Topic: Religious debates over Harry Potter
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Fri 05/30/08 01:17 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Fri 05/30/08 01:26 AM
Jeannie..... may I add.. NO Christian can bind and cast out a spirit of addiction ....or a spirti of abuse..or any other spirit, off of a person..... UNLESS that person ASKS to be SET FREE!!

Cause God still gives man a free will....and God will not go against that man's free will.....unles a man ASKS to be SET FREE.....THEN God will move...but not until a man is WILLING to be set free.

Suggestion for you Jeanne..and I mean this sincerely...
are there any spirit filled churches in your area that you can attend?

Just go to one..sit under the annointed teaching of God's Word..and ask God to open your spiritual ears and eyes of understanding.....

And God will....:heart:

Spoken in love and care Jeannie...cause I think you just really want to know the whole truth....and want the truth to make sense to you..that's all.

Seek the truth and the truth shall set you free.....

no photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:20 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 05/30/08 01:29 AM

Jeannie..... may I add.. NO Christian can bind and cast out a spirit of addiction ....or a spirti of abuse..or any other spirit, off of a person..... UNLESS that person ASKS to be SET FREE!!

Cause God still gives man a free will....and God will not go agasnt that man's free will..even if man chooses to stay bound up.

Yes I know. But they (some) have tried... :wink:

You can never free a slave anyway, they have to free themselves. :tongue:

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:27 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Fri 05/30/08 01:28 AM
:angry: Im getting my Harry Potter books out nowgrumble

:angry: Im gonna turn you two into frogs:angry:


no photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:34 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 05/30/08 01:36 AM
Suggestion for you Jeanne..and I mean this sincerely...
are there any spirit filled churches in your area that you can attend?

Just go to one..sit under the annointed teaching of God's Word..and ask God to open your spiritual ears and eyes of understanding.....

I don't think so. laugh

Morningsong, I don't need to be hypnotized by people dancing and speaking in tougues.

I was just trying to help you to open your eyes and ears. laugh

huh I guess that's not gonna happen.

Have a wonder life then! flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:35 AM

:angry: Im getting my Harry Potter books out nowgrumble

:angry: Im gonna turn you two into frogs:angry:


Mirror, go to bed you naughty boy.:angry: :angry:

no photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:38 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Fri 05/30/08 01:45 AM

:angry: Im getting my Harry Potter books out nowgrumble

:angry: Im gonna turn you two into frogs:angry:


And I will pray God turn you and Jeannie into on fire for God's that:wink:

Oooopps........forgot....won't work...ya gotta be willing... :wink:laugh



You know, MirrorMirror, I really love you and Jeannie, both!!:heart:

And Abra too!!:heart:

Heck..I love all of you!!!:heart:

Nite nite now....:heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:46 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Fri 05/30/08 01:47 AM

:angry: Im getting my Harry Potter books out nowgrumble

:angry: Im gonna turn you two into frogs:angry:


Mirror, go to bed you naughty boy.:angry: :angry:
:wink: I no longer require sleep:tongue:

happy Thats one of my Scientology superpowers:tongue:

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:47 AM

:angry: Im getting my Harry Potter books out nowgrumble

:angry: Im gonna turn you two into frogs:angry:


And I will pray God turn you and Jeannie into on fire for God's that:wink:

Oooopps........forgot....won't work...ya gotta be willing... :wink:laugh



You know, MirrorMirror, I really love you and Jeannie, both!!:heart:

And Abra too!!:heart:

Heck..I love all of you!!!:heart:

Nite nite now....:heart:
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou Goodnight & Sweetdreamsflowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:59 AM
huh I guess I don't see how praying for the spirit of addiction to leave a person alone etc. could be viewed as casting a spell. Hmm! Interesting view but personally if I was addicted to drugs...I would appreciate all the help I could get to rid me of the evil. A prayer can do wonders for someone in need. I look at prayer as a way of wishing people well and asking a higher power for help in accomplishing that. To me it is a good thing. I never realized how it might be viewed as offensive. I've never had anyone tell me not to pray for them yet have witnessed it. To me it is no different than helping someone move out of the way of an iminent danger like a falling rock headed for them. Not much different than wishing someone well. If it is sincere.


no photo
Fri 05/30/08 02:23 AM
Gonn add one more thing before I go......

