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Topic: Hemp powered vehicles
warmachine's photo
Tue 05/20/08 04:22 AM

You do realize how many billions of dollars can be saved just by one piece of legislation legalizing Cannabis?

You would give us the opportunity to end the need for foriegn oil, you could slap a tax stamp on the smokable stuff and you would be able to empty out these prisons.
Clothes could be made from it,Plastic products... Plus this could save,bolster and even create more family farms.

So much money could be made and saved, you have got to wonder what the hold up is.

Max_Darkling's photo
Tue 05/20/08 04:29 AM
I agree 100% But i don't see it happening

Snoman1951's photo
Tue 05/20/08 04:54 AM
the cost savings in our prison system alone would go along way for national debt bigsmile smokin

Mashairi's photo
Tue 05/20/08 04:58 AM
Peace to you.

The hold up is,
the 50,000 products that cannabis sativa,
the marijuana plant can provide,

are a direct threat to the interests of oil giants.grumble

Only a handful of men and women, control the planet.
They are a small circle of super rich bloodlines.
One name to be considered in this circle,
is Rockerfeller. Another is Rothchild.devil

Those who control the oil and coal production,
understand that nobody would want or need their oil.grumble

People would make their own fuel, "methanol" privately,
and people would make their own clothing and plastics.bigsmile

Hemp plastic is ten times stronger than steel.
Your car body would not dent,
and you would not need a trade in because of parking accidents.

This Marijuana (vegetable based) plastic,
can withstand a grown mans weight behind a sledgehammer,
and not dent or crack.noway

30% of the marijuana seed, has oil,
this hemp seed oil is used to produce diesel fuel.
Trucks that ship food to your local supermarket,
use diesel fuel.:smile:

can solve over 90% of the worlds energy needs,
from coal to natural gas,
and it can also end the conflict in the middle east,
like WarMachine said.

The Marijuana plant has been in service to mankind,
as food, medicine, clothing, shelter, oil.
and as a raw industrial material since 450. B.C.
thousands of years,
and was the first crop grown for seed by colonists in America.

Only around 1930, did it get outlawed,
because of Timber (wood trees lumber)giants.grumble

1 acre of hemp produces as much paper as 4 acres of trees.
The trees, take 20 YEARS to mature.:angry:

The hemp (marijuana plants) can grow to heights of over 20 ft,
in only 3 MONTHS!noway :heart:

Long story short, the hemp plant, Cannabis Sativa,
that the first two articles of THE U.S. CONSTITUTION
is written on paper made from,

was made illegal, to take industry and life itself,
out of the hands of the common people globally,
and especially in the upper 50 states of America.explode

It was announced as MARIJUANA" it's spanish name,
instead of "HEMP" a household name for hundreds of U.S.A. years.

1. To play on racist fears,
and 2. because nobody knew what Marijuana was,
the people who wanted pot illegal, were able to make up all kinds of lies about "MARIJUANA" that nobody in the world,
would have ever believed about the same plant,
they knew as "HEMP".noway

This was done,
through the few who control the media, t.v. radio, newspapers,
magazines, etc...glasses

so that all people would then have to buy food,
buy clothing, buy shelter, and work as slaves for these rich families who took this ability for independence from the people.

Minimum wage anyone?devil

The answer to 9-11 is 1776.explode

warmachine's photo
Tue 05/20/08 05:37 AM

Peace to you.

The hold up is,
the 50,000 products that cannabis sativa,
the marijuana plant can provide,

are a direct threat to the interests of oil giants.grumble

Only a handful of men and women, control the planet.
They are a small circle of super rich bloodlines.
One name to be considered in this circle,
is Rockerfeller. Another is Rothchild.devil

Those who control the oil and coal production,
understand that nobody would want or need their oil.grumble

People would make their own fuel, "methanol" privately,
and people would make their own clothing and plastics.bigsmile

Hemp plastic is ten times stronger than steel.
Your car body would not dent,
and you would not need a trade in because of parking accidents.

This Marijuana (vegetable based) plastic,
can withstand a grown mans weight behind a sledgehammer,
and not dent or crack.noway

30% of the marijuana seed, has oil,
this hemp seed oil is used to produce diesel fuel.
Trucks that ship food to your local supermarket,
use diesel fuel.:smile:

can solve over 90% of the worlds energy needs,
from coal to natural gas,
and it can also end the conflict in the middle east,
like WarMachine said.

The Marijuana plant has been in service to mankind,
as food, medicine, clothing, shelter, oil.
and as a raw industrial material since 450. B.C.
thousands of years,
and was the first crop grown for seed by colonists in America.

