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Topic: The only way John McCain can become President.
mnhiker's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:41 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Fri 05/30/08 08:42 PM
The only way John McCain can win.

1. By repudiating the Bush Administration.

In doing this, he presents himself as the maverick
many people have known him to be in the past,
someone who is not afraid to stand up to the status quo,
and can offer new ideas.

2. By rejecting special interest money.

In doing this, he will show that he is not beholden
to them and will make his own decisions on what is
best for the country.

After all, he helped craft McCain-Feingold, a bipartisan
campaign finance bill.

3. Embrace the middle and reject the right-wing extremists
in his party.

This way, he can draw in more Independents and conservative Democrats.

4. Clearly define his ideas on the economy, health care,
bringing home the troops and other issues.

This way, he can successfully debate and compete
with whomever is selected as the Democratic candidate.

I believe that most Americans are moderates, not too much to
the left or right.

The one who becomes President will get their votes.

CleanBathroom's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:46 PM
He had my vote in 2000 because of these ideals. Then, Karl Rove unraveled on him and screwed us all.

mnhiker's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:47 PM

He had my vote in 2000 because of these ideals. Then, Karl Rove unraveled on him and screwed us all.

explode mad Karl Rove mad explode

The devil has a special place in hell reserved for him.

Rzrback's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:48 PM
Pretty sad state we find ourselves in. Plight of the white male in modern day america.....

CleanBathroom's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:49 PM
Edited by CleanBathroom on Fri 05/30/08 08:49 PM

He had my vote in 2000 because of these ideals. Then, Karl Rove unraveled on him and screwed us all.

explode mad Karl Rove mad explode

The devil has a special place in hell reserved for him.

He and Scooter have a table of Texas Hold 'Em set aside there.

mnhiker's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:51 PM

He had my vote in 2000 because of these ideals. Then, Karl Rove unraveled on him and screwed us all.

explode mad Karl Rove mad explode

The devil has a special place in hell reserved for him.

He and Scooter have a table of Texas Hold 'Em set aside there.

laugh laugh laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:51 PM


flowerforyou Does this make you wonder where Senator John McSame's loyalty lies??flowerforyou

willy_cents's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:53 PM

The only way John McCain can win.

1. By repudiating the Bush Administration.

In doing this, he presents himself as the maverick
many people have known him to be in the past,
someone who is not afraid to stand up to the status quo,
and can offer new ideas.

2. By rejecting special interest money.

In doing this, he will show that he is not beholden
to them and will make his own decisions on what is
best for the country.

After all, he helped craft McCain-Feingold, a bipartisan
campaign finance bill.

3. Embrace the middle and reject the right-wing extremists
in his party.

This way, he can draw in more Independents and conservative Democrats.

4. Clearly define his ideas on the economy, health care,
bringing home the troops and other issues.

This way, he can successfully debate and compete
with whomever is selected as the Democratic candidate.

I believe that most Americans are moderates, not too much to
the left or right.

The one who becomes President will get their votes.

spoken like a true democrat. All that a repub has toi do to get elected is repudiate what he belives and follow a domocrat agenda. Gauranteed to work every time. Heard the same line about Reagen, about the first, and about the second Bushes.laugh laugh

mnhiker's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:54 PM



flowerforyou Does this make you wonder where Senator John McSame's loyalty lies??flowerforyou

Well, he might get the Muslim vote that way!

s1owhand's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:55 PM
the only way McCain can win...

a) Obama wins the nomination
b) Clinton wins the nomination
c) Rev Wright refuses to endorse him
d) If he carries virtually all the states Bush did in the last couple elections.

what would be the odds on that?!


mnhiker's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:04 PM

The only way John McCain can win.

1. By repudiating the Bush Administration.

In doing this, he presents himself as the maverick
many people have known him to be in the past,
someone who is not afraid to stand up to the status quo,
and can offer new ideas.

2. By rejecting special interest money.

In doing this, he will show that he is not beholden
to them and will make his own decisions on what is
best for the country.

After all, he helped craft McCain-Feingold, a bipartisan
campaign finance bill.

3. Embrace the middle and reject the right-wing extremists
in his party.

This way, he can draw in more Independents and conservative Democrats.

4. Clearly define his ideas on the economy, health care,
bringing home the troops and other issues.

This way, he can successfully debate and compete
with whomever is selected as the Democratic candidate.

