Topic: Just Give War A Chance.......
Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 05/19/08 05:51 PM
enderra...the Kmer Rouge were there long before the US and even before the French colonized for your other statemant and Hikers....We have done little in Sudan and Burma except to try to bring in medical and food supplies...which more often then not end up in the juantas possesion....We try to put diplomatic pressure...but without more partners...its fruitless(the point of my thread)flowerforyou

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 05/19/08 05:54 PM

What is the saying about throwing rocks when you live in a glass house? We have absolutely no business as the police of the world. Sovereignty is sacred and we enjoy ours. We have to give the same respect to other countries. How would we feel if they decided we are not running our country correctly and invaded? We would not like it one bit and we need to give the same respect.

So give war a chance? Hell nonoway huh

I love to see you spend one weekend in Burma and see how you'd feel....if you survived.....Soverniegned nation...LMAO

If I lived there it would be my nation to work within the government and the channels there to resolve. Not the US business to come and invade and regulate!!!noway huh grumble

There are no channels...nor organized government to work "within" just power hungry dictators that enslave their people, this has been going on for thirty years in Burma...I'm glad your family isn't there being murdered and rape while you wait thirty years to do something!

Dragoness's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:02 PM

What is the saying about throwing rocks when you live in a glass house? We have absolutely no business as the police of the world. Sovereignty is sacred and we enjoy ours. We have to give the same respect to other countries. How would we feel if they decided we are not running our country correctly and invaded? We would not like it one bit and we need to give the same respect.

So give war a chance? Hell nonoway huh

I love to see you spend one weekend in Burma and see how you'd feel....if you survived.....Soverniegned nation...LMAO

If I lived there it would be my nation to work within the government and the channels there to resolve. Not the US business to come and invade and regulate!!!noway huh grumble

There are no channels...nor organized government to work "within" just power hungry dictators that enslave their people, this has been going on for thirty years in Burma...I'm glad your family isn't there being murdered and rape while you wait thirty years to do something!

Sick warring agenda is not justified by the dictators of the world. We had to fight within our country to get the government we have and so do all other countries. It is their right to fight within their own country to get to where they want to be, we are not the police of the world.

no photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:06 PM

What is the saying about throwing rocks when you live in a glass house? We have absolutely no business as the police of the world. Sovereignty is sacred and we enjoy ours. We have to give the same respect to other countries. How would we feel if they decided we are not running our country correctly and invaded? We would not like it one bit and we need to give the same respect.

So give war a chance? Hell nonoway huh

I love to see you spend one weekend in Burma and see how you'd feel....if you survived.....Soverniegned nation...LMAO

If I lived there it would be my nation to work within the government and the channels there to resolve. Not the US business to come and invade and regulate!!!noway huh grumble

There are no channels...nor organized government to work "within" just power hungry dictators that enslave their people, this has been going on for thirty years in Burma...I'm glad your family isn't there being murdered and rape while you wait thirty years to do something!

U.S.A. has been bulling nations more than thirty years and no one stopped it .When you have power you ought to be just ,fair ,
and right not a bully like an ugly elephant . Why does the Us ponder to Israel so much ?. How much money are the taxpayers spending on this state ?....etc.sad sad sad sad sad .

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:07 PM

What is the saying about throwing rocks when you live in a glass house? We have absolutely no business as the police of the world. Sovereignty is sacred and we enjoy ours. We have to give the same respect to other countries. How would we feel if they decided we are not running our country correctly and invaded? We would not like it one bit and we need to give the same respect.

So give war a chance? Hell nonoway huh

I love to see you spend one weekend in Burma and see how you'd feel....if you survived.....Soverniegned nation...LMAO

If I lived there it would be my nation to work within the government and the channels there to resolve. Not the US business to come and invade and regulate!!!noway huh grumble

There are no channels...nor organized government to work "within" just power hungry dictators that enslave their people, this has been going on for thirty years in Burma...I'm glad your family isn't there being murdered and rape while you wait thirty years to do something!

Sick warring agenda is not justified by the dictators of the world. We had to fight within our country to get the government we have and so do all other countries. It is their right to fight within their own country to get to where they want to be, we are not the police of the world.

Our country was much to vast for England to control...if we had been the size of lets say vermont...I doubt we could have ever won the revolutionary war and would still be an English colony...but anyway..your creme de la cafe is getting cold, don't worry about less fortunate souls in far away places..much too depressing...let them suffer!

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:10 PM
simple answer Sam..because if we didn't they would be destroyed....period!