Only around 1930, did it get outlawed,
because of Timber (wood trees lumber)giants.grumble

1 acre of hemp produces as much paper as 4 acres of trees.
The trees, take 20 YEARS to mature.:angry:

The hemp (marijuana plants) can grow to heights of over 20 ft,
in only 3 MONTHS!noway :heart:

Long story short, the hemp plant, Cannabis Sativa,
that the first two articles of THE U.S. CONSTITUTION
is written on paper made from,

was made illegal, to take industry and life itself,
out of the hands of the common people globally,
and especially in the upper 50 states of America.explode

It was announced as MARIJUANA" it's spanish name,
instead of "HEMP" a household name for hundreds of U.S.A. years.

1. To play on racist fears,
and 2. because nobody knew what Marijuana was,
the people who wanted pot illegal, were able to make up all kinds of lies about "MARIJUANA" that nobody in the world,
would have ever believed about the same plant,
they knew as "HEMP".noway

This was done,
through the few who control the media, t.v. radio, newspapers,
magazines, etc...glasses

so that all people would then have to buy food,
buy clothing, buy shelter, and work as slaves for these rich families who took this ability for independence from the people.

Minimum wage anyone?devil

The answer to 9-11 is 1776.explode

That was a helluva post!

RoamingOrator's photo
Tue 05/20/08 05:59 AM
While the above was a very good post, he left out a few corporations that fight against the legalization.

The Pharmacutical Companies. Who will by prozac and zoloft when you can go to the store to buy some pot? No one, the results are the same, and no Doctor is needed.

The Alchohol Industry. This is just unjustified fear. They don't realize that we will need cold beer for the cotton mouth that will soon be coming.

The Timber industry. You think Georgia Pacific wants to compete with hemp fiber? An average farmer could produce as much wood on a couple of acres, and regrow those "downed forests" the very next season. Also an unjustified fear, for while some papers and pressboards might be made, raw lumber for structural support will still be necessary, hence the sawdust and cuttings will still be used.

The Plastics Council. Sure you can make hemp plastic, but the plastics council is just an arm of the Petrolium industry, so they want nothing to do with it. And plastics as a whole are bad for the earth and the people that live on it. Glass might be more dangerous, but less toxic. Didn't even mention that Nylon falls under this domain, the main textile competition.

Law Enforcement. What do you think we would stil need all these cops if we legalized pot? 1/4 of the nations crime would disappear over night. 70% of our prison population was do to drug related offenses (1997 statistics), 40% were just personal possession cases. I already live in a community where we have more cops that felonies committed annually, these people have to justify there existence somehow.

Cotton Producers Once again, a misguided falsity to believe that Hemp will replace cotton, but why have another competitive opponent?

Those are just the ones I could think of, I'm sure there are more. The truth is, we have a horrible economy, and a serious energy problem. Hemp could actually help with both. Why? An absolutely new industry that can be literally "home grown." That means jobs, a reduction in tax exspenditures, research, and a national "ethanol" source that doesn't cut into the food supply.

I can't think of any good reason why hemp should be illegal in the industrial capacity, and very few reasons why it should be illegal in a recreational capacity.

Snoman1951's photo
Tue 05/20/08 06:12 AM
It's an election year...the question needs to be part of national platform bigsmile

warmachine's photo
Tue 05/20/08 06:14 AM

It's an election year...the question needs to be part of national platform bigsmile


Nickinolosers's photo
Tue 05/20/08 06:15 AM

While the above was a very good post, he left out a few corporations that fight against the legalization.

The Pharmacutical Companies. Who will by prozac and zoloft when you can go to the store to buy some pot? No one, the results are the same, and no Doctor is needed.

The Alchohol Industry. This is just unjustified fear. They don't realize that we will need cold beer for the cotton mouth that will soon be coming.

The Timber industry. You think Georgia Pacific wants to compete with hemp fiber? An average farmer could produce as much wood on a couple of acres, and regrow those "downed forests" the very next season. Also an unjustified fear, for while some papers and pressboards might be made, raw lumber for structural support will still be necessary, hence the sawdust and cuttings will still be used.

The Plastics Council. Sure you can make hemp plastic, but the plastics council is just an arm of the Petrolium industry, so they want nothing to do with it. And plastics as a whole are bad for the earth and the people that live on it. Glass might be more dangerous, but less toxic. Didn't even mention that Nylon falls under this domain, the main textile competition.

Law Enforcement. What do you think we would stil need all these cops if we legalized pot? 1/4 of the nations crime would disappear over night. 70% of our prison population was do to drug related offenses (1997 statistics), 40% were just personal possession cases. I already live in a community where we have more cops that felonies committed annually, these people have to justify there existence somehow.

Cotton Producers Once again, a misguided falsity to believe that Hemp will replace cotton, but why have another competitive opponent?

