Topic: It's ALL About Jesus...
Rapunzel's photo
Sat 05/17/08 07:52 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sat 05/17/08 07:53 PM

Is it right or wrong to tell small children that there is no Santa Claus?


I am going thru this now and if my son wants to believe then who am I to break his wee heart.Though I did tell him I give Santa the money for the toys.:tongue:

how old is your little boy ? flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou

i don't think there is anything wrong noway huh noway

with a child believing in Santa Claus drinker :heart: drinker

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 05/17/08 08:00 PM
My son is seven.He asked me if Santa was real.I said"what do you believe?"He replied "he's real." I said "If you believe he is real then he is" which seemed to make him feel better.Kids at school had been saying santa wasn't real so he was upset naturally.

no photo
Sat 05/17/08 08:08 PM

Is it right or wrong to tell small children that there is no Santa Claus?


I am going thru this now and if my son wants to believe then who am I to break his wee heart.Though I did tell him I give Santa the money for the toys.:tongue:

The reason I ask is because I don't believe you should lie to your child about Santa Claus and then later tell him that it was a lie.

This was a major turning point in my young life in the realization that people of authority cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

When it came to the story of Jesus, well you know how that went. I just decided it was another big fat lie.

Now I tend to think the whole reason for the invention of Santa Claus is to instill doubt and mistrust in children at a young age and to give them a clue that the story of Jesus is also a lie.

Not meant as an insult, but you might want to consider this when you lie to your children about Santa. Later, they may not believe anything else you tell them.


markecephus's photo
Sat 05/17/08 08:10 PM


Just a reminder, no attacking/insulting others, the post has been removed, fake profiles created for the purpose of attacking others may result in being banned from the site.


Rapunzel's photo
Sun 05/18/08 04:14 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sun 05/18/08 04:14 PM

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 04:25 PM

I laugh at people who rail against God for His provisions & His word, instead of realizing that PEOPLE are a product of their OWN corruption. hahahaha

You shouldn’t laugh at people that’s not nice.

Of course people are the product of their own corruption. That’s a given if they are believed to have free will. However, when speaking of free will, the story of Jesus raises some very serious questions.

First off, if Jesus was born of a virgin and sent by God to be nailed to a cross to die for the sins of man, then even as Jesus was being born men were already fated to nail him to a cross whether they wanted to or not. Otherwise God’s master plan would have failed.

So clearly men had no choice but to nail Jesus to the cross. So in that act they were not responsible for their own corruption. It clearly wasn’t their free will choice. Otherwise it would have made no sense for Jesus to have been a specific individual who was sent by God and born of a virgin. Clearly this whole thing had been planned out by God in advance.

Secondly, what sense does is make for an all-loving, all-wise, God to ask men to nail his son to a cross so that he can forgive them of their sins? This is basically what God would have been doing. People always look at this from the point of view of Jesus like as if Jesus was just a man who offered himself up as a sacrificial lamb to God. But that scenario would have only made sense if Jesus was a normal mortal man in every way. The fact that God actually sent Jesus for the sole purpose of going this totally negates any idea that Jesus willingly chose to sacrifice himself. Clearly he had no choice in the matter. He was sent by God for this task.

So this is God saying to men, “Here, nail my son to a cross and I’ll forgive you of your sins”.

But what sense does this make?

If you go back and read the old testament, it only makes sense in the context of God being appeased by blood sacrifices. So here is God sending his own son to be sacrificed by men so that God can forgive them of their sins.

This supposedly an all-powerful, all-wise God who can only forgive men of their sins if they murder his only begotten son. Keep in mind also that murder is a sin. So God is saying to men, “Here, sin some more and I’ll forgive you of your sins”

The whole idea of a God prearranging the murder of his “only begotten son’ so that he can forgive men of their sins may make sense to you, but to me it’s the most absurd thing I can imagine.

Such a God does not appear to me to be all-powerful, all-loving, and certainly not all-wise.

If this story is true, then our creator has serious limitations, and mental capacity.

Since I can’t believe that God would be limited in either power, or wisdom, I simply reject the story as being utterly nonsensical.

Besides, it way too similar to all the other manmade folklore of the time.

Why would the real creator of this universe just happen to turn out to be almost identical to all the other manmade myths of the time?

To me it’s crystal clear that this myth of a God who is appeased by blood sacrifices can’t possibly be true.

I agree with you :simple ,clear and to the point . Who needs myths anyway ?.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 05/18/08 09:03 PM

The real irony of Christianity is that they put Jesus BEFORE the God of Abraham.

Yet it was the God of Abraham who made as his first commandment, “Thou Shalt have no other God’s BEFORE me”

The problems associated with placing Jesus before the God of Abraham are enormous.

Christians are so focused on Jesus that they have basically rejected the God of Abraham altogether, and swept him under the carpet. They try to use Jesus as a distraction to pull attention away from the original God of this mythology.

If one is to believe in the biblical God, that person must worship the God of Abraham above all else including Jesus. Attempting to put Jesus before the God of Abraham is nothing short of ludicrous.

Also, to claim that Jesus actually is the God of Abraham carries with it its own paradoxes. Not the least of which is that God would be appeasing himself by his own blood ‘sacrifice’ which is again ludicrous.

Christians are so focused on Jesus that they have lost sight of what the entire biblical story was about in the first place.

To begin with when Evangelists go around asking people to accept Jesus Christ as their savior they are making really wild assumptions. Before anyone can accept Jesus Christ as their Savior they must FIRST accept Satan as their enemy. Without Satan, the crucifixion of Jesus has no meaning. Satan gives meaning to Jesus in this story. Without Satan there would be no need for Jesus. Satan is ever bit as important as Jesus in this story. Not one iota less important.

No one can accept Jesus as their savior until they first accept Satan as their enemy. Otherwise they have nothing to be saved from.

So evangelists should really be going around asking people to accept Satan as their enemy. Only after they accomplish that would it make sense to introduce the idea of Jesus as their savior.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laughlaugh

You really like to hear yourself talk...dontcha??? It's very apparent that you don't have a clue as to what Christians believe. Let's not pretend anymore that you do. OK? :wink:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 11:21 PM
It's very apparent that you don't have a clue as to what Christians believe.

They all believe different things, so clues are all we can have.

But, instead of making that kind of remark with a bunch of laughing faces, have you ever tried actually answering any of the questions concerning the problems and inconsistencies of the Christian doctrine that I or Abra have posed?

These are serious considerations that are consistently ignored or insufficiently answered.

Our questions are not unreasonable if we even were to consider the Bible as being the infallible word of God. (This is what Christianity professes and expects people to believe.)

I respect your choice to believe these things and I personally have decided not to ask these kinds of questions when they are not called for.

You really like to hear yourself talk...dontcha???

(This just sounds undignified. I welcome any real answers to the questions I have raised, but I don't expect them.)

Don't take our questions personal. They are never directed at anyone in particular. They are questions I am quite certain no one has the answer for, but they should be asked don't you think?

Peace. flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 11:27 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Sun 05/18/08 11:33 PM
Basically Abra.. what you don't yet understand is...

it was God Himself Who stepped down from Heaven to take your place on that cross(Father, Son, Holy Spirit equal 3 persons ...but yet STILL JUST ONE GOD!!).

So ..point was GOD(thru His Son Jesus) who took your place on that cross.....cause He LOVED you that much.

Remember....God's Son Jesus Christ was WITH the Father from the VERY beginning.....

Remember in the bible where
Jesus said, "Before You were, I AM "...

Remember Abra?

Abra...because of yours and everyones inborn sin nature, God cannnot look upon sin..except thru the blood of Jesus.

But When you accept Jesus, you then WILL be able to stand and fellowship with the Father ..cause your sins are then covered by the blood of Jesus.
But you cannot come to the Father, Abra...except thru Jesus.

God CANNOT look upon sin..but he CAN look upon us, AFTER we recieve Jesus......cause THEN our sins are already washed away by the blood of Jesus....and now when God looks upon us, God ONLY sees the blood ...after we accept Jesus as our Saviour and Lord.

So simple even a child can understand....
yet... unless a man has FAITH to believe, man will never understand or accept this simple Gospel truth.sad

Praying you will one day believe and recieve, Abra.:heart:sad

Nite now.....flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 11:42 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Mon 05/19/08 12:32 AM
Jeannie....listen Sweetie......
have you just asked Jesus to make Himself Real to you?

Just ask Him..tonight if possible..ok?

Cause Gid will meet you right where you are Jeanne.flowerforyou

He will not turn a deaf ear, Precious.

Just Lay your head on your pillow....and have a little talk with Jesus.
Just you and Him.


And Jeannie?
God WILL Meet You..Right Where you are.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 05/19/08 12:26 AM
You really like to hear yourself talk...dontcha??? It's very apparent that you don't have a clue as to what Christians believe. Let's not pretend anymore that you do. OK?

Christians really don’t have any choice in what they can believe. They bible has already been written. It’s not up to them to pretend to be rewriting it.

It’s wrong to say that it’s ALL about Jesus. That simply isn’t true. According to the actual doctrine it’s much more about Satan than Jesus. In fact without Satan Jesus would have no purpose. Satan gives Jesus purpose.

The doctrine is actually all about a God who make blunder after blunder after blunder and blames his ineptitude on mankind. The story, as told, cannot possibly be true because it claim that this God is all-powerful, (yet not all-powerful), all-loving (yet non-all-loving) , all-wise (yet much less wise than many mortal men). Not to mention that this God is supposed to be perfect, yet it is a picture of a God that is imperfect as a God can be.

It really doesn’t matter what people who call themselves “Christians” think they believe. That’s totally irrelevant. They didn’t write the book, and they can’t change what’s in it.

When I comment on this doctrine, I stick to the actual story that is told in the doctrine. I couldn’t care less about how other people want to distort the story. That’s totally irrelevant.

You say that it’s all about Jesus. But that clearly can’t be true, because then this God would have been a meaningless concept for all those people who had lived before Jesus was even born. Clearly this God has to make sense from day one in this doctrine. The entire Old Testament must stand on its own without Jesus. In fact, Jesus is standing on the Old Testament, so without it he plummets. Jesus can’t stand on his own.

Without the need for a God who is obsessed with blood sacrifices in the first place, the idea of the crucifixion of Jesus to pay for the sin of man is a totally meaningless concept.

So it’s hardly ALL about Jesus. It’s actually ALL about the God of Abraham and his thirst for blood sacrifices. Moreover, if Jesus is supposed to be this same God (which is extremely problematic), then Jesus would have been the one who was appeasing his own lust for blood sacrifices.

I’m seriously not concerned with anyone who wants to start with Jesus in this story. Those people have totally lost sight of the actual story. You must begin at the beginning and understand the God of Abraham first. He is the real God in this story. He is the creator who supposedly has a master plan.

If his master plan includes having himself nailed to a pole to appease his own thirst for blood sacrifices then so be it. That’s a really sick deity if you ask me. Yet, if people want to believe that Jesus existed before Abraham then they must believe that this was what God had in mind from the very onset.

In other words, Jesus supposedly existed before Satan was cast out of heaven, and before Eve ate the apple, etc, etc, etc.

But if that’s true, then mankind never had a chance! It was all predetermined before mankind ever came onto the scene. And therefore mankind could not possible be responsible for the predicament that this doctrine has him in.

So let’s not pretend that just because someone calls themselves a “Christian” that they understand the story, because clearly most of them don’t. They all seem to think that it’s ALL about Jesus. But that’s totally untrue.

no photo
Mon 05/19/08 12:26 AM far are you from the Happy Church in Colorado?

Or...Are there any other spirit filled churches near you?

Visit one if you can.flowerforyou

Cause you will feel God's presence there.
I think that will help you more than anything else right now.....cause it will help draw you into God's Presence....where you will be able to feel God's Holy Spirit moving and drawing you.flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

Also...can you get TBN?
Trinity Broadcasting Network?

Listen to some of their Programs.....there are lots of Annointed teachings of God's Word on TBN.

THAT's what is missing....You need to hear the Annointed Word of God....where you will be able to feel the power of the Holy Spirit in the message..that will open up your understanding ...more than anything else rightt now.flowerforyou

THAT'S what is missing sometimes on a public forum....the Annointing of God's Word isn't always flowing on a forum.:heart:

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 05/19/08 12:45 AM
it was God Himself Who stepped down from Heaven to take your place on that cross

This isn’t possible in the firs place, because I would not permit it.

If I can’t get into heaven on my own merit I’m not interested in a free pass paid for by someone else. I would decline the offer anyway.

What you seem to be missing here is that it doesn’t matter. If I am nothing more than a mere pet to an all powerful creator who’s playing stupid games with me, then I choose death. That’s my choice.

I’m simply not interested in being the eternal pet to a demented being who is appeased by blood sacrifices, refuses to reveal himself, and keeps everyone in a state of guessing.

If that’s the game that he wants to play then I’ve beat him at his own game. I simply choose death. And then he’s stuck with choice. He must honor it or go against everything he supposedly stands for.

People claim that this biblical God gave us a choice, but then when people are willing to take him up on that offer everyone gets all bent out of shape.

You see, according to the doctrine this God cannot send me to eternal damnation. That’s would go against his WORD. According to the doctrine anyone who refuses to believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God will not have every lasting life. Therefore they cannot even receive eternal damnation. They will merely perish and it will be like as if they had never been created in the first place.

The whole idea that people just either believe in this religion or face eternal damnation is nothing more a scare tactic that churches used to frighten the masses into following their authority.

If this were the true proclamation of a real God that God would not be a God at all. It would be a demonic fascist pig.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Either the biblical God is all-loving, and all-compassionate, or it’s a demon.

You can’t claim that God’s personally will change depending one whether someone wants to believe or not believe in the religion.

That would be an extremely unstable and undependable God. Hardly a just, fair and compassionate God.

There can be no urgency to go to this God. If this God is threatening people with “Either Love me or face eternal Damnation!” then it’s no God at all, but a Satan in its own right.

You can’t threaten people to turn to a religion. That’s a clear sigh that the religion itself is nothing more than an egotistical creation of men, and not from any divine being.

no photo
Mon 05/19/08 12:59 AM

I say this with all sincerity and care.....The enemy has blinded your eyes to the truh about God.

Caue you would not say the things you say about God , if you truly understood.
You THINK you know God, but you don't.
Being serious here, Abra.

You have a gross misconception of God..and the devil is having a heyday with you, because of it.
But not for long.
Cause God ain't done with you.
And God IS going to show you the truth about Him to you.

One day you will see that God is NOT like what you seem to think He is all about,atall.

Nite Abra.flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 05/19/08 01:23 AM
Edited by Abracadabra on Mon 05/19/08 01:25 AM


I say this with all sincerity and care.....The enemy has blinded your eyes to the truh about God.

Well, if I'm being blinded by "the enemy", then I'm totally innocent and not responsible for having been blinded by "the enemy".

So the all-wise, all-powerful, and all-loving God will know this and realize that it's not my fault.

He'll prepare a place in Seventh Heaven for me where he knows that I rightfully belong.

It's not a problem. bigsmile

All I need to know is that God is more compassionate and wiser than myself then I know that I'm in good hands. :wink:

Everything else is totally moot.

So clearly it doesn't matter what I believe. Because if I believe the wrong things it can only be because "the enemy has blinded me". I certainly can't be held responsible for that. drinker

It’s hard for me to imagine an all-powerful God who has enemies that he can't keep under control. flowerforyou

I guess when I go to Seventh Heaven it will all be explained to me.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/19/08 01:24 AM


I say this with all sincerity and care.....The enemy has blinded your eyes to the truh about God.

Caue you would not say the things you say about God , if you truly understood.
You THINK you know God, but you don't.
Being serious here, Abra.

You have a gross misconception of God..and the devil is having a heyday with you, because of it.
But not for long.
Cause God ain't done with you.
And God IS going to show you the truth about Him to you.

One day you will see that God is NOT like what you seem to think He is all about,atall.

Nite Abra.flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 05/19/08 01:39 AM

One day you will see that God is NOT like what you seem to think He is all about,atall.

Just for the record,… you’re looking at this from the inside out.

I don’t believe that God is anything at all like what the Bible says.

That’s the part you don’t seem to understand.

When I talk about the “biblical God”, I’m simply talking about the picture that that doctrine portrays.

Clearly, I don’t believe that doctrine is true.

I don’t believe that God has enemies he can’t control

I don’t believe that God is interested in blood sacrifices or ever was.

I don’t believe that God would damn anyone.

I don’t believe that God would flood the entire planet to kills sinners.

I don’t believe that God would design a universe that required him being nailed to a pole.

I simply don’t believe that this story has anything at all to do with God.


It’s a bogus story.

God isn’t anything like this at all. flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/19/08 01:41 AM

One day you will see that God is NOT like what you seem to think He is all about,atall.

Just for the record,… you’re looking at this from the inside out.

I don’t believe that God is anything at all like what the Bible says.

That’s the part you don’t seem to understand.

When I talk about the “biblical God”, I’m simply talking about the picture that that doctrine portrays.

Clearly, I don’t believe that doctrine is true.

I don’t believe that God has enemies he can’t control

I don’t believe that God is interested in blood sacrifices or ever was.

I don’t believe that God would damn anyone.

I don’t believe that God would flood the entire planet to kills sinners.

I don’t believe that God would design a universe that required him being nailed to a pole.

I simply don’t believe that this story has anything at all to do with God.


It’s a bogus story.

God isn’t anything like this at all. flowerforyou

flowerforyou I believe man wasflowerforyou

no photo
Mon 05/19/08 01:45 AM

I know you have nothing but good intentions in mind, but I have no problem believing anything if it is reasonable.

In fact, my belief in aliens gets me called "gullible" and "crazy" all the time. laugh flowerforyou

I am really quite open minded and prepared to believe the most unbelievable things if they make some kind of sense after sorting out the information and if they sound reasonable.

Going to a "happy Church" where people are dancing and fainting and speaking in tongue,or "filled with spirit" I suspect, would be walking into a place occupied with all manner of unknown spirits playing games with humans or a case of mass induced hypnosis.

I don't under estimate the power of these kinds of activities which have been known to have strange effects on people and which can be compared to a coven of witches dancing naked under the moon filling themselves with moon spirits, or churches where people take sharp objects and cut themselves and bleed all over the floor, or churches where people dance with poison snakes.

I don't believe that this is anything more that group induced hypnosis or possession by unknown spirits. I don't believe that they are "possessed by the spirit of God" as some claim.

I don't go to UFO seminars for the same reasons. I believe that unknown other world entities, energies, or even aliens could be hanging out there looking to attach themselves to some unsuspecting rational human.

So you see, I am a "believer" in a lot of crazy unbelievable things, but I have reasons for what I believe that make sense to me. This is a very strange reality we live in and I consider all information... I work with it if it makes sense, but I try not to get caught up in it and I always hold the possibility in my mind that it may not be true at all.


MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/19/08 01:47 AM


I know you have nothing but good intentions in mind, but I have no problem believing anything if it is reasonable.

In fact, my belief in aliens gets me called "gullible" and "crazy" all the time. laugh flowerforyou

I am really quite open minded and prepared to believe the most unbelievable things if they make some kind of sense after sorting out the information and if they sound reasonable.

Going to a "happy Church" where people are dancing and fainting and speaking in tongue,or "filled with spirit" I suspect, would be walking into a place occupied with all manner of unknown spirits playing games with humans or a case of mass induced hypnosis.

I don't under estimate the power of these kinds of activities which have been known to have strange effects on people and which can be compared to a coven of witches dancing naked under the moon filling themselves with moon spirits, or churches where people take sharp objects and cut themselves and bleed all over the floor, or churches where people dance with poison snakes.

I don't believe that this is anything more that group induced hypnosis or possession by unknown spirits. I don't believe that they are "possessed by the spirit of God" as some claim.

I don't go to UFO seminars for the same reasons. I believe that unknown other world entities, energies, or even aliens could be hanging out there looking to attach themselves to some unsuspecting rational human.

So you see, I am a "believer" in a lot of crazy unbelievable things, but I have reasons for what I believe that make sense to me. This is a very strange reality we live in and I consider all information... I work with it if it makes sense, but I try not to get caught up in it and I always hold the possibility in my mind that it may not be true at all.


bigsmile drinker bigsmile drinker bigsmile drinker