I believe that most Americans are moderates, not too much to
the left or right.

The one who becomes President will get their votes.

spoken like a true democrat. All that a repub has toi do to get elected is repudiate what he belives and follow a domocrat agenda. Gauranteed to work every time. Heard the same line about Reagen, about the first, and about the second Bushes.laugh laugh

Hate to disappoint you, but I'm not a Democrat.

mnhiker's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:05 PM

the only way McCain can win...

a) Obama wins the nomination
b) Clinton wins the nomination
c) Rev Wright refuses to endorse him
d) If he carries virtually all the states Bush did in the last couple elections.

what would be the odds on that?!


I would say slim and none.

lifestooshort6's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:05 PM



flowerforyou Does this make you wonder where Senator John McSame's loyalty lies??flowerforyou

the stylists are at it again!!!!noway laugh

mnhiker's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:13 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Fri 05/30/08 09:14 PM

The only way John McCain can win.

1. By repudiating the Bush Administration.

In doing this, he presents himself as the maverick
many people have known him to be in the past,
someone who is not afraid to stand up to the status quo,
and can offer new ideas.

2. By rejecting special interest money.

In doing this, he will show that he is not beholden
to them and will make his own decisions on what is
best for the country.

After all, he helped craft McCain-Feingold, a bipartisan
campaign finance bill.

3. Embrace the middle and reject the right-wing extremists
in his party.

This way, he can draw in more Independents and conservative Democrats.

4. Clearly define his ideas on the economy, health care,
bringing home the troops and other issues.

This way, he can successfully debate and compete
with whomever is selected as the Democratic candidate.

I believe that most Americans are moderates, not too much to
the left or right.

The one who becomes President will get their votes.

spoken like a true democrat. All that a repub has toi do to get elected is repudiate what he belives and follow a domocrat agenda. Gauranteed to work every time. Heard the same line about Reagen, about the first, and about the second Bushes.laugh laugh

Part of the reason Reagan got in was because of the hostage crisis in Iran during the Carter Administration.

And the fact he cut a deal with the Iranians, who just happened to release the hostages just minutes after Reagan was sworn in.

Bush Jr. was helped by the Clinton Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Let's see, what President has one of the lowest approval ratings in history and whose Administration is rife with scandals?

A Democratic President?

No! A Republican one!

s1owhand's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:14 PM

I would say slim and none.

which former Bush states do you think he'll lose?
my completely informal CNN mapping shows he keeps almost everything against Obama. there is red all over!!


mnhiker's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:34 PM

I would say slim and none.

which former Bush states do you think he'll lose?
my completely informal CNN mapping shows he keeps almost everything against Obama. there is red all over!!


I'm not going to speculate on specific states,
since it's still awhile until November and anything
can happen.

What I do know is that Republicans have been losing
ground in what were formerly Republican strongholds.

wouldee's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:52 PM
White House to the right.

Congress to the left.

or vise versa.

Both branches to one side or another is asking for big trouble in this election cycle.

Everything is on the fence and everything is on the table.

Where it lands after November is critical to the health of this nation's economy.

The world is invested in the American economy. The world is watching.

We are not in debt to the world, but the world is invested in us.

What will that mean?

Who can see that best?

This election cycle is looking like a roulette table.


mnhiker's photo
Fri 05/30/08 10:20 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Fri 05/30/08 10:22 PM

White House to the right.

Congress to the left.

or vise versa.

Both branches to one side or another is asking for big trouble in this election cycle.

Everything is on the fence and everything is on the table.

Where it lands after November is critical to the health of this nation's economy.

The world is invested in the American economy. The world is watching.

We are not in debt to the world, but the world is invested in us.

What will that mean?

Who can see that best?

This election cycle is looking like a roulette table.


More and more it's a global economy.

I'm not sure the world gives a rat's ass about the United States, except for hoping that whomever becomes President won't bomb them.

We're not as important to the world as we'd like to believe.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/30/08 10:31 PM

I would say slim and none.

which former Bush states do you think he'll lose?
my completely informal CNN mapping shows he keeps almost everything against Obama. there is red all over!!



Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/30/08 10:32 PM

I would say slim and none.

which former Bush states do you think he'll lose?
my completely informal CNN mapping shows he keeps almost everything against Obama. there is red all over!!



This depends on keeping Clinton off his ticket!!

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