Topic: Is there really an everlasting sin? | |
I have no religion and no name for my "belief system."
I am not claiming that I don't have one. I do have one, but it is what I call a temporary world view. It's flexible. That does not mean it is easily manipulated or changed. To change my world view or to adjust it, I require reasonable information, logic, science and personal proof/experience. JB |
ahhh my dear lady, after i had searched and researched all belief system's did i then go to searching myself - the belief system's did not have the answers - it was only when i looked at myself who and what i was at my core that I found truth - Also as you know i'm very open to ideas new and old as i run across them as our discussion with abra on cosmology. You state you don't even know yourself? - maybe you should spend some time doing that in stead of relying on just being.
The "negative" idea you say i hold is not negative at all - it freed me from the ideas that i could ever attain pure goodness while wearing this flesh and having these emotion's and thought processes within all of us. It has improved me not lessened me.I am as happy as you are or seem to be enjoying life on a daily basis. |
there are many sins not defined...and i have to disagree with selfishness...that is something some do not have...those who would give their life to save another... those people do not have a selfish bone in their body.
Edited by
Thu 05/29/08 07:52 PM
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Thu 05/29/08 08:01 PM
I don't claim to be unselfish nor do I worry about whether or not I am selfish, nor do I think I will have a spiritual awakening if I do. I don't really give that any thought at all.
I don't think there is anything sinful about it. If it is true and everyone is selfish, no exceptions, then that is just our true nature. I don't believe our true nature is sinful because I don't subscribe to the belief in sin at all. The understanding of myself is one of my top priorities because as I do, then I understand others because I realize that they are part of me. I live by love, and I don't have to wonder if I am doing "right or wrong." Do things with love, forgive yourself for your mistakes be thankful for them because that is how you learn. That is what the golden rule is all about. Do unto others. |
I don't claim to be unselfish nor do I worry about whether or not I am selfish, nor do I think I will have a spiritual awakening if I do. I don't really give that any thought at all.JB knowing what you are is not a "spiritual awakening" it is just a matter of knowing leading to acceptance and "hopefully" improvement within you - a decrease in selfish behavior.TRIBO I don't think there is anything sinful about it. If it is true and everyone is selfish, no exceptions, then that is just our true nature. I don't believe our true nature is sinful because I don't subscribe to the belief in sin at all.JB good for you ![]() The understanding of myself is one of my top priorities because as I do, then I understand others because I realize that they are part of me.JB Though we may be all of the quantum feild we do not act as such as humans I'm more concerned with now - which is all we really have - than what will be after we are no longer in this condition we find ourselves in with what limited understanding our miniscule mind's can muster about the unknown.TRIBO I live by love, and I don't have to wonder if I am doing "right or wrong." Do things with love, forgive yourself for your mistakes be thankful for them because that is how you learn.JB if you don't have to worry about "right or wrong" then why would you have to "forgive your "mistakes" ???? That is what the golden rule is all about. Do unto others. you use religious quotes to affirm your stance, you "seemingly" believe in "mistakes" 2 : a "wrong" action or statement proceeding from faulty judgment, inadequate knowledge, or inattention Yet you state your not religious, and make mistakes? sin - in the greek means not hitting the target - the bullseye - off target, which is a "wrong action - faulty judgement - a "mistake?? you cannot "not believe" in "sin" and then turn around and state you believe in mistakes?? and be honest in your belief system.Even if that belief system is only your's and your's alone. |
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Thu 05/29/08 10:00 PM
if you don't have to worry about "right or wrong" then why would you have to "forgive your "mistakes" ????
