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Topic: Sexual Predators...
Dragoness's photo
Wed 05/28/08 04:46 PM

He took the high road, good for him. I don't know if I could be that good myself though.

He took the high road? Tha father? No he did not. He should have taken the chance to save not only his daughters, but the ones after her. Look up sexual predators in your area (through your State Dept of Public Safety ). Review what the offenders did, how old the victims were and what sentence they recieved. You will be shocked!

Non violent is always the high road. I do understand the problem they have with sexual offenders but the punishment must fit the crime so his life cannot be taken. What the punishment should be though, I cannot say because it is a problem with sex offenders.

I am not an advocate of the death penalty so death as an option is not valid to me though so, please carry on with your beat em up tirade.

What punishment do you suppose is warranted for a sexual predator that rapes a child?

Did you read my post? What I think is there.

Okay, let's have an example so we can understand your idea of punishment.

How about somone that rapes a 5 year old, does not kill the child and this is his first offense he has been convicted of?

Well I said that I am not sure of the punishment because they are not the most rehabilitatable of offenders. I do agree however that the punishment for them is less than it should be. I think this is the problem, people do not know what to do with them. They are not rehabilitatable for the most part and keeping them in jail does nothing for the problem either.

I remember reading about those couple of pedifiles who agreed to be castrated to be released from prison but that is sooooo bizarre. Of course it was deemed inhumane to do it. There is also the study of chemical castration which makes them really sick on top of the castration part. But in this situation what can they do for the female offenders, their are female pediphiles so they cannot castrate them. So castration is not effective for all pediphiles in that case. Locking them up for extended periods of time is really expensive but maybe that is our only choice.

It is a confusing issue. The child victim of the pediphile has life long reprecussions, I know having been molested at 4-5, so I have had many long term things to deal with. Do I want the perpetrator dead, no. Do I hate the idea he may have had other victims you bet. I am not sure how I feel. It is complex.

Jim519's photo
Wed 05/28/08 04:46 PM

If I thought the person would be convicted and given life in prison until he passed away then I would not be so angry. Like I said in my other post. "Read what sentence they recieve."

If that happended, and I were not able to actually get my hands on him...I would hire someone within to take care of business drinker

no photo
Wed 05/28/08 04:48 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 05/28/08 04:49 PM

He took the high road, good for him. I don't know if I could be that good myself though.

He took the high road? Tha father? No he did not. He should have taken the chance to save not only his daughters, but the ones after her. Look up sexual predators in your area (through your State Dept of Public Safety ). Review what the offenders did, how old the victims were and what sentence they recieved. You will be shocked!

Non violent is always the high road. I do understand the problem they have with sexual offenders but the punishment must fit the crime so his life cannot be taken. What the punishment should be though, I cannot say because it is a problem with sex offenders.

I am not an advocate of the death penalty so death as an option is not valid to me though so, please carry on with your beat em up tirade.

What punishment do you suppose is warranted for a sexual predator that rapes a child?

Did you read my post? What I think is there.

Okay, let's have an example so we can understand your idea of punishment.

How about somone that rapes a 5 year old, does not kill the child and this is his first offense he has been convicted of?

Well I said that I am not sure of the punishment because they are not the most rehabilitatable of offenders. I do agree however that the punishment for them is less than it should be. I think this is the problem, people do not know what to do with them. They are not rehabilitatable for the most part and keeping them in jail does nothing for the problem either.

I remember reading about those couple of pedifiles who agreed to be castrated to be released from prison but that is sooooo bizarre. Of course it was deemed inhumane to do it. There is also the study of chemical castration which makes them really sick on top of the castration part. But in this situation what can they do for the female offenders, their are female pediphiles so they cannot castrate them. So castration is not effective for all pediphiles in that case. Locking them up for extended periods of time is really expensive but maybe that is our only choice.

It is a confusing issue. The child victim of the pediphile has life long reprecussions, I know having been molested at 4-5, so I have had many long term things to deal with. Do I want the perpetrator dead, no. Do I hate the idea he may have had other victims you bet. I am not sure how I feel. It is complex.

Never really answered the question, but would you support Jessica's Law? Many states have passed it.

For any sexual offense against a minor, under the age of 16 (only 16 or above if not with consent) they are given an immediate minimum of 25 to 100 years.

