Topic: Infinity... | |
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Fri 05/23/08 10:35 AM
Also taken to intuitively mean 'endlessness' would actually makes sense in what Funches is saying. You can never know if something is truly 'endless', all you can know is that you can't measure it. Funches is actually perfectly correct in what he is saying here. Like it or not. ![]() He's not making any conclusions, all he's saying is that you can't make any conclusion either. That's really all he's saying. And he's right. I have given the above concept a lot of thought throughout my life, and it concerns the non-existence of NOTHING. I have loosely "concluded" that NOTHING cannot "exist" hence if Zero represents nothing, it also cannot exist. Some would describe "nothing" as being the absence of "something." But "something" and "nothing" cannot both exist, as they would cancel each other out. Since we exist, we know that "something" does exist. The existence of "something" guarantees then, that "nothing" does not and cannot exist. Hence (in binary) "zero" does not exist, only "one" exists. (I am the furthest thing from a mathematician but this seems to make sense to me.) JB |
Hence zero does not exist, only one exists.
You are absolutely 100% correct. In fact, this is what my math book is all about. I prove this unequivocally and show why the modern mathematical definition of number is based on a faulty foundation. I can't believe that you see this so clearly. Most people have no clue - even mathematicians! Do you realize that all of mathematics rests on the concept of nothing! Not One! It's true. Set theory is based on the concept of the empty set which is said to represent zero. The number one is then defined as the set containing the empty set, and so on. All of formal mathematics rests on the concept of nothing. ![]() It's true! And it's wrong. This actually leads to the concept of larger and smaller infinities in mathematics, and all of this was started by a man named Georg Cantor. But it's all wrong. And once repaired the conclusion will in fact be that there can only be one infinity, and that single infinity represents endlessness. Just as we all intuitively think of it. But to do that mathematics must be founded on the concept of One, not on the concept of Zero which is currently is! Modern formal mathematics is based on nothing. Truly it is! |
Hence zero does not exist, only one exists.
You are absolutely 100% correct. In fact, this is what my math book is all about. I prove this unequivocally and show why the modern mathematical definition of number is based on a faulty foundation. I can't believe that you see this so clearly. Most people have no clue - even mathematicians! Do you realize that all of mathematics rests on the concept of nothing! Not One! It's true. Set theory is based on the concept of the empty set which is said to represent zero. The number one is then defined as the set containing the empty set, and so on. All of formal mathematics rests on the concept of nothing. ![]() It's true! And it's wrong. This actually leads to the concept of larger and smaller infinities in mathematics, and all of this was started by a man named Georg Cantor. But it's all wrong. And once repaired the conclusion will in fact be that there can only be one infinity, and that single infinity represents endlessness. Just as we all intuitively think of it. But to do that mathematics must be founded on the concept of One, not on the concept of Zero which is currently is! Modern formal mathematics is based on nothing. Truly it is! This is good news for me. When I try talking about this concept with most people their eyes tend to glaze over. ![]() At least now I know that one person (you) understand what I am talking about in this regard. JB |
Zero exists...
If I have no horses, how many horses do I have? Yes, nothing does not exist in reality, but humans are capible of abstract thinking. Abstract thinking has allowed for almost every advancement humans have acheived past the simple tools. |
Zero exists... If I have no horses, how many horses do I have? Yes, nothing does not exist in reality, but humans are capible of abstract thinking. Abstract thinking has allowed for almost every advancement humans have acheived past the simple tools. You have plenty of horses. There are horses all over the place. Until horses become extinct, you will always have horses. Just because they are not in your possession or in your barn does not mean you do not have any horses. You just don't have to feed them. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 05/23/08 11:18 AM
This is good news for me. When I try talking about this concept with most people their eyes tend to glaze over. ![]() At least now I know that one person (you) understand what I am talking about in this regard. JB Well it's a deep topic actually. There are two different ways to think about mathematics. One is as a language (which it most certainly is). If I say that I have zero elephants in my house that means that there is an absence of elephants in my house. And if you go in my house and look around you won't see any elephants. But that doesn't mean that there is nothing in my house! However, there is also a second way to view mathematics, and that is that it is a direct model of the quantitative property exhibited by this universe. In that sense zero cannot exist. If you have zero of something, that simply means that you don't have any of that thing. That's fine. In that sense zero represents the absence of whatever thing you were referring to. But that doesn't mean that you have nothing! It merely means that have none of the thing you were attempting to quantify. However, when you take that over into the actual properties of the universe, the concept of zero can have no meaning in and of itself (as an absolute noun). Zero cannot exist as a number. It only has meaning as an adjective. Yet in modern mathematics it's being treated as a noun. Like as if zero exists as a valid number. But it cannot. In fact, if we define mathematics based on this concept it forces multiple-sized infinities. But there are no multiple-sized infinites. And more to the point, what we are thinking of as multiple-sized infinities are actually collections of objects that have different properties. But the properties that they differ in are not quantitative properties! They are other