (and some other religions) allow for their followers to break from the mainstream and live their own life. It's not dictated to them and does not control each movement they make. Again...was simply pointing out the similarities between the religions...not saying that Christians are not devote to their faith.

4. I didn't say it was written in stone, but there have been several controversial articles written proclaiming documentation that was never put into the bible that should have been, that was removed by Priests aages ago because it was considered inaccurate. Those documents have since been found missing or still not included in an updated version of the bible or otherwise. The articles I'm making reference to were written about the same time that the Da Vinci Code came out and if you'll give me a moment I'll try to find which magazine I had read them from and provide a link. But again...I was not trying to say anything about Christianity, merely pointing out the similarities and differences between the religions, and using Ancient Egypt documents as example to provide quantity and age, pointing out that the original originals are still available for public viewing...and showing that this civilization's religion still ended up becoming myth and that it is likely (given 1-2,000 years) the same will happen with Christianity and other religions by that point in time.

Erm...the other thread two questions he brought some up after claiming non existed and then instantly denounced them while still claiming no others exist...Second time he did this I believe.

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:58 AM
Edited by Scinn on Thu 06/12/08 09:59 AM

Erm...the other thread two questions he brought some up after claiming non existed and then instantly denounced them while still claiming no others exist...Second time he did this I believe.

Wait...what? Yah lost me dear...what other thread? A thread I was on or a different one?

Belushi's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:00 AM

Okay so the Ancient Greeks followed Zues and the Romans Jupiter.
We see their RELIGION as myth. So in 1000 years or more will our religion be myth?

Yes it will.

Christians are short sighted enough to believe theirs is the only way to enlightenment, so of course they are going to decry the degredation of their faith structure in the fullness of time.

It will of course be replaced by something else

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:02 AM
Edited by Blackbird on Thu 06/12/08 10:05 AM

Erm...the other thread two questions he brought some up after claiming non existed and then instantly denounced them while still claiming no others exist...Second time he did this I believe.

Wait...what? Yah lost me dear...what other thread? A thread I was on or a different one?

This thread was started in parrallel to Two questions for Christians in which he denounced all texts not contained in the bible as invalid. At first he seemed to think non existed because no historians outside of the bible existed and then recanted saying that some existed but were discounted as contradictory and thus inaccurate.

tried to email you to tell you to leave the G of J and the G of M out of this to avoid causing a heart attack. But alas I'm an old geezer I can't message you :).

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:05 AM

1) Please quote a couple fullfilled Eqyptian prophecies. If they weren't fullfilled, then how do those prophecies support Eqyptian beliefs?

2) Christian history contains a lot of detail, mixed in with their religon. Hindus and Muslims have the same, but their texts mention cities and rulers and people that never existed (as far as archeology can prove), but Christianity has continually been supported by history. One example is that historians didn't believe that crucifixion was done as described in the Bible, until a heel bone was found with a spike through it. This proved that crucifixion was done, but they still doubted it was as common as the Bible implied, since only one example had been found. This mystery is solved by the Talmud, which described a practice where Jews and Romans alike would take the spikes from the hands and feet of the crucified to use as magic talismans.

3) Christianity has a unique history of martyrs. Thousands of Christians went to their death in the arenas of Rome rather than kneel before Ceasar. Christians in many parts of the world are killed for their beliefs to this day. Ex-muslims risk death daily by converting from Islam to Christianity. Christians aren't just believers, they are remarkably willing to die for their beliefs.

4) There is no evidence of the alterations you speak of. The Bible isn't written on stone, it never was. The fact that 24,000 copies exist of the New Testament, when it is written on fragile material is a testament to the sheer number of documents which must have been in circulation.

1. There was the Prophecy of Neferty, but, like any prophecies...they are fully subject to interpretation. Take Nostradamus for example...several of his prophecies could be for several different things, it's based upon interpretation. So, by those standings...prophets from Ancient Egypt could say something and it be used for interpretation by the King.

2. I didn't say that the entire history couldn't be proven or wasn't based in fact, just saying that the Ancient Egyptians have more that can be seen today than Christianity will have 1-2,000 years from now. Speaking more along their pyramids, the sphynx's, remaining buildings, written original texts..etc. As we're speaking of the original question "will today's religions be myth 1000 or more years from now, like we view the religions from ancient civilizations". I was saying that they were just as supported by history as Christianity is, and they still eventually died out and became myth.

3. Again, wasn't saying Christians are not dedicated to their beliefs, was just saying that the Ancient Egyptians were just as dedicated, if not their religion dictated every aspect of their lives. Christianity (and some other religions) allow for their followers to break from the mainstream and live their own life. It's not dictated to them and does not control each movement they make. Again...was simply pointing out the similarities between the religions...not saying that Christians are not devote to their faith.

4. I didn't say it was written in stone, but there have been several controversial articles written proclaiming documentation that was never put into the bible that should have been, that was removed by Priests aages ago because it was considered inaccurate. Those documents have since been found missing or still not included in an updated version of the bible or otherwise. The articles I'm making reference to were written about the same time that the Da Vinci Code came out and if you'll give me a moment I'll try to find which magazine I had read them from and provide a link. But again...I was not trying to say anything about Christianity, merely pointing out the similarities and differences between the religions, and using Ancient Egypt documents as example to provide quantity and age, pointing out that the original originals are still available for public viewing...and showing that this civilization's religion still ended up becoming myth and that it is likely (given 1-2,000 years) the same will happen with Christianity and other religions by that point in time.

You seem to have taken an argumentative tone. I was explaining my point, not accusing you of anything. Points 2, 3 and 4 all start with you being defensive as if I accused you of something. I was simply making my point, I wasn't putting words in your mouth.