Would you support that?

Dragoness's photo
Wed 05/28/08 04:53 PM

He took the high road, good for him. I don't know if I could be that good myself though.

He took the high road? Tha father? No he did not. He should have taken the chance to save not only his daughters, but the ones after her. Look up sexual predators in your area (through your State Dept of Public Safety ). Review what the offenders did, how old the victims were and what sentence they recieved. You will be shocked!

Non violent is always the high road. I do understand the problem they have with sexual offenders but the punishment must fit the crime so his life cannot be taken. What the punishment should be though, I cannot say because it is a problem with sex offenders.

I am not an advocate of the death penalty so death as an option is not valid to me though so, please carry on with your beat em up tirade.

What punishment do you suppose is warranted for a sexual predator that rapes a child?

Did you read my post? What I think is there.

Okay, let's have an example so we can understand your idea of punishment.

How about somone that rapes a 5 year old, does not kill the child and this is his first offense he has been convicted of?

Well I said that I am not sure of the punishment because they are not the most rehabilitatable of offenders. I do agree however that the punishment for them is less than it should be. I think this is the problem, people do not know what to do with them. They are not rehabilitatable for the most part and keeping them in jail does nothing for the problem either.

I remember reading about those couple of pedifiles who agreed to be castrated to be released from prison but that is sooooo bizarre. Of course it was deemed inhumane to do it. There is also the study of chemical castration which makes them really sick on top of the castration part. But in this situation what can they do for the female offenders, their are female pediphiles so they cannot castrate them. So castration is not effective for all pediphiles in that case. Locking them up for extended periods of time is really expensive but maybe that is our only choice.

It is a confusing issue. The child victim of the pediphile has life long reprecussions, I know having been molested at 4-5, so I have had many long term things to deal with. Do I want the perpetrator dead, no. Do I hate the idea he may have had other victims you bet. I am not sure how I feel. It is complex.

Never really answered the question, but would you support Jessica's Law? Many states have passed it.

For any sexual offense against a minor, under the age of 16 (only 16 or above if not with consent) they are given an immediate minimum of 25 to 100 years.

Would you support that?

I guess I would. I wish they could find what makes these people attracted to children so that they could fix it.

no photo
Wed 05/28/08 04:55 PM

Never really answered the question, but would you support Jessica's Law? Many states have passed it.

For any sexual offense against a minor, under the age of 16 (only 16 or above if not with consent) they are given an immediate minimum of 25 to 100 years.

Would you support that?

I guess I would. I wish they could find what makes these people attracted to children so that they could fix it.

Wow, must say I'm a bit surprised by that answer.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 05/28/08 04:58 PM

Never really answered the question, but would you support Jessica's Law? Many states have passed it.

For any sexual offense against a minor, under the age of 16 (only 16 or above if not with consent) they are given an immediate minimum of 25 to 100 years.

Would you support that?

I guess I would. I wish they could find what makes these people attracted to children so that they could fix it.

Wow, must say I'm a bit surprised by that answer.

Well in my previous post I did say that locking them up for long periods of time is probably the only answer. I just would not want any child to endure what I did. So if locking them up will prevent more victims then so be it.

Again I wish that they would find what makes these people attracted to children so they could fix them.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 05/28/08 05:05 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Wed 05/28/08 05:06 PM

If I thought the person would be convicted and given life in prison until he passed away then I would not be so angry. Like I said in my other post. "Read what sentence they recieve."

If that happended, and I were not able to actually get my hands on him...I would hire someone within to take care of business drinker

And although I would like for myself to always take the high road, I don't know that I could do it if I walked in and found something like that going on with my child, I might try with all my might but I am not sure it would happen and I would go to jail for murder I believe too.

So I was speaking the mind of conscience but I am not sure my reflexes would have listened. So I fully understandbigsmile

no photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:33 PM
I would have litteraly skinned this guy with a hot knife and then riped his guts out and made him blead to death.

madamx7316's photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:35 PM

Just saw on the news where a Father made a statement toward an accused man..."We are certain he did it, we caught him raping our daughter, evidence will prove it and JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL"..

Forget all that crap..I can assure you...You ever even think of getting near my daughter or laying a finger on her like that?

Mark my words, I will be saying...."DEATH WILL PREVAIL"


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