The Power of Prayer can also INFLUENCE a person to eventually make a decision ON HIS OWN.... to WANT to become free..but still in the end, that person is the one still making the decision on his own free will, to want to become set free.flowerforyou

Prayer influences but never forces a man to do anything.

Neither does God.:heart:

no photo
Fri 05/30/08 02:30 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Fri 05/30/08 02:36 AM

huh I guess I don't see how praying for the spirit of addiction to leave a person alone etc. could be viewed as casting a spell. Hmm! Interesting view but personally if I was addicted to drugs...I would appreciate all the help I could get to rid me of the evil. A prayer can do wonders for someone in need. I look at prayer as a way of wishing people well and asking a higher power for help in accomplishing that. To me it is a good thing. I never realized how it might be viewed as offensive. I've never had anyone tell me not to pray for them yet have witnessed it. To me it is no different than helping someone move out of the way of an iminent danger like a falling rock headed for them. Not much different than wishing someone well. If it is sincere.


No Georgia I have already explained to Jeannie in an earlier post, praying for the spirit of addiction to leave a person is NOT casting a spell.
NOT at all.....

Already clarified this matter with Jeannie..and she now understands.flowerforyou

Be Blessed Now....flowerforyou

atleedagod's photo
Fri 05/30/08 02:50 AM
people who are so insecure about their own religious beliefs their scared by a lil english kid with a stale licorice stick :tongue: need to find something better to do

same goes for the idiots who take no personal responsibilty when they play **** like GTA4, stemmed from readin a article today where some granny bought her grandkid the game and was appauled at him becoming more violent (the kid was 12)!! O.O explode mad :angry: grumble

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Fri 05/30/08 12:21 PM

huh I guess I don't see how praying for the spirit of addiction to leave a person alone etc. could be viewed as casting a spell. Hmm! Interesting view but personally if I was addicted to drugs...I would appreciate all the help I could get to rid me of the evil. A prayer can do wonders for someone in need. I look at prayer as a way of wishing people well and asking a higher power for help in accomplishing that. To me it is a good thing. I never realized how it might be viewed as offensive. I've never had anyone tell me not to pray for them yet have witnessed it. To me it is no different than helping someone move out of the way of an iminent danger like a falling rock headed for them. Not much different than wishing someone well. If it is sincere.


No Georgia I have already explained to Jeannie in an earlier post, praying for the spirit of addiction to leave a person is NOT casting a spell.
NOT at all.....

Already clarified this matter with Jeannie..and she now understands.flowerforyou

Be Blessed Now....flowerforyou

Hi MorningSong flowerforyou :heart: ,
I am glad! :heart: I have been praying that my mother's cancer isn't back. I am wishing her well not casting any spells. I also have a friend who has an addiction problem and I pray that they find the strength to kick it because it is harming my friend and those that care too. It is such a waste of a life that could be so much better.

No prayer would go against free will anyway, and in that respect I find it difficult to be viewed as someone casting a spell still. noway ohwell


no photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:00 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 05/30/08 01:24 PM

huh I guess I don't see how praying for the spirit of addiction to leave a person alone etc. could be viewed as casting a spell. Hmm! Interesting view but personally if I was addicted to drugs...I would appreciate all the help I could get to rid me of the evil. A prayer can do wonders for someone in need. I look at prayer as a way of wishing people well and asking a higher power for help in accomplishing that. To me it is a good thing. I never realized how it might be viewed as offensive. I've never had anyone tell me not to pray for them yet have witnessed it. To me it is no different than helping someone move out of the way of an iminent danger like a falling rock headed for them. Not much different than wishing someone well. If it is sincere.


Let me see if I can clear this up once and for all. I have nothing against PRAYING or DOING SPELLS or VISUALIZATION or anything that has to to with shaping your personal reality.

This is simply what I call the CREATIVE TECHNIQUES.

It is the LAW OF ATTRACTION at work. ANYONE can use it in anyway they chose. This is also called "magic."

There are healers, psychics, wiccan witches, vodoo and countless other ritualistic practices that use varied techniques to manifest reality and manipulate energy and thought into manifestation.

That is what Harry Potter is all about. Magic and the art of using THOUGHT and imagination to manifest reality.

Some Christian groups object to anyone using these techniques EXCEPT THEM.