Dragoness's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:10 PM

What is the saying about throwing rocks when you live in a glass house? We have absolutely no business as the police of the world. Sovereignty is sacred and we enjoy ours. We have to give the same respect to other countries. How would we feel if they decided we are not running our country correctly and invaded? We would not like it one bit and we need to give the same respect.

So give war a chance? Hell nonoway huh

I love to see you spend one weekend in Burma and see how you'd feel....if you survived.....Soverniegned nation...LMAO

If I lived there it would be my nation to work within the government and the channels there to resolve. Not the US business to come and invade and regulate!!!noway huh grumble

There are no channels...nor organized government to work "within" just power hungry dictators that enslave their people, this has been going on for thirty years in Burma...I'm glad your family isn't there being murdered and rape while you wait thirty years to do something!

Sick warring agenda is not justified by the dictators of the world. We had to fight within our country to get the government we have and so do all other countries. It is their right to fight within their own country to get to where they want to be, we are not the police of the world.

Our country was much to vast for England to control...if we had been the size of lets say vermont...I doubt we could have ever won the revolutionary war and would still be an English colony...but anyway..your creme de la cafe is getting cold, don't worry about less fortunate souls in far away places..much too depressing...let them suffer!

It is not a matter of not feeling for those suffering, I feel for everyone who suffers, it is a matter of not stepping on toes. Sovereignty is sacred to a nation and it makes them their own police and ruler. We have to respect that sovereignty if we want ours to be held in respect. So yours is colder.

no photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:14 PM

simple answer Sam..because if we didn't they would be destroyed....period!

They have more power than all the countries of the middle east combined .

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:20 PM
I think you are putting the cart before the horse. To justify our militaristic ways by saying people mean us harm.
I believe people mean us harm because of our militaristic ways.
We are bullies and possess an attitude that our ways are always right and the rest of the world is backwards in comparison.
We run around as though we need to teach them the right ways while we pursue the means to our own dominance. We assume that our way is not only the right way but the only way.
We took the baton from the emperialistic English because at the time their was a real need. If we had not the USSR would have.
We have handled it badly and instead of solving the problems created by the centuries of English Empire building and redrawing borders we have modeled and improved on them. Improved in the sense that we compounded the worlds problems.
Let's take the current administrations policies as an example. He is not the first President to do so, but he is (IMO) the worst. Bush has in eight years created more enemies, more people who wish to do this country harm than any President in history. Young children with a whole life before them to hate and devise ways for revenge on us. Governments with no conventional means to approach us are now worried about being our next target. With no conventional means available to them, they seek the only thing that has proven to hold us at bay. (NUKES)
Even if we kick their ass now, before they acquire these weapons, do you suggest they will be cowed and sit in the corner while we do as we wish? Or, do you think they will find a way to finance, organize, and wait for us to be content with our conceited egos, and then attack us from behind using covert means? (terrorism)
You do not neither on a personal level nor as a government dealing in foreign policy, gain respect by bullying others and trying to cow them into submission. (school yard bully 101)
They may smile to your face and have their lunch money in hand as you approach, but I'll guarantee they are going to be plotting against you in their hearts!
We should get off our high horse and begin dialogs with these former British subjects, bring our military home, and help them move their borders back to the original natural positions, or just stay out of it all together.
I could go on for hours, and pages telling you what I mean by natural borders. Let me just say look at India, Pakistan, East Bangladesh, and Afghanistan to start. Study their histories and how their borders used to look. Then start on the African Continent!!
War is never the way, and we have no right to assume our way of life is better than any ones!

Give War a chance?
Have we not already proven that concept wont work?

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:21 PM
Ok..I think I understand you now...lets see a man raping a young girl...oh but that is her sovereign body and you must not interfere, because she won't repect it...but just doesn't work for me

Dragoness's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:25 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Mon 05/19/08 06:26 PM

Ok..I think I understand you now...lets see a man raping a young girl...oh but that is her sovereign body and you must not interfere, because she won't repect it...but just doesn't work for me

Not even slightly accurate. Women get raped here in the US, so should the United Kingdom come in here and regulate here? I bet you would not agree to that. Get real, man!!!

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:26 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Mon 05/19/08 06:27 PM

Sam I am!

Crimes per capita!

Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Dominica: 113.822 per 1,000 people
#2 New Zealand: 105.881 per 1,000 people
#3 Finland: 101.526 per 1,000 people
#4 Denmark: 92.8277 per 1,000 people
#5 Chile: 88.226 per 1,000 people
#6 United Kingdom: 85.5517 per 1,000 people
#7 Montserrat: 80.3982 per 1,000 people
#8 United States: 80.0645 per 1,000 people
#9 Netherlands: 79.5779 per 1,000 people
#10 South Africa: 77.1862 per 1,000 people
#11 Germany: 75.9996 per 1,000 people
#12 Canada: 75.4921 per 1,000 people

Now apologize!!!drinker


Good stats, but a little deceiving.

