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Topic: Fight for Freedom....
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Mon 09/11/06 05:49 PM

GOD Bless:

.....The victims in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania
.....The Families
.....The Police (NYPD)
.....The Firefighters (NYFD)
.....The brave Americans that resisted over PA.
.....The Armed Forces at home
.....The Armed Forces abroad fighting Islamic tyranny
.....The United States of America

Pray for

.....all of the above, plus our leaders in Washington, reguardless of
political affiliation, to do the right thing in protecting our country,
and our allies, and to snuff out the threat of terror, tyranny, jihad,
communism, fascism in the United States and around the globe....and

MynDLash's photo
Mon 09/11/06 09:33 PM
you got to fight for it or we'd become another push over country as is
most of the other worlds. I don't believe in war; though, many of our
good men have willingly went into battle to help, not to indorse means
of a better living. I remember very well, that awful day. I was pregnant
then and watching that plane fly directly into that building and all
those horrified people jumping out of the buildings just made me sick,
litterally! The day after my babies daddy left me two months along. It
really did feel like the world was coming to an end. But, this isn't
about me. It's about how beautifully we came together as a people then
and now, we still need to! I know I can't speak for everybody(i didn't
lose anyone there)(but my heart is with them and still is) But, if it
were me i'd say enough is enough. It's hard as it is knowing that u'd
lost someone why celebrate/remember it every year from then?! We'd never
forget it. But, it's time to move on. My prayers too are with all of
those who had lost and is lost. GODSPEED AND BLESSED BE! AMEN!

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 09:39 PM
ideally you'd like to find another solution besides war but the cold
fact is that war is sometimes necessary and some people will not sit
down and talk until you completely destroy them and even then i think
it's only because they didn't want to take the beating any longer and
figure d talking was better than dying.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 09/12/06 12:09 AM
what disgusted me the most besides the attack was my Canadian govt's
reaction to it took our goddamm asshole Prime Minister 6 MONTHS
to finally visit the site, he completely denied the possibility of any
of the terrorists having come across from Canadastan, knowing full well
we have the most LAX immigration policy on the planet, and when Bush
went to war in Iraq, our gov't didn't have to agree with him..but they
sure as hell coulda been a lot more diplomatic and tactful about it. I
just want you to know, that MANY Canadians did what they could to help
after that despicable act by a bunch of fkin cowards, from sending food,
or water or money, to actually going to NY to volunteer. Several of our
brave fire and police personnel took their vacation to go to NY to try
and do what they could. Despite what our 2 nations leaders think about
each other, Canada's people will always be there to give what help or
aid we can. And just one last thing, we might not be militarily
supporting your troops in Iraq directly, but Canadian soldiers are
getting killed daily in Afghanistan to free up US troops for Iraq. We
may not be a powerhouse, but on or off the record, we'll always be
behind you.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 12:21 AM
alot of people from all different backgrounds and countries really
united in solidarity when that happened and i wonder sometimes why it
can't always be that way. why should someone allow a nasty , mean person
to have control and get their way all the time. people think it's easier
to give in than to put up with the bullshit, i think we should spend
more time spanking their ass and getting them to play by the standards
for everyone else. i'm tired of slackers getting everything handed to
them because they cry about it and when you don't, all of a sudden
you're the asswhole.
as far as canada is concerned, there aren't alot of them over there but
there are more than they had to send so people should be grateful
because it is not there war. i just saw the new armoured vehicles that
they are sending over for the troops and they look great and will be
appreciated what with the condition of alot of the vehicles there now
that have been in the war(they take a huge pounding in a short amount of
time). they look like a vw thing but are bullet and blast resistant
which will help greatly.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 09/12/06 01:17 AM
for once I think I gotta disagree with ya king..the war in Iraq isn't
OUR war, but the war in Afghanistan is EVERYBODY'S war..those fuckers
are going after everyone and you do NOT wanna hear my views on what they
should do with the ones they capture..The reason Iraq is the US and
Britain's war is cuz you guys created that situation in the 1st place
during the Iran/Iraq war..the US gave Iraq the apparatus and raw
materials to make bio-chem weapons and the Brits sent the scientists to
show em how to put it all together and make the shit, which I believe I
covered elsewhere in this forum..there is ONE thing I think bears
mentioning tho and Iraq is just one example of it, but...the US is it's
own worst enemy sometimes, and when I say that I mean that too many
times the US has tried to gain allies on the axiom that "the enemy of MY
enemy must be my friend". WW2 is a prime example. The US decided it
needed Russia to help defeat Germany and I'm sad to say but Stalin
played Roosevelt like a fiddle. In the end, all those brave men died for
NOTHING. All that got accomplished was parts of Europe were freed from
one despot and handed over to another even more evil despot. And yes,
Stalin was far worse than Hitler ever was, just that Hitler was dumb
enuff to document his evil doings. And look what happened after, some 50
years of cold war bullshit. Then there was the Russian invasion of
Afghanistan, where the US sent CIA "advisors" and weapons to help Bin
laden and the taliban, and now Iraq. Don't get me wrong, there is no
doubt that the US is the good guy, or certainly tries to be. They are
the 1st country to help another nation, whether it's to help it fight
for its freedom or relief from a natural disaster or whatever..BUT, I
have to ask myself and I think it's a valid question, would the troops
still be there today if Iraq's major export was rocks and sand???

