Topic: signs of the end
Countrygurl2wild's photo
Tue 09/12/06 10:41 AM
When the end of time comes, just be ready and right with Christ.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 10:42 AM
I would rather christ be right with me...: ) WILL

MynDLash's photo
Tue 09/12/06 01:19 PM
Sooooo uhmmmmm, what do yall think about the burning bush?
I think moses was smoking that shit!lol

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 02:22 PM
Many of the for telling of the end of times is in the old testament.
One of them talks about 12 armies will be encamped around Isreal. In
another it speaks that once Isreal becomes a nation again(happened just
after WWII) that this generation will not pass away before god calls his
children home. A generation is the life span of a human being. So a baby
born on the day Isreal became a nation again can live 120
years(predicted as we get better medicine and we have a few people 115
on this earth now). So it could easily happen during our life time.

As someone else said I want Christ to be alright with me. I do not
want to be one of those crying Lord look what we did in your name and
all our service to you and the lords says depart from me as I never knew
you. I want Christ to know me and know me well.

robj's photo
Tue 09/12/06 02:27 PM
im sorry you feel that way but im not ready to take over the world just
yet and you dont have my # on your arm yet [666] so dont worrie just yet

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 07:02 PM
i do beleive in an absolute truth but many people may not know the truth
yet on certain subjects. i do believe in perception though as well and
don't think that if you perceive something in a different way that it
necessarily means that you are wrong but some things are black and
white(not many). that is what we have facts and truth for, granted you
may not make the same decision that i have made in a specific event
because you perceived it a little differently than i did but it still
does not change the facts of what happened. you can't say everyone is
right we just perceived it differently because some perceptions aren't
based off of the actual events(truth). they are based on a wrong
perception of what happened in the event.

Wizardangel's photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:34 PM
Lightning from east to west.
Must be those northern lights.

I just take the bible for what it says.
Yet I still seek the absolute truth.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Wed 09/13/06 02:37 AM
ok..this may sound weird..but ever since I was a little kid, I've had
this almost innate knowledge that I would see the end of the world..I
can't explain it, but there have been other times in my life where I had
the answer to some problem that was wayyyyyyyy out of my range of
knowledge or education, there was no way I could have known and yet I
had the right answer or reason almost right away...One had to do with an
electrical formula my now ex wife's cousin had written, to build a
Jacob's Ladder, it wasn't working, and for some reason I went to look at
the formula and with absolutely NO knowledge of the subject I found the
problem immediately, he needed to use the negative reciprocal of one the
fractions he used..don't know how I knew that...the 2nd time had to do
with the law of hydrodynamics...again, something I never , EVER
studied...and yet when a ship ran aground in a channel it shouldn't
have.. I knew the reason right away, and once again a horrible train
accident in the town of Eschede, Germany, that claimed well over 100
lives, I knew right away the cause of the accident...THAT'S why I
believe I will see the end of time here... I just KNOW

MynDLash's photo
Wed 09/13/06 04:41 AM
Yeah, there has been alot of unusual things that happened in my life as
well that i had no knowledge of. And i know it's only hear-say but i too
think that the end is going to be alot sooner than what we think. I know
alot of the times when u dream it is suppose to mean the opposite or
something completely different; it's just that I've had way too many
reoccuring dreams on the matter. And many of them would come true before
my very eyes. It's some scary shit, it really is! But, to think of it,
it would make a good topic too!

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 04:49 AM
i'm sure alot of people have had a vision or deja vu before, it's
actually pretty common but alot of people don't realize it. you can post
the topic about supernatural occurences or something along those lines,
i think it would be interesting and i definitely have stuff to

MynDLash's photo
Mon 10/02/06 09:53 PM
yep...more B.asic I.nstructions B.efore L.eaving E.arth talk...
i just wanna see how much differently people perceive things from

ok just for starters...

first, what do u really think of God? what do u "think" he/she is? or
where did they come from?

genesis 1:1
if the world was without form and void; then how did the spirit of god
move upon the face of the waters?

genesis 1:6-10
proof of the lords prayer..."that earth shall be as heaven" (an
invisable replica) is earth really the hell we say it is or can we think
of it to be something else so as to save it!

genesis 1:26-28
"men and women" on the "sixth" day was created in "their" own image and
told to multiply, but adam was not created until the seventh day genesis

think about it! i'll have more for you later!

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:13 PM
Whenever I read about someone either touting about the End of the world
or similar topic I just keep posting this:

News FLASH!!!!

The world will end at 10:00 tonight.
More news at eleven.

I think that says it all. People have been saying that the world will
end since the time of the bible. I still see the Adventist posters on
telephone poles that they put up way back in the 80s about them
rapturing and the end of the world. Well, I'm still here. Unless you
people aren't real then I guess the world is still going on.
Astronomers are predicting that an asteroid is slatted to hit this
planet sometime. But they don't know when they just know it will happen
because it happened before in Arizona I think. There supposed to be some
huge crater there that hit the earth millions of years ago. But I don't
think we have to worry about that for many generations to come.

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:20 PM
i think the only way that i can explain my feelings toward GOD and the
afterlife is the existence of spirits. i know not everyone believes but
i truly believe that our physical body is only a shell and that our soul
is our true life force. think about what it would be like if our souls
existed without a body. i don't get into science fiction much but there
was a movie i saw onetime that involved some aliens from another planet
and when they got here they had to occupy a body but on their own planet
they existed without a body. kinda like the idea of a GOD. a complete
entity without the physical form.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:34 PM
I have to say that I do believe the Bible, it IS a history, just like
any other history we read, just older lol...having said that, I don't
think we can take the Bible literally word for word, not that the
histories aren't true, just that it was originally written in Arameic, a
language about 3 ppl on the entire planet can decipher..And as
trasnlation after translation was written, certain meanings got lost or

As far as the end times go..we're seeing them happen right before our
very eyes. Even when the Bible talks about an increase in natural
disasters...are we really seeing an increase, or is it because man has
spread all over the globe, and is routinely affected by them? Not to
mention the fact we have almost instant news is there really
more, or are we just hearing about more because of population placement
and technology? and in that case does it really matter because one can
interpret it to mean there is still an increase?
War, pestilence, famine and disease are already at work, and the plagues
are trying their darnedest to break out(Bird Flu, West Nile) to name a
couple. The armies of the 12 tribes are gathering closer and closer to
Isreal..and the final one that says," the nation/state that plays the
worlds protector will be the one that brings the world's end"...the
beast from the east? it's either North Korea or China(personally I think
it'll be China, and if you saw some the pictures of their military that
I've seen you'd be worried)..They have more front line fighters and the
pilots to fly them then the entire US military has in the way of combat
personnel for all services...if anyone doubts the validity of the Bible,
compare the book of revelations with what's going on today..scary shit
One last thing I believe..I think the largest living organism on this
planet is the Earth's outer crust where we all live...The oceans are its
circulatory system and the rain forests are the lungs...we are ripping
out our planets ability to breath and provide us the oxygen that's
required for us to survive...all in the name of fast food..Considering
we think ourselves the most intelligent life on this planet..we sure are
a bunch of stupid fuck ups.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:38 PM
Hey King

What makes us different from animals?

I don't see any difference other than the level of intelegence. I
believe we are desendents from them at some form or other. For one thing
I guess you could say some humans aren't decendents from animals by the
stupid things that they do. Animals don't usually do stupid thing like
some of the things I've seen people do. Just check out my later post
about the Darwin Awards ( We salute the improvement of the human genome)
and tell me they are like us.LOL

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:44 PM
you know what makes us different from animals? opposable thumbs and the
ability to make fire lol

MynDLash's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:46 PM
lol, i like that, we r a bunch of fuk up's! but, it's not so much the
end that scares me but more so the fact of destroying the world and all
of it's beauty, such as when u see a couple holding hands or kissing, or
when something in nature just catches ur eye and u become mezmerized by
it, that's what's so beautiful and great about our world when we can
work together to make it better. i look at earth as our mother, our all
giving life and womb, it is her that protects us and we're rapeing and
killing her! draining her of all that she loves including us! we will be
the end of our own kind. just as the dinosaurs did we will prove
ourselves unworthy of another reign on life.

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:46 PM
i'm the wron person to ask recon because i agree with animals last
statement about the human race. there isn't much more difference except
that we have a thumb and we were given the ability to move past our
animal instincts to try and achieve a higher plane, we are definitely a
work in progress. i don't have anything against the teory of evolutuion
but i know for a fact that humans are along way away from what is
possible for the human race.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:54 PM
" earth as our mother, our all
giving life and womb, it is her that protects us and we're rapeing and
killing her! draining her of all that she loves including us"


That sounds like what women describe what being preagnent is like.LOL

MynDLash's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:59 PM
lol, yea some us would probally aggree with u, along with the fukn'
back pain too! lol