As morningsong stated, they believe that THEY have been endowed with the authority to bind spirits.. etc. in the name of Jesus. Okay, if they believe this and do this I don't care. That is their right and it is their faith.

What I object to is them (Christains) banning Harry Potter Books because of him being about using magic because they think that only THEY have been given the authority from the one and only true God or Jesus Christ, to do these things and that anyone else using these creative techniques are using the powers of EVIL AND SATAN.

This effects me on a personal level because I do use these creative techniques and I have every right to do so. I am a strong promoter of "The Law Of Attraction"

There are many ways to practice the creative techniques. Christians do it with prayer, belief, ritual, emotion, song, laying on of hands, talking in tongues, dancing with snakes, and who knows what else.

Then some will tell you to your face or behind our back that you are dancing with the devil if you dare to cast spells or use any ritual creative techniques at all.

The biggest criticism for the book "The Secret" comes from vocal Christians and Christianity.

If you are a healer or a prophet or a psychic, if you DO NOT do it in the name of Jesus Christ and give all the credit to the Christian God, you are seen as a Satanist.

This is my beef with them. This is where they believe and claim to own God and all of God's power flows only through them. They hate it when someone like Oprah comes along with love in her heart and becomes powerful and influential and does not give all the credit to their Jesus Christ.

They hate it even more when she states the Jesus is not the only way to God.

There are some Christians that will tell you that if you don't believe that Jesus is the ONLY WAY TO GOD that you are not a TRUE Christian.

I don't believe that either. I regard anyone a true Christian if they claim to be a Christian at all. I take their word for it.

The creative techniques, magic, the Law of Attraction, prayer, spells, ritual, all of that belongs to everyone. I see nothing wrong with using this technique whether you are Christian or not. It works.

But the church wants this power all to itself. It forbids and condemns anyone outside of the Church to use these techniques and for that reason they hate books like "The Secret" and some even criticize the new more positive preachers that preach prosperity and positive thinking and increasing wealth and happiness.

Happy feel good prosperity consciousness Christian preachers are stealing other Christians away from the churches who preach fear, poverty, guilt, shame, etc. because they don't seem to want to empower people to be happy and wealthy. I don't understand this jealousy.

People are tired of being in the grip of solemn serious guilt ridden churches. They want joy and prosperity and power over their own lives.

This is happening even within Christianity. A new consciousness of Joy and prosperity.

There is nothing anyone can do to stop this spiritual evolution. It will grow and grow and spread throughout all religions. Religions will come out of the darkness because the darkness cannot abide the light.

People's beliefs will change and if the dogma of their religion does not change with them, it will fall away and be abandoned.

Don't cling to myth and dogma.


goobah's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:18 PM
Or maybe it's just ok to go ahead and believe what you wish to believe in, because as long as you're harming none, do as ye will, right? :wink:

no photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:21 PM

No Georgia I have already explained to Jeannie in an earlier post, praying for the spirit of addiction to leave a person is NOT casting a spell.
NOT at all.....

Already clarified this matter with Jeannie..and she now understands.flowerforyou

Be Blessed Now....flowerforyou

What I agreed with you on was that you cannot (or should not) attempt to do a binding spell on evil spirits for addiction (pray over) and expect to be successful if you don't have someone's permission to do so.

You can try, and it may work temporarily, but no lasting change will occur until the person themselves uses their own will to agree to change their life and free themselves from their addiction.

I did not say that what you do is NOT the same thing as casting a spell. You simply call it prayer. It amounts to the same things.


no photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:22 PM

Or maybe it's just ok to go ahead and believe what you wish to believe in, because as long as you're harming none, do as ye will, right? :wink:

Right. :wink: flowerforyou

laxviking57's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:32 PM

which one got killed this week ?
i seen 1 of them did on the knews:cry:

It was someone who was only in the new movie, he just played a student in ravenclaw....

laxviking57's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:34 PM
I just have one question what is wrong with imagination?????? I mean come on CS LEWIS got away with the Chronicals of Narnia simply because he was a very outspoken christian who wrote books on that subject also... Tolkein is accepted!!!! So Why must Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling be treated differently???