A mistake is not a sin. They are not the same thing. You said you are not hung up on words.. yet you continue to post dictionary definitions of them. "Sin" is only defined within the confines of religious doctrine and it has to do with moral judgment passed upon someone by that religious doctrine or by others or by some god. The word has no meaning outside of religious doctrine and dogma. It has no meaning to me, except to imply religious doctrine and moral judgment. "A mistake" is an "oops." It is a personal event that results in an unwanted consequence. It is a learning experience. A person learns more from making mistakes than from hearing about things or reading about things. Experience is the best teacher and while we gain experience we make mistakes along the way. If we continue to make the same mistakes it is because we are not learning from them. When you make a bad mistake and learn from it and vow to never make that same mistake again, you become a changed person. It is like you are "born again" an you are no longer the same person because you are changed and you will not make that same mistake again. But you have to forgive yourself for it. If you don't, you will forever be beating yourself up about it and you will not be able to move on and you will begin thinking of yourself as the person who once made this mistake and you will dwell on that and identify with that and think of yourself at that kind of person when you are not. I have seen people agonize about their mistakes to the point that they cannot deal with the present moment for what it is. They panic and scream and make things worse. Deal with what is, learn from your mistake as soon as possible or you will not move forward. JB P.S. If you wonder if what you are doing is "right or wrong" ask yourself if you are doing it with love in your heart. True love, not selfish love. Anyway this is what I do. ![]() |
You said you are not hung up on words.. yet you continue to post dictionary definitions of them.JB
![]() 3 immoral conduct or practices harmful or offensive to society are you saying your belief is that mistakes do not add up to offenses harmful to society or yourself, or others?? If you kill or beat some one up is that a mistake? if you cuss someone out or put someone down is that a mistake? If you molest a child - is that a mistake? if your answers are yes they are mistakes - then sin/mistakes without the religious overtones or connotation's remain the same thing. You cannot simply seperate them because you desire to, due to your stand on the issue of religion.wrongs are wrongs no matter what names they may go by. And truth's are truth's whether you choose to believe them or not.gravity is not dependant on my belief as to whether it exsist or not, it will be what it is whether i exsist or choose not to believe in it..if your "oops" causes someone to die or be injured or hurt or causes them to hurt or offend other's then mistakes are sins or visa versa. If i kill someone is that an oops? a Personal "mistake? if not then define what it is? remember - you cant define it as a right or wrong because you dont believe in right or wrong correct? or i guess bad or good - only personal ooops' or mistakes that are small incosequential things. so how is killing a small personal thing? i'm not talking murder here - i mean if your driving a car and you take your eyes off the road and accidentally hit and kill someone - how is that a personal ooops? and how do you deal with that? Or if someone makes you mad enough to hit them and they fall and strike there head and die - do you just say - ooops! my bad??? and forgive yourself and go on? hmmmmmmm????????? |
No one is going to lose thier soul.
good night my lady, its 2 am here - must rest -
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Fri 05/30/08 12:47 AM
3 immoral conduct or practices harmful or offensive to society are you saying your belief is that mistakes do not add up to offenses harmful to society or yourself, or others?? If you kill or beat some one up is that a mistake? It could be. Especially if I killed or beat up the wrong person.. ![]() But here is an Example: If I had to chose between a guy killing me and my family, or me killing him, I might decide to kill him. Is that a mistake or a bad decision? I guess that is a matter of opinion, but I feel (and most people would feel) that it was justified self protection. Now if a guy broke into my house and was trying to kill my family and I pulled a gun on him and shot at him and it missed him and the bullet went through the wall and killed someone else, I would call that ~~a mistake. I killed the wrong guy. What might a person learn from that? Well, probably a lot of things, not to mention how to be a better shot. Would I feel bad for having killed a person? Probably. But not as bad as if I had let that person kill my family or me. Of course if he had killed me, I would not feel anything at all. ![]() if you cuss someone out or put someone down is that a mistake? If you molest a child - is that a mistake? if your answers are yes they are mistakes - then sin/mistakes without the religious overtones or connotation's remain the same thing. It is definitely a mistake to harm others no matter how slight, and the repercussions for such actions will come back into your life via the laws of cause and effect whether you see them immediately or not. I call this behavior "dysfunctional" and "wrong." Yes wrong. Wrong" is a personal judgment. I do not call it "sin" which implies a religious or moral judgment from society or God. You cannot simply seperate them because you desire to, due to your stand on the issue of religion.wrongs are wrongs no matter what names they may go by.
Yes I can separate them. If they were the same thing there would not be two different words to represent them. Right and wrong are personal judgments. "Sin" is religious doctrine and includes disobedience to god as being "sin." And truth's are truth's whether you choose to believe them or not.
![]() ![]() That is a deep subject on all levels. In one respect I agree with the statement, but on another level everyone seems to have their own truth. Still on another level, truth is just information. gravity is not dependant on my belief as to whether it exsist or not, it will be what it is whether i exsist or choose not to believe in it.. Gravity is a law of physics and is part of the nature of the reality or world we are currently living in. It is considered a "fact." But even the true nature of gravity is unknown. I would not consider it to be a universal truth, but if you want to agree that it is a truth of this world, I will agree that it is... in this world anyway. if your "oops" causes someone to die or be injured or hurt or causes them to hurt or offend other's then mistakes are sins or visa versa. If i kill someone is that an oops? a Personal "mistake? if not then define what it is? remember - you cant define it as a right or wrong because you dont believe in right or wrong correct?
