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Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 7
txmomof2's photo
Sat 05/31/08 07:20 AM
Lays down and cries herself back to sleep

livelife68's photo
Sat 05/31/08 08:26 AM
*Thogeon wakes up startled from his nightmares, he realizes his nightmare is last nights reality. He looks around sees calliope sleeping by the fire. Still dismayed he gets up, makes sure he still has the two silver daggers, and leaves the inn hoping a walk and some fresh air will clear his head and shed some light to last nights events.*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/31/08 08:31 AM
*As Thogeon tries to walk out of the Inn with the silver daggers he realizes that they start to heat up. Not just a little bit, but almost scalding to the touch. As he tries to walk out of the door the blades practically jump out of his pocket and slide across the floor and lay in the spot under where the vortex appeared*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/31/08 08:43 AM
*A very beautiful high elf woman enters the inn carrying a bouquet of flowers. She is wearing a lovely blue dress that makes her look like she is prepared for a fancy party rather than just some trip to an Inn. Her long red hair is tied back, but still reaches down her back. She has a smile on her face until she sees the devastation around her. Worried she calls out.*

Hello? Is anyone there?

*She shakes her head a bit and begins to pick up and straighten up the place while she waits to see if someone shows up. She never could stand a very big mess*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:09 AM
*The woman makes short work of cleaning up the inn. Tables and chairs are put back where they are supposed to be. The blood has all been mopped up from the imps even though the bodies of the slain imps seem to have vanished. She was so busy cleaning though that it wasn't until she finished that she noticed the silver daggers on the floor. Immediately recognizing them as Rathils she bends down and picks them up. They are warm to the touch as she takes them and sets them on the table next to the bouquet of flowers she brought. Not sure what to think she sits down and waits for someone to show up. Getting more worried as time passes.*

cuppy59's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:30 AM
Calliope moves on the floor, opens her eyes and with blurred vision sees a woman she does not know sitting at a table.

cuppy59's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:31 AM
She slowly gets up rubbing both her eyes..

"Hi, Im sorry, I must have fallen asleep. That is not like me..Im Calliope, a 3ft hobbit from the hills of Tantor."

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:34 AM
A pleasure to meet you Calliope, My name is Railinn.

*She stands up and goes over to the hobbit and shaks her hand*

Is Alatariel still here? I was so hoping to see the baby!

*She says with an excited look on her face but she also looks around the room.*

And where is gramps? *She asks confused*

cuppy59's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:37 AM

A pleasure to meet you Calliope, My name is Railinn.

*She stands up and goes over to the hobbit and shaks her hand*

Is Alatariel still here? I was so hoping to see the baby!

*She says with an excited look on her face but she also looks around the room.*

And where is gramps? *She asks confused*

"How do you know alatariel, Railinn? and who is Gramps?" Calliope is concerned about this stranger...how did she enter the city and what is she here for...

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:42 AM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Sat 05/31/08 09:43 AM

A pleasure to meet you Calliope, My name is Railinn.

*She stands up and goes over to the hobbit and shaks her hand*

Is Alatariel still here? I was so hoping to see the baby!

*She says with an excited look on her face but she also looks around the room.*

And where is gramps? *She asks confused*

"How do you know alatariel, Railinn? and who is Gramps?" Calliope is concerned about this stranger...how did she enter the city and what is she here for...

*Railinn laughs a bit*

I'm sorry, It escapes me that I don't get out too often.

*She pulls down the collar of her dress to reveal a silver pin, exactly like the one Alatariel wears with two daggers crossed over the top.*

I am Gramps', errrr Rathils top lieutenant. He was supposed to bring you all back to the guild house last night after the baby was born. He has had me working night and day for over a week now setting up a surprise party for Alatariel. That old goof has been so excited about this baby being born ever since he learned who the father was. Although when no one came back I figured I should come here and look for everyone.

*Goes back and gets the bouquet of flowers*

I brought these for Alatariel. I do feel so bad. I have been so busy that I have never even had the chance to properly introduce myself to her.

cuppy59's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:48 AM
"Im still confused...why do you have the same silver pin as Alatariel. Rathil never mentioned anything about a party...I love parties."

"You obviously have not heard...The baby boy was born healthy, But" she sicks back in her chair with tears in her eyes.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:52 AM

"Im still confused...why do you have the same silver pin as Alatariel. Rathil never mentioned anything about a party...I love parties."

"You obviously have not heard...The baby boy was born healthy, But" she sicks back in her chair with tears in her eyes.

Rathil never told you? Everyone that is a member of his guild house wears this pin. It is what identifies us to the town locals and guards. There are certain privlages that come to being a member of his guild.

And you know Rathil, Always distant and secretive. He wanted the party to be a surprise to everyone, Not just Alatariel. Although when I got here this morning I saw Gramps' daggers here. He never goes anywhere without them. There was also blood everywhere this morning. What has happened?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 05/31/08 10:22 AM
*Railinn is confused as she looks for the little hobbit.*

Now where did she run off too? She is so small I didn't even see her leave. Oh well.

*She scribbles out a note and leaves it next to the daggers*


Came looking for you, get in touch with me as soon as you see this. Very worried about you.

Much Love

*Railinn exits the inn*

viraloneontheout's photo
Sat 05/31/08 10:26 AM
Edited by viraloneontheout on Sat 05/31/08 10:30 AM
Earendur races in to the inn and says Calliope what the hell happened while i was away all i know is Alatariel had the baby whats going on where is she now

You suddenly hear a sizzle and a pop as a purple light flashes brightly and out of a shadow shrouded in a mist Kiree emerges from the corner
in the nick of time to here Earendurs remark and says yes do tell

cuppy59's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:35 AM
"Hi Earendur, Kiree...Its so bad" she sighs

cuppy59's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:36 AM
She points her finger, "Did you see a woman leave before you came in. Very strange...I was about to explain it to her" she moves closer to them not wanting to scream

cuppy59's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:41 AM
"Alatariel had the baby last night...It is boy...After the birth, the room was engulfed in a smoky haze and noone could see. Esane found a way into the tavern. Barbus' powers were not as strong as we had hoped..Rathil and Thogeon, fought galliantly, but still Esane stole the child. Retreated through a vortex. Before the vortex closed, Rathil ran through it but his weapons could not follow him...Thogeon was going to hold his weapons for him, but when he tried to leave the inn with the daggers in his hand the became fiery hot and couldnt be picked up..They are over there on the table...I have been thinking about this all night...

1956CLEO's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:49 AM
Edited by 1956CLEO on Sat 05/31/08 11:51 AM
*Phara comes in from the shipyard, it's been a long day day. Her thoughts and prayers have been with Alatariel, Rathil and the baby.*

Good day Calliope, have we any news of the baby?

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:54 AM
She walks in from the sunshine with it's warmth kissing her skin. The scent of jasmine fills the air around her. She looks around to see if her friend Calli is here.

cuppy59's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:55 AM
"Afternoon, Phara, No news yet...I havent even been able to cook. I was just telling Earendur and Kiree about the events last night...I dont even know if I told it right..No word from a soul." her mind is racing so fast right now...she cant think straight

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