qualities. Yet these other qualities are being suppressed by modern mathematics because they are being attributed to the erroneous idea of quantity. No one will ever realize that these other qualities exist as long as they are being taught to view them as ideas of quantity. But they are not quantitative ideas. That is to say that these properties do not arise due to the quantitative nature of the universe. They arise from other qualities of the universe. Qualities that aren't even being recognized because they are being treated as though they are part of the concept of number. In my studies I have discovered the true nature of what we call 'irrational numbers'. Their true nature is not quantitative at all, it is due to a whole different quality that I have discovered and will be revealing in my book. Modern mathematics does not have an explanation for how 'irrational numbers' can exist. This is because they are trying to think of them purely in terms of quantity and that makes no sense. So they can't make sense of them. They just accept that they exist but they don't know what causes them to be the way they are. I found the answer to this question, and it's not a quantitative answer. It's a different quality altogether. It explains why irrational numbers exist (except they aren't really numbers at all) they are something other than number. Which is what I reveal in my book. And it's all because mathematics is based on nothing, when it should be based on One. |
Zero exists... If I have no horses, how many horses do I have? Yes, nothing does not exist in reality, but humans are capible of abstract thinking. Abstract thinking has allowed for almost every advancement humans have acheived past the simple tools. Actually this is precisely how modern mathematicians think. And this is why they are wrong. Mathematics isn't supposed to be about what humans can imagine. Mathematics is supposed to be a precise and rigorous reflection of the true quantitative nature of the universe. But it got off track and had become precisely what you say here. It has become nothing more than a completely arbitrary means of men to exchange totally abstract ideas without any requirement that their ideas are in line with reality. Anything they can imagine goes. And that's precisely what they've done. If this is what mathematics has become then fine. It has nothing to do with reality anymore. All it has to do with now is man's whim. It has become nothing more than a tool of the imagination to create anything man dreams up. But if that's what modern mathematics is (and this is what it has become), then it no longer has anything to do with the actual universe in which we live. From my point of view, I would say that mathematics is then off-track. It is no longer about the quantitative properties of the universe that it originally started out to be. It is now nothing more than a random invention of men. This is why it will no longer be compatible as a universal language. If aliens from other planets just made up their own mathematics then we'd all have different ideas. The only thing that made it a universal language in the first place is because it was originally supposed to be a reflection of the true properties of the universe. It's no longer that. It has truly moved into the realm of becoming a formalism that is now just based on the whim of man's imagination. It's lost it's original purpose and meaning. It no longer holds truth. It has gotten off track. I can even show precisely where it has gotten off track historically, and why it has gotten off track. |
Abra, I want you to finish that book and I want to read it.
![]() JB |
Abra, I want you to finish that book and I want to read it. ![]() JB Well come over and kiss me and owl see what I can do fer ya. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Abra, I want you to finish that book and I want to read it. ![]() JB Well come over and kiss me and owl see what I can do fer ya. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Okay. Send me the coordinates, and I will fire up the way back machine. ![]() |
Zero exists... If I have no horses, how many horses do I have? Yes, nothing does not exist in reality, but humans are capible of abstract thinking. Abstract thinking has allowed for almost every advancement humans have acheived past the simple tools. Exactly. And TRUST me, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out. If I had 10 horses and sold ALL 10 horses, I would have ZERO horses in my Possesion, left. ZERO!! Not SOME horses left!! ZERO horses left!!!! ZERO!!! No responses, please. Don't have time to debate foolishness on a forum board. There are more important things in life. Take care Now...... |
Edited by
Fri 05/23/08 02:43 PM
If I had 10 horses and sold ALL 10 horses, I would have ZERO horses in my Possesion, left. You wouldn't have ZERO horses. You'd have the asbsence of horses. But I certainly don't expect you do understand the difference. ![]() Very few people do. (Edited to add,...) Actually I should add here that we have been taught in highschool to accept intuitively that 'zero' means the absence of something. But at higher levels of mathematics zero is actually considered to be a number in its own right. Like as if it can have an actual existence of its own. But in truth, that concept is quite problematic, and actually incorrect with repect to the true nature of the universe. It's a manmade whim that fails to properly address the correct quantitative nature of the universe. ![]() |
Okay. Send me the coordinates, and I will fire up the way back machine. ![]() I’m originally from Heaven but now I’m bound to Earth you can find your way to the core of my soul with a compass that points to worth I’m the gold at the end of the rainbow and you’re the light that makes it shine together we’ll complete the scene that makes this world divine Our cerebral waves are mingling forming patterns in the light if we ever get together we’ll share a nova of delight So grab your Golden Compass that always points to truth and know that I’m the lover that you’ve dreamed of in your youth. ![]() |
In numbers , every time you add a new number it becomes bigger and you can continue like that to infinity . Well ,infinity is not a number by itself but a thinking only and therefore it is a definition of a simple idea at the end of it all . Zero is a mathematical definition for " nothing ".
So God or Gods have nothing to do with infinity since God or Gods are only definitions to what people think as their creator or creators . Two different concepts with two different definitions . |
In numbers , every time you add a new number it becomes bigger and you can continue like that to infinity . Well ,infinity is not a number by itself but a thinking only and therefore it is a definition of a simple idea at the end of it all . Zero is a mathematical definition for " nothing ". This is actually the intuitive idea that most people have. It works to think like this in simple engineering times. Almost anything you can build on earth you can use mathematics in this way and be just fine. You can even build a rocket to put a man on the moon and it works just fine. However, in truth these intuitive ideas are not mathematically correct in the formal sense. Formally, modern mathematics has already proven that there are an infinity of infinities (all different sizes!). Yes, it’s true. This is what our formal mathematics says. There are an infinities of infinities and they come in differnet sizes. Just like numbers are differnet ‘sizes’. It’s not just the intuitive notion of endlessness like you might like to believe. (although I would argue with you that this is in fact the true nature of infinity). But this is not the currently accepted formal definition of infinity. Also, you see zero as representing “nothing”. But what you actually mean by that is that you see it as meaning that you have no quantity of whatever it is you are talking about. (the absence of THAT thing to which you are referring). This is how everyone intuitively thinks of zero. But this is not the formal mathematical definition of zero. Zero in mathematics is defined as the empty set. And it is given existence in that respect. In this sense zero is actually a thing. It is not nothing. It is an actual mathematical entity. In fact, its very existence is what gives rise to the multiple sizes of infinities of mathematics. (although I don’t believe that mathematician realize this). They don’t seem to be making the connection. They just think there are an infinity of infinities. They are totally unaware that this is caused by their erroneous formal definition of the number zero. And, yes, in mathematics zero is a number (not the absence of number as it should be). This very real number zero (treated as a noun or a thing in mathematics) causes other problems was well. But all of these problems are in the realm of differential geometry, group theory, matrix algebra, etc. In other words, this notion is going to concern someone who is merely designing something like a rocket ship or a bridge. This notion is only going to affect higher level mathematics used in things like Quantum Field Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity, String Theory, General Relativity and the description of things like black holes, etc. So from an undergraduate math perspective it won’t even change a thing. Even when mathematics is corrected, most of what is taught in college algebra or calculus, for example, won’t change much at all. Especially from an engineering point of view. This will only affect the higher-level mathematical theories that are trying to describe the true nature of reality. It’s kind of like Einstein’s theory of Relativity. It fixed the flaws in Newtonian physics. But it didn’t destroy Newtonian physics. Newtonian physics was all that was needed to put a man on the moon, or build commercial airliners, etc. However, Einstein’s theory of Relativity explained the perturbations of Mercury, as well as many other things not the least of which was the discovery of E=mc². It’s the same way here. To fix mathematics won’t change math in the most rudimentary sense. Banks, bridges and airplanes will all still work. It will only have dramatic affects on things like Quantum Theory, String Theory, General Relativity, black holes, and so on. |
I think the direction technology is going this flaw in math will eventually be used. You better get your book finished before someone else does it first. LOL JB |
Abra, I think the direction technology is going this flaw in math will eventually be used. You better get your book finished before someone else does it first. LOL JB Why? If someone else does it first they will have saved me the trouble. ![]() I've already told God that I don't really want to write this book and to get someone else to do it, but she said that she won't let me die until I do and that I'm the only one who can write it at this point in time. Typical woman, always withholding the thing they know you want most in order to get a response from you. ![]() I'm really not sure why it's even important. Who cares if mankind is on the wrong track with mathematics and science? They'll figure it out eventually, it's inevitable. I even told God this but she just gave me that 'look' and then ignored me. I hate it when she does that. ![]() She knows I know and she knows I know she knows. So there's nothing left to do but write the damn book. ![]() |
Abra, I think the direction technology is going this flaw in math will eventually be used. You better get your book finished before someone else does it first. LOL JB Why? If someone else does it first they will have saved me the trouble. ![]() I've already told God that I don't really want to write this book and to get someone else to do it, but she said that she won't let me die until I do and that I'm the only one who can write it at this point in time. Typical woman, always withholding the thing they know you want most in order to get a response from you. ![]() I'm really not sure why it's even important. Who cares if mankind is on the wrong track with mathematics and science? They'll figure it out eventually, it's inevitable. I even told God this but she just gave me that 'look' and then ignored me. I hate it when she does that. ![]() She knows I know and she knows I know she knows. So there's nothing left to do but write the damn book. ![]() Yep, and she sent me to nag you about it. I have acrobat professional, I can convert it to a pdf E-book and you can sell it on, become a best seller with a little promotion, then eventually get a printer to put it in hard copy, or you can get a laser printer and binder and do it yourself for a while for people who want hard copies. Publishing has changed with all this computer stuff. Get it done! God sent me to nag you and I don't like nagging. JB |
God sent me to nag you and I don't like nagging. JB I know! She's always making us do stuff we don't wanna dew. Ok sweetheart, owl go write the book. ![]() ![]() |
You wouldn't have ZERO horses. You'd have the asbsence of horses. This is like explaining that negative acceleration is not going in to reverse, it is slowing down. Its abstract thinking that is wrong. Is Black a colour or an absence of colour? |