For example, the crime rate in Boston, MA is probably much higher than the crime rate in Cheyenne, WY.

The western states have low populations, thus, lower crime.

Conversely, states with high concentrations of population such as metropolitan areas have much higher crime rates.

But places like Wyoming, South Dakota, Montana and other low population states get included in the statistics, thus lowering the overall crime rate.

He said per capita and said the USA!
What do you think per capita means?laugh
Not deceiving. Johannesburg, S Africa leads the world, yet S Africa as a country ranks 15th!!!
Dont twist he facts and you wont be deceived!

Tanzkity's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:28 PM

Sam I am!

Crimes per capita!

Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Dominica: 113.822 per 1,000 people
#2 New Zealand: 105.881 per 1,000 people
#3 Finland: 101.526 per 1,000 people
#4 Denmark: 92.8277 per 1,000 people
#5 Chile: 88.226 per 1,000 people
#6 United Kingdom: 85.5517 per 1,000 people
#7 Montserrat: 80.3982 per 1,000 people
#8 United States: 80.0645 per 1,000 people
#9 Netherlands: 79.5779 per 1,000 people
#10 South Africa: 77.1862 per 1,000 people
#11 Germany: 75.9996 per 1,000 people
#12 Canada: 75.4921 per 1,000 people

Now apologize!!!drinker


Good stats, but a little deceiving.

For example, the crime rate in Boston, MA is probably much higher than the crime rate in Cheyenne, WY.

The western states have low populations, thus, lower crime.

Conversely, states with high concentrations of population such as metropolitan areas have much higher crime rates.

But places like Wyoming, South Dakota, Montana and other low population states get included in the statistics, thus lowering the overall crime rate.

He said per capita and said the USA!
What do you think per capita means?laugh
Not deceiving. Johannesburg, S Africa leads the world, yet S Africa as a country ranks 15th!!!
Dont twist he facts and you wont be deceived!

Everyone needs to get laid in this isnt it a site for dating mainly...............bigsmile

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:31 PM
Fanta my good friend..I agree whole heartedly with you buddrinker drinker That is kind of the premise of my thread, is maybe...just maybe some wars should be fought NOT for our protection(against enemies both real and percieved)NOT for our benefit like Oil or resources, but only for the good of mankind, freeing the oppressed and feeding the hungry. Most starvation in the world is not from the lack of food supply...but from the control of food supply by these type regimes to their people. We have made some mistakes that can be argued all day long...but if we used our power and influence strickly to help people then maybe we could all have a more peaceful world in the future...but its just a pipe dream and food for thoughtdrinker drinker drinker

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:33 PM
Tanzkity maybe thats why we are one to get laid with!!!laugh laugh flowerforyou

mnhiker's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:35 PM

Sam I am!

Crimes per capita!

Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Dominica: 113.822 per 1,000 people
#2 New Zealand: 105.881 per 1,000 people
#3 Finland: 101.526 per 1,000 people
#4 Denmark: 92.8277 per 1,000 people
#5 Chile: 88.226 per 1,000 people
#6 United Kingdom: 85.5517 per 1,000 people
#7 Montserrat: 80.3982 per 1,000 people
#8 United States: 80.0645 per 1,000 people
#9 Netherlands: 79.5779 per 1,000 people
#10 South Africa: 77.1862 per 1,000 people
#11 Germany: 75.9996 per 1,000 people
#12 Canada: 75.4921 per 1,000 people

Now apologize!!!drinker


Good stats, but a little deceiving.

For example, the crime rate in Boston, MA is probably much higher than the crime rate in Cheyenne, WY.

The western states have low populations, thus, lower crime.

Conversely, states with high concentrations of population such as metropolitan areas have much higher crime rates.

But places like Wyoming, South Dakota, Montana and other low population states get included in the statistics, thus lowering the overall crime rate.

He said per capita and said the USA!
What do you think per capita means?laugh
Not deceiving. Johannesburg, S Africa leads the world, yet S Africa as a country ranks 15th!!!
Dont twist he facts and you wont be deceived!


I wasn't even talking about Johannesburg.

What I meant is that the United States is a big country, and more relevant statistics would be, say, the crime rate in Los Angeles or Boston. You could compare that with Johannesburg, South Africa!

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:36 PM

Fanta my good friend..I agree whole heartedly with you buddrinker drinker That is kind of the premise of my thread, is maybe...just maybe some wars should be fought NOT for our protection(against enemies both real and percieved)NOT for our benefit like Oil or resources, but only for the good of mankind, freeing the oppressed and feeding the hungry. Most starvation in the world is not from the lack of food supply...but from the control of food supply by these type regimes to their people. We have made some mistakes that can be argued all day long...but if we used our power and influence strickly to help people then maybe we could all have a more peaceful world in the future...but its just a pipe dream and food for thoughtdrinker drinker drinker


We should lead, not rule, and we should lead by example. With respect, consideration, and dialog put first!

So you are going to vote for Obama ?bigsmile

Dragoness's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:36 PM

Fanta my good friend..I agree whole heartedly with you buddrinker drinker That is kind of the premise of my thread, is maybe...just maybe some wars should be fought NOT for our protection(against enemies both real and percieved)NOT for our benefit like Oil or resources, but only for the good of mankind, freeing the oppressed and feeding the hungry. Most starvation in the world is not from the lack of food supply...but from the control of food supply by these type regimes to their people. We have made some mistakes that can be argued all day long...but if we used our power and influence strickly to help people then maybe we could all have a more peaceful world in the future...but its just a pipe dream and food for thoughtdrinker drinker drinker

All good in premise as long as a countries sovereignty is not compromised in all our "helping". We can only help if asked. Forced help is not help it is tyranny.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:44 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Mon 05/19/08 06:48 PM

Sam I am!

Crimes per capita!

Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Dominica: 113.822 per 1,000 people
#2 New Zealand: 105.881 per 1,000 people
#3 Finland: 101.526 per 1,000 people
#4 Denmark: 92.8277 per 1,000 people
#5 Chile: 88.226 per 1,000 people
#6 United Kingdom: 85.5517 per 1,000 people
#7 Montserrat: 80.3982 per 1,000 people
#8 United States: 80.0645 per 1,000 people
#9 Netherlands: 79.5779 per 1,000 people
#10 South Africa: 77.1862 per 1,000 people
#11 Germany: 75.9996 per 1,000 people
#12 Canada: 75.4921 per 1,000 people

Now apologize!!!drinker


Good stats, but a little deceiving.

For example, the crime rate in Boston, MA is probably much higher than the crime rate in Cheyenne, WY.

The western states have low populations, thus, lower crime.

Conversely, states with high concentrations of population such as metropolitan areas have much higher crime rates.

But places like Wyoming, South Dakota, Montana and other low population states get included in the statistics, thus lowering the overall crime rate.

He said per capita and said the USA!
What do you think per capita means?laugh
Not deceiving. Johannesburg, S Africa leads the world, yet S Africa as a country ranks 15th!!!
Dont twist he facts and you wont be deceived!


I wasn't even talking about Johannesburg.

What I meant is that the United States is a big country, and more relevant statistics would be, say, the crime rate in Los Angeles or Boston. You could compare that with Johannesburg, South Africa!

He didn't say that!
I agree, the US has more cities in the top 10 pop, than any country in the world, but they also rank our education as a whole.
We have States that if listed as individual entities would all rank in the top 5 or ten in the world.
Fair is Fair!!! (my reasearch is on hold. Their are no statistics available to prove that, until I finish and I dont have the time. One day I will!:wink: )

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:45 PM

Fanta my good friend..I agree whole heartedly with you buddrinker drinker That is kind of the premise of my thread, is maybe...just maybe some wars should be fought NOT for our protection(against enemies both real and percieved)NOT for our benefit like Oil or resources, but only for the good of mankind, freeing the oppressed and feeding the hungry. Most starvation in the world is not from the lack of food supply...but from the control of food supply by these type regimes to their people. We have made some mistakes that can be argued all day long...but if we used our power and influence strickly to help people then maybe we could all have a more peaceful world in the future...but its just a pipe dream and food for thoughtdrinker drinker drinker

All good in premise as long as a countries sovereignty is not compromised in all our "helping". We can only help if asked. Forced help is not help it is tyranny.

The problem is these people can't ask for help Dragoness and as for your last scenario...In Dafur, Congo etc the soldiers come into the villages and take the youngest girls a rape them in front of their fathers before they take their food and live-stock, this happens on a daily basis, promoted(not frowned upon) by the generals, all the way to the military ruler If this was happening in my neighborhood almost everyday, being done by the very people who run my country, then Yes, I sure as hell would want England or whoever to invade my counrty!!!!!! Wake up Girl !!flowerforyou