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:46 PM


huh I guess I don't see how praying for the spirit of addiction to leave a person alone etc. could be viewed as casting a spell. Hmm! Interesting view but personally if I was addicted to drugs...I would appreciate all the help I could get to rid me of the evil. A prayer can do wonders for someone in need. I look at prayer as a way of wishing people well and asking a higher power for help in accomplishing that. To me it is a good thing. I never realized how it might be viewed as offensive. I've never had anyone tell me not to pray for them yet have witnessed it. To me it is no different than helping someone move out of the way of an iminent danger like a falling rock headed for them. Not much different than wishing someone well. If it is sincere.


Let me see if I can clear this up once and for all. I have nothing against PRAYING or DOING SPELLS or VISUALIZATION or anything that has to to with shaping your personal reality.

This is simply what I call the CREATIVE TECHNIQUES.

It is the LAW OF ATTRACTION at work. ANYONE can use it in anyway they chose. This is also called "magic."

There are healers, psychics, wiccan witches, vodoo and countless other ritualistic practices that use varied techniques to manifest reality and manipulate energy and thought into manifestation.

That is what Harry Potter is all about. Magic and the art of using THOUGHT and imagination to manifest reality.

Some Christian groups object to anyone using these techniques EXCEPT THEM.

As morningsong stated, they believe that THEY have been endowed with the authority to bind spirits.. etc. in the name of Jesus. Okay, if they believe this and do this I don't care. That is their right and it is their faith.

What I object to is them (Christains) banning Harry Potter Books because of him being about using magic because they think that only THEY have been given the authority from the one and only true God or Jesus Christ, to do these things and that anyone else using these creative techniques are using the powers of EVIL AND SATAN.

This effects me on a personal level because I do use these creative techniques and I have every right to do so. I am a strong promoter of "The Law Of Attraction"

There are many ways to practice the creative techniques. Christians do it with prayer, belief, ritual, emotion, song, laying on of hands, talking in tongues, dancing with snakes, and who knows what else.

Then some will tell you to your face or behind our back that you are dancing with the devil if you dare to cast spells or use any ritual creative techniques at all.

The biggest criticism for the book "The Secret" comes from vocal Christians and Christianity.

If you are a healer or a prophet or a psychic, if you DO NOT do it in the name of Jesus Christ and give all the credit to the Christian God, you are seen as a Satanist.

This is my beef with them. This is where they believe and claim to own God and all of God's power flows only through them. They hate it when someone like Oprah comes along with love in her heart and becomes powerful and influential and does not give all the credit to their Jesus Christ.

They hate it even more when she states the Jesus is not the only way to God.

There are some Christians that will tell you that if you don't believe that Jesus is the ONLY WAY TO GOD that you are not a TRUE Christian.

I don't believe that either. I regard anyone a true Christian if they claim to be a Christian at all. I take their word for it.

The creative techniques, magic, the Law of Attraction, prayer, spells, ritual, all of that belongs to everyone. I see nothing wrong with using this technique whether you are Christian or not. It works.

But the church wants this power all to itself. It forbids and condemns anyone outside of the Church to use these techniques and for that reason they hate books like "The Secret" and some even criticize the new more positive preachers that preach prosperity and positive thinking and increasing wealth and happiness.

Happy feel good prosperity consciousness Christian preachers are stealing other Christians away from the churches who preach fear, poverty, guilt, shame, etc. because they don't seem to want to empower people to be happy and wealthy. I don't understand this jealousy.

People are tired of being in the grip of solemn serious guilt ridden churches. They want joy and prosperity and power over their own lives.

This is happening even within Christianity. A new consciousness of Joy and prosperity.

There is nothing anyone can do to stop this spiritual evolution. It will grow and grow and spread throughout all religions. Religions will come out of the darkness because the darkness cannot abide the light.

People's beliefs will change and if the dogma of their religion does not change with them, it will fall away and be abandoned.

Don't cling to myth and dogma.


I have a copy of "The Secret" myself and I love it! The powers of attraction are something I strongly believe in too. I have nothing against anyone's freedom to read a book or not. And I certainly don't feel you are satanistic. I think you're intelligent, fun, entertaining, interesting, etc. I admire and appreciate you very much now in fact. :smile:

When my beautiful mother is there to dance at my wedding after I fall madly in love with my gourgeous, tall, caring mr right. and the money in my bank account well surpasses all my spending needs, I'll let you know just how well my positive thoughts are manifesting. :wink: