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Topic: compliments
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Fri 09/08/06 05:07 PM
how come i can't give a woman a compliment without her thinking that i'm
hitting on her?

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 09/08/06 05:28 PM
because women are really self concious

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 05:42 PM
I think it's how you compliment. If you say "You look nice today." and
keep going then that's just a compliment, no strings. But, if you
compliment them and hang around it would seem like you were hitting

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 07:00 PM
i don't use it as an introduction, we are usually in a conversation and
they make a comment about something that they don't like about
themselves and i just tell them not to worry you look good

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 07:15 PM
i don't even socialize with women at work because of the sexual
harrasment stuff and i'm not even being sexual

SteveJarvis's photo
Fri 09/08/06 08:07 PM
King, don't be retarded, you WOULDN"T BE GIVING HER A COMPLIMENT IF YOUR
WEREN"T HITTING ON HER. The only reason guys talk to women is because
1) they have to for business or 2) they are family or 3) they want to
fuck them.

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 08:09 PM
no belive it or not i don't want to fuck every woman i see and i do
converse with them, all most like they were human

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 08:12 PM
it was almost coerced i mean if a women says to you that they are fat,
well never mind i know what your going to say, but for real i'm not just
gonna sit there and not say anything most of the time. it's funny when
i do though because it's like a fuckin trap. it's just another human
being and that's all

oluji82's photo
Fri 09/08/06 08:20 PM
king, yr compliments at the end of a discussion or conversation wit a
woman really determined if u ar hitting on her or not...take care

carguy1184's photo
Fri 09/08/06 08:28 PM
i agree with mr. Jarvis 100% That's a smart man right there.

gterry05's photo
Fri 09/08/06 08:41 PM
Come on guys... You are going to tell me that every woman you compliment
is a woman you want to get in bed with?

I've got friends that are women and I compliment and I don't want to as
you say Steve,fuck them,they are my friends!!

I have women in my life that are married or have boyfriends and they
will get dressed up sexy as hell and want to know how they look. I will
tell them what I think and its not cause I want to have sex with
them...It's cause if she looks good ,then she looks good!!

I believe because alot of guys come on like that is why when a man does
compliment a woman she may think he is comming on to her. But the women
I know, know if a man is comming on to them.. Maybe its just you
thinking the women you compliment think you are hitting on them???

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 09:58 PM
hey gterry, i'm with you on the first part and i understand where you
are coming from because seriously it was like your example except that i
wasn't good friends with them. they put the qeustion out there by
commenting on theirselves (oh i need to lose weight)and all i did was
tell them that they looked good
i'm not complaining about it, it's just something i was wondering about
and was hoping to get a womens point of view on it. it just seems to
cause trouble so i just won't say anything the next time i hear a woman
make a comment like that while we are having a conversation. thanks for
all the comments though, it was much appreciated

scotty652's photo
Fri 09/08/06 10:00 PM
Cause you are.

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 10:02 PM
are you saying that i am hitting on them?

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 09/08/06 10:11 PM
Ohhhhh King, now your damned if you do and damned if you don't. For if
you say nothing then they will think you are not paying attention to
them lmao. Actually a lot could depend on what you look like and the way
you look at them, for there are some guys that are just charmers. Lot
has to do with the way you approach them and what you look like, and
the look you give them at the time and your actions as you are talking
to them. lmao Sorry could not hold back had to put my 2 cents in lol

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 10:14 PM
so to everyone that says i was hitting on them(even though i had no
sexual intentions at all)i guess i should ignore it when a women puts
out a statement like that. or maybe even only give compliments when i
want to fuck em, don't you think that is why there are alot of the
problems that exist while dating because the other person always thinks
that if you compliment them then you obviously want something or that if
a man is rude that he is just being real the biggest load of bull i ever
heard is that you ain't keepin it real unless you're basically acting
like an asswhole. believe it or not not everyoneis looking for something
when they give compliment yet these are the same women wh are always
bitchin about what asswholes men are and,"ain't there any goods one
left" people need to get off their bullshit and they might actually find
someone who is willing to treat them decent.

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 10:17 PM
that's alright, i appreciate the reply. just for the record i look at
them the same way i do when i talk to everyone else, and i ain't a
flirt. i guess i should've kept it real and instead of ignoring them
just agree with them, lol that would really improve the situation
wouldn't it. my god how did people get so screwed up

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 10:19 PM
oh yeah, they approached me and started the conversation also. i stay
away from dating women i work with so i know i wasn't flirting,

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 09/08/06 10:31 PM
Well, I do have to agree with you there. But... my advice to you is just
be yourself don't change your ways for you are who you are. If the women
get to know you then they will know that is just your personallty and
that if you are just being yourself and not hitting on every woman you
talk to they will know that. And if the women are bitching that much
then heck if they found a good man they would not know it for they can't
stop bitching long enough to realize what they have. humm they loose out
and don't even know it lol Besides if they don't like you for who you
are it will never work anyway. For you can paint a pretty picture but
sooner or later the colors will run so always be yourself and let others
accept you for who you are. If they can't then seems it is time for them
to move on. For we can not put a mask on and cover up who we are just to
please another. Okay I have let my thoughts run off with that one. lmao

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 09/08/06 10:43 PM
But you know the answer to your question of why you cannot give a woman
a compliment without them thinking you are hitting on them well could be
a couple of things She was wishing that you were hitting on her for you
have caught her attention. But then realizes that you were just being a
gentleman and you say those things to all women with no intentions of
starting anything was just being nice. Then you end up findind them
approach you maybe hoping in starting something. Yes we are very hard
to figure out don't beat your head against the door for it would not
help for our thoughts or ways will change tomorrow lmao.

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