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 04:52 AM
i don't think they would be there(in iraq)if not for the oil and i
think(just my opinion)it had something to do with what happened over
there while his dad was in office, i understand and appreciate the
afghanistan comment, the only thing that i meant by it not being anyone
elses war is that the strike happened on us soil so nobody else really
had to stand with us in afghanistan. i would thank every one that did
though because it made a huge statement that society won't stand for
cowardly terrorist attacks on anybody. you are also right about the us
foreign policy of helping rebel fighters, look how many times it has bit
us in the ass. the taliban in afghanistan is not the first time it has
happened and won't be the last either. iraq has been complaining that we
won't leave but their government doesn't want us to leave yet because
their army and police can't handle the situation. so what do we do, arm
them and train them to stand on their own all while they are fighting
each other still(more killings between the mulims right now than between
soldiers and terrorists). you know not long after we leave there will be
a civil war and i'm sure some of the weapons that we supplied them with
will be pointed back at us.

JusKat58's photo
Tue 09/12/06 05:36 AM
Damn, I love smart, passionate men!

Thanks, stlram72, for starting this thread.

MynDLash's photo
Tue 09/12/06 07:02 AM
PA#9 is right, it isn't just our war! Those evil ass bastards have no
regaurds to or for anyone not even GOD! He who they say they are
fighting for. In my opinion God does not want war! He just wants what's
best for all of us as people. The terrorists not only struck here but
everywhere and that's why it has become nation against nation and
probally soon will be world wide war all over again. Let's as a people
stand together and make things right for our children; so they don't
have to live in such teirny. And kb u are too about soon enough they
will be pointing the weapons right back at us. They never quit. War is
just a childs game taken out of control for control.

JusKat58's photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:27 AM
I'm sorry for you that you believe war is a child's game out of control.
If you saw the number of funerals just here at Ft. Bragg, you'd realize
how serious the war against terrorism truly is.

MynDLash's photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:43 AM
I Know how serious the war on terrorism is and I believe it to be a good
thing so as to prevent them from doing it again. And I believe no matter
which political party you are, when the voting is done it is done and
you should back your president on what ever he/she has to say even
though at times u might not. BUSH IS OUR PRESIDENT and I back him 100
and then some percent. And still, believe he's doing the absolute best
he can to cease and desist the war on terrorists. Imean how many of our
previous leaders had given a warning that we were coming? None that I
know of. And about the childs game that's just how I look at war in
general, it's nonsense.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:47 AM
i am willing to back bush because it is a hard job and mistakes will be
made but i shouldn't have to just eat up all the bullshit that they try
to feed us. he made mistakes, yes and you have to accept that but i
really don't like people trying to mislead me, especially the way he
tried to do

MynDLash's photo
Tue 09/12/06 08:54 AM
u have ur own opinion and i aggree but, it has alot to do with the
counsel because in general "they" are the ones who really makes the
discions on everything. bush and all the others have to listen to them.
cuz supposedly it is them that represent the people.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:02 AM
it depends on what you're talking about. he has advisors but he doesn't
have to listen to them. he is the president and in the situations that
i'm talking about, it was his decision. i ain;t gonna hold it against
him and i hope that he finishes out his term on a positive note but i'm
not gonna listen to someone blow smoke. we had 3 or 4 reasons why we
went into iraq and none of them are true and they knew that before we
went in. it just seemed funny that everytime a story got out how it
wasn't true there was a more noble excuse right behind it.

MynDLash's photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:09 AM
right, who's to say that bin laden isn't already here. well, that's what
alot of people think anyway. I wouldn't even be surprised if he had a
double and is dead under a pile of rubbage somewhere over there. I MEAN
he masterminded all of this who's to say he didn't take this into
consideration. got a face job/whatever. "a man of power and money" can
do anything.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:17 AM
i've heard alot of rumors. like he was captured long ago and they are
holding him til the election to raise his approval ratings(he can't run
again tho),he was living in the united states, he was killed and all the
video tape was shot before he died. there's a ton of it. they said that
he was actually captured back when clinton was in office but he would
not give the order so they let him go. you never know with thes things,
he'll turn up somewhere though,he's not dead.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:23 AM
you know though, he might have died in one of the cave bombings. his
followers would never allow us to find the body if he did. they are
saying the same things about castro right now because he went to the
hospital because he was sick. they said that he was dying and the tapes
were prerecorded incase he died so that people would not revolt or to
keep from being taken over

MynDLash's photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:50 AM
rite, it's all the media's fukn fault. they always want to take things
out of porportion and tell only one side of the story only to make the
cover. there was this one story about this soldier who called into one
of those talk shows and told them that and that he's proud to be over
there helping those people that they all aren't what most of us thinks
but, are really very grateful for us being there. he went on to say that
he's a part of adopt a soldier program and those that adopted him asked
if there was anything they could do for him... he said no, but there is
people here who needs clothes and what not because they had lost
everything. so go to show u there's alot of shit goin on that we don't
know about. AND I think they already have him too but, is
holding(torturing)him for more info on how to get the rest of em'

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:07 PM
"Damn, I love smart, passionate men!

Thanks, stlram72, for starting this thread."

You're welcome JusKat......

....ya'll have made good points on all sides, but let me be blunt.
Whether you are Christian or Jew, (or atheist for that matter), black,
white, hispanic, the US, Canada, Japan, France, doesn't matter, these evil bastards want to dominate
(actually eleminate) Western Civilization.

It's Islamic fascism.....pure and simple.

Anyone remember that Adolf Hitler wrote Mein Kampf? About 1929? In it
he spelled out his black and white for all to see. Europe
APPEASED him. America hated him but did nothing. (until Japan brought
it here) Even Russia "dealt" with him at first. The rest is
history....about 60-70 million dead people later. And he damn near

They have a plan. (Islamic fascists.)

They make it no secrect they want to destroy Israel and Western

....just another crazy bunch of towel heads?

I think not.

It's Iran, they are the mastermind. Syria has fallen into step. Lebanon
is halfway there. Behind the scenes, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, UAE,
Pakistan, Indonesia, Sudan, Turkey, countries under former Soviet
control (like Uzbekistan).....the list goes on...they are all in this.
The reason Bush went into Iraq is because they want to make Baghdad the
capital of this Islamic power belt from Spain to Indonesia. Baghdad is
Babylon.....don't you people get it? Iraq is the cradle of
civilization. Abraham is from Iraq (Chaldeans) Eden was in Iraq.
Civialization sprang and grew from the Middle East, and the deciding end
will happen there. Even if you don't believe in Jesus, you have to ask
yourself......why always this turmoil in the Middle East?

I mention Spain. Hah. Remember the Moors? Islamic. Ruled a good
swath of Spain for a long time. And what was once Islamic, is ALWAYS
Islamic according to their views. Wonder if there is any coincedence
that Madrid, Spain had a major terrorist attack?....they'll be comming
for Spain too....mark my words.

Back to Adolf Hitler and European APPEASEMENT. Kinda sounds like the
same thing today.......only fast forward 30 years. Wait? Only 30
years? Yeah, Sept 11, 2001 was 5 years ago, but the UN, Europe, and
everyone else has been "appeasing" these bastards since the 1960's.
Europe invented and perfected the art of stroking off the genitalia of
tyrants to appease them.....but even our beloved America is guilty.

It's not going end folks. There will be wars. There will be peace, but
it will be false, temporary peace. We are in the end times. But
ultimately, Almighty God will crush satanic Islam once and for
all.......unfortunately many will suffer until that day comes......

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 09:15 PM

"Imean how many of our
previous leaders had given a warning that we were coming? None that I
know of."

William Jefferson Clinton knew all too well about Bin Laden and the
terror's well documented. He didn't have the balls to
attack him. Literally, we could have reached out and grabbed Bin sad.....

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