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Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 5
Barbus's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:14 PM
I have been around for quite a long time, acutally, I am old enough to be Barbus's father, I have been delivering babies all over the lands, it is part of my job as a healer, and a mage.

Your great grandfather, you say? Man of the earth he was, and if my memory serves me, your great grandmother, of water, however, for whatever reason, fire never entered your liniage, odd.

cuppy59's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:15 PM
She opens her eyes wide in shock...Glasses broke on the table, dishes on the floor, food is thrown everywhere. She sees dead fish chunks in the wash bucket....

Calliope opens the door to the Tavern and looks around, "Hello, can anyone tell me what happened in the kitchen? I suppose someone wanted to fight or something like that."

She looks around the room..."Draven, Re'anna, Azareak,Caracatus. Do you have any explanation for this disaster?"

RicJL's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:16 PM
Hearing Draven's words, Caracatus says cheerfully, "Perhaps our friend Azareak would be willing to part with a haunch of that fine dear for us to sup upon. As payment for the ease of her malaise?" He looks at the vampire and holds out his hand with the palm cupped in the universal sign of supplication.

dungonmasterRJ's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:17 PM
glances at the minotaur

*thnks to himself this is a first hes not all wound up tonight*

cuppy59's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:17 PM
She glances at the newcomer and nods...

Just at that moment Pan comes from out of nowhere and jumps in her arms. "Pan, how did you get out of my room? I know I closed the door."

thumper95's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:17 PM
i know nothing other than im the jester of the inn tonight, i have not long came in

RicJL's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:18 PM

She looks around the room..."Draven, Re'anna, Azareak,Caracatus. Do you have any explanation for this disaster?"

Not I, sweet halfling, I was dozing by the hearth, tho' I did hear a ruckus after your departure for the festival."

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:18 PM
*Rathil enters the room and takes a seat behind the bar. He looks exhausted and doesn't bother noticing all the people around him despite all their bantering.*

thumper95's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:18 PM
and why is it i am named first, like i go into kitchens, i use a cooking fire in my home, as i dont eat most of the food here.

dungonmasterRJ's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:19 PM

She glances at the newcomer and nods...

Just at that moment Pan comes from out of nowhere and jumps in her arms. "Pan, how did you get out of my room? I know I closed the door."
nods back

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:19 PM

now,, Reanna, back to what we were discussing,

Meaning no disrespect to the vampire. i know she is young, and new to her new walk in err life so to speak. She said that she only feeds on animals. Although i detest an orc as much as anyone.... but last i looked they weren't considered an animal. lowers her voice at Draven... that would be an insult to an animal you know. winks at him
I don't know if she will be able to resist the urge much longer. have to give her credit though, she is a strong one to be able to resist at all.
Just think for all our sakes that we keep an eye out on her that is all.

thumper95's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:20 PM
with a lowered voice, draven looks at reanna, my dear, this young one already knows if she were to try to bite me she would get the point and err of her ways with my axe, and knows that it would not be a good thing.

redhead44613's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:21 PM
* takes what she needs then takes the rest into the back of the bar* here Calliope, Im sure you can make something for these guys. * walks in from the back* Caracatus it should be ready soon my friend

RicJL's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:21 PM

I have been around for quite a long time, acutally, I am old enough to be Barbus's father, I have been delivering babies all over the lands, it is part of my job as a healer, and a mage.

Your great grandfather, you say? Man of the earth he was, and if my memory serves me, your great grandmother, of water, however, for whatever reason, fire never entered your liniage, odd.

"Quite true, Sir. I myself am of the Earth persuasion and indeed, none since before nor after your time among us has ever been aligned so." His brow furrows in thought, "Perhaps, since I have this opportunity before me, I might ask you the boon of casting a divination to determine why this has been so?"

cuppy59's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:22 PM
She shrugs Dravens silly comments off....

"Heavenstone, i didnt see you sitting there...I hope you were not a party to the mess."

She climbs behind the bar and sits on the edge..."I was out to see what a festival was out and I see that I cant leave you silly children alone by yourselves." She laughs while holding Pan tightly. He squirms in her arms because noticed something move in the dark corner on the floor.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:22 PM
*Rathil leans back in his chair and pulls his wide brimmed down and closes his eye. He starts to nod off.*

Barbus's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:22 PM
You must be Rathil, I am told you have heard from Barbus?

thumper95's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:23 PM
halfling, you do not welcome me as usual, but come out ready to take some heads from the mess, what happened to the kindred way you are normally, and you out of breathe, you act like the hounds of hell are at ya

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:24 PM
*Rathil perks up a bit from hearing his name but doesn't lift his hat. He just answers*

Not since he flew off to track down a bunch of his friends. I imagine he won't be back for at least 4-5 days. *Rathil says with a yawn*

redhead44613's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:24 PM
*sits down and look at the two* yes I may be still young but I promise you I will not hurt any of you, you have let me come in here without questions, I only did that to help out...can not pass a free meal.

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