Those are just the ones I could think of, I'm sure there are more. The truth is, we have a horrible economy, and a serious energy problem. Hemp could actually help with both. Why? An absolutely new industry that can be literally "home grown." That means jobs, a reduction in tax exspenditures, research, and a national "ethanol" source that doesn't cut into the food supply.

I can't think of any good reason why hemp should be illegal in the industrial capacity, and very few reasons why it should be illegal in a recreational capacity.

I KNEW there was a good reason I liked you laugh laugh laugh

Well said flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/20/08 06:17 AM
Edited by crickstergo on Tue 05/20/08 06:21 AM

Snoman1951's photo
Tue 05/20/08 06:26 AM
Grows well where tabacco grows,handles like tabacco,and you don't throw lite doobies out the window and start fires bigsmile

Nickinolosers's photo
Tue 05/20/08 06:37 AM

Grows well where tabacco grows,handles like tabacco,and you don't throw lite doobies out the window and start fires bigsmile

^5 Snowman bigsmile

RoamingOrator's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:34 PM
You don't think they believe we'd all be gettin high as kites while driving down the road do you?

Of course, I'm from Kansas, so I'm a firm believer in getting high and driving across this state. I think it should be a state law that requires I-70 to become a toll road from KC to the CO. border. They should hand you a bhong at one border, you turn back in when you get to the next. You're toll goes to offset the cost of the bag.

I fully support "Bhong Hits Across Western Kansas" because I've driven across Kansas, didn't have them, and it causes me physical pain to think that there are those that have to drive across Kansas without.

Snoman1951's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:51 PM
couldn't even imagine....everybody drivin' slow with a big smile bigsmile smokin bigsmile

warmachine's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:06 PM

You don't think they believe we'd all be gettin high as kites while driving down the road do you?

Of course, I'm from Kansas, so I'm a firm believer in getting high and driving across this state. I think it should be a state law that requires I-70 to become a toll road from KC to the CO. border. They should hand you a bhong at one border, you turn back in when you get to the next. You're toll goes to offset the cost of the bag.

I fully support "Bhong Hits Across Western Kansas" because I've driven across Kansas, didn't have them, and it causes me physical pain to think that there are those that have to drive across Kansas without.

LOL, no kidding! laugh

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:32 PM
Yea but if everything was made with cannabis then people would be trying to smoke everythinglaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

mnhiker's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:41 PM
I'm against marijuana decriminalization for the simple fact that it can hurt growing children.

I knew a high school kid once who had diabetes.

He'd skip school to hang out with his buddies and smoke pot, and it almost killed him.

Before you think about what a great thing legalizing pot would be, think about what harm it could do to children.

RoamingOrator's photo
Thu 05/22/08 05:57 AM

I'm against marijuana decriminalization for the simple fact that it can hurt growing children.

I knew a high school kid once who had diabetes.

He'd skip school to hang out with his buddies and smoke pot, and it almost killed him.

Before you think about what a great thing legalizing pot would be, think about what harm it could do to children.

If you don't know how to raise your children so that they can make informed choices at the appropriate times in their life, that's your problem. I don't care about your kids. If the day comes I ever have my own, I'll teach them the difference between right, wrong, legal, and illegal (in case you didn't know this those are all four seperate things). I'll also teach them that there is a time and place for things, and that time is after your education is finished.

But to keep adults in check just because someone is afraid of what might happen to future children is nuts. If I remember correctly, that's the whole point of adulthood, to be able to make rational decisions when you need too. And if you think industrial marijuana will lead to children dying of diabetes you are highly misinformed.

The information on marijuana being a gateway drug is also skewed. Ask any pot smoker which drug he tried first, and I bet it would be (and this is very rarely on those surveys the government uses) alcohol. Yes, you're glorious legal and well taxed favorite friend is the culperate. No one thinks about it, but we all learn it is okay, to let go and party with a can of beer. Are you willing to give up your six packs "just to be sure the children are safe?"

You worry about your kids, when the time comes I'll worry about mine.

warmachine's photo
Thu 05/22/08 06:03 AM

I'm against marijuana decriminalization for the simple fact that it can hurt growing children.

I knew a high school kid once who had diabetes.

He'd skip school to hang out with his buddies and smoke pot, and it almost killed him.

Before you think about what a great thing legalizing pot would be, think about what harm it could do to children.

Well, if you're against it hurting children, then you should be for legalization, because right now the distribution of the stuff is in the hands of criminals, who could care less who buys it, as long as they are making money.

By legalizing it, you slap a tax stamp on that stuff and then you can sell it behind a counter and check I.D.'s which would severely decrease the access that children would have to the product. Right now they could score a baggie of weed, after school and be home toking before the parent had any clue something was up.

warmachine's photo
Thu 05/22/08 07:26 AM
Is Senator Kennedy a Victim of Pot Prohibition?

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