Yes (see above) I do believe in right and wrong. Right and wrong are personal (moral) judgments. Killing someone is a big mistake in my opinion, and there is a huge price to pay for doing so. or i guess bad or good - only personal ooops' or mistakes that are small incosequential things. so how is killing a small personal thing? i'm not talking murder here - i mean if your driving a car and you take your eyes off the road and accidentally hit and kill someone - how is that a personal ooops? and how do you deal with that? Or if someone makes you mad enough to hit them and they fall and strike there head and die - do you just say - ooops! my bad??? and forgive yourself and go on? hmmmmmmm?????????
Of course you do not just forgive yourself and go on. It is not a small mistake to kill someone, and I don't think I ever said it was. I simply said that I do not call it a "sin." Is it wrong? Is it justified? Is it a mistake? All these things are personal judgments and opinions. Is it a sin? It is only considered a sin by religious doctrine because that is the word they use to define the disobedience to God. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Is the sin the killing or is the sin the disobedience of doing the killing? I don't know, that is religious doctrine. I think people (human awareness) have/has grown to the point that they don't need religious doctrine to determine right from wrong. I think people have conscience. I think people know what is right and what is wrong without all the rules and commandments. Breaking the laws of "God" as laid out by religious doctrine is what is considered "sin." because apparently there was a time when mankind was so primitive and unconscious that they could not determine for themselves what was right and what was wrong so they needed a higher authority to tell them and to provide reward and punishment for disobedience to these rules. JB |
if your "oops" causes someone to die or be injured or hurt or causes them to hurt or offend other's then mistakes are sins or visa versa. If i kill someone is that an oops? a Personal "mistake? if not then define what it is?
remember - you cant define it as a right or wrong because you dont believe in right or wrong correct? The mistake people often make in communication is to substitute a word with a different word, which to them, mean the same thing. In the last sentence you have substituted the word "sin" with "wrong" and because I told you that "sin" is only defined within the confines of religious doctrine and is meaningless outside of that and that I don't subscribe to the idea of "sin" you have replaced that with the word "wrong" and concluded that I don't believe in "right or wrong." This is a "wrong" conclusion, hence it is a "mistake." But it is a "mistake" in communication or in understanding. That does not make it a "sin." JB |
hahaaha - i wish you well jennie bean thnx for your time
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As far as the Catholic church is concerned, I "think" any mortal sin would be considered everlasting (assuming you don't confess). Original sin would also be everlasting if you don't get baptized.
Someone can correct me if I am wrong on these two accounts. |
As far as the Catholic church is concerned, I "think" any mortal sin would be considered everlasting (assuming you don't confess). Original sin would also be everlasting if you don't get baptized. Someone can correct me if I am wrong on these two accounts. There is not so much a need for correction as to understanding. There are no different levels of sin with god, only with roman catholocism's dogma of sins.the bilblical god cannot be associated with any sin big or small he cannot be in the presence of sin period. |
I have no religion and no name for my "belief system." I am not claiming that I don't have one. I do have one, but it is what I call a temporary world view. It's flexible. That does not mean it is easily manipulated or changed. To change my world view or to adjust it, I require reasonable information, logic, science and personal proof/experience. JB hmmm?? B.elief S.ystem - B.S. ![]() |
"Sin" is religious doctrine and includes disobedience to god as being "sin." JB
Sin is a word period - in the greek it meant - to miss the mark - meaning as example - if you were shooting at a target and you did not hit the bullseye - you "missed the mark. A "mistake is no more or no less than the same meaning - you donot hit the bullseye - ooops!! |
Yes I can separate them. If they were the same thing there would not be two different words to represent them.
There are many words for love in greek and other languages all donot mean the same thing, your statement does not hold water ![]() |
there are many sins not defined...and i have to disagree with selfishness...that is something some do not have...those who would give their life to save another... those people do not have a selfish bone in their body. Those people you speak of our doing a a momentary act of unselfishness - if you were to follow them throught their lives you would would see they are just as selfish as any other human. |
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Sat 05/31/08 11:01 AM
"Sin" is religious doctrine and includes disobedience to god as being "sin." JB Sin is a word period - in the greek it meant - to miss the mark - meaning as example - if you were shooting at a target and you did not hit the bullseye - you "missed the mark. A "mistake is no more or no less than the same meaning - you donot hit the bullseye - ooops!! Of course it is a word. But it has its roots and meaning steeped in religious dogma. It is associated with disobedience and shame etc. Words evolve in meaning to fit current understanding and use. What it used to mean in greek is a moot point. Where it came from is a moot point. We don't speak greek anymore. I have found that what is a "sin" differs in accordance to the Church you are attending. One church I used to go to claimed that dancing was a sin. Unmarried sex is a sin. Blah Blah Blah. The word is ambiguous and to me, completely meaningless. JB |