Topic: After 40 days Moses was tripping!
Belushi's photo
Fri 05/16/08 03:30 AM
After 40 days wandering in the desert, Moses ascended Mount Sinai and recd the law according to God.

"And all the people perceived the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the voice of the horn, and the mountain smoking."

Is how the book of Exodus describes the impressive moment of the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.

Im in the Sinai desert as we speak, in a place called Dahab.

I have climbed Mt Sinai, and is not just a pimple!
Mount Sinai is a 2285 m-high mountain in the Sinai Peninsula.
It is next to Mount St. Catherine (at 2,629 m, the tallest peak on the Sinai peninsula). Been here too .. its an amazing sunrise!!!
It is surrounded on all sides by higher peaks of the mountain range.

As Moses climbs nearly 7000 ft up, he finds a few shrubs and bushes to sustain himself on.

One of these is the Acacia tree. The acacia is mentioned frequently in the Bible, and was the type of wood of which the Ark of the Covenant was made.

Now, the acacia also has other properties. The Israelis have used it as a hallucogen on the Bedou to keep them under control! During their time of occupation.

"Moses 'looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed,'"from Exodus 3:2.

Time passes differently when under the influence of a hallucogen, so I have been told.

That's why Moses thought the bush was not consumed. It should have been burned in the time he thought had passed.

"And in that time, he heard God speaking to him."

So to recap, after 40 days in the desert, you have an emaciated guy desperately short on food and water munching on a psychotropic plant, whilst suffering the effects of altitude sickness and ill health! A recipe for a beautiful "trip"

But before you go running off to find 22 Acacia Avenue, you will have to remember that nibbling on your neighbour's trees will not bring you closer to god - unless you name just happens to be Moses!

Brought to you by the unacceptable face of atheism

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 05/16/08 03:33 AM
huhnoway iM trIPpING riGHt nOwnoway huh

Belushi's photo
Fri 05/16/08 03:43 AM
Moses!! How many times ah gotta tell ya, stop nibbling Aaron's acacias!

Nickinolosers's photo
Fri 05/16/08 03:48 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Peccy's photo
Fri 05/16/08 04:09 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker drinker

no photo
Fri 05/16/08 04:10 AM

Belushi's photo
Fri 05/16/08 06:29 AM
Oh come now! Is no one going to take me seriously? All three of me

no photo
Fri 05/16/08 02:44 PM

Oh come now! Is no one going to take me seriously? All three of me

I believe the guy who wrote the book of Revelation was also on some hallucogen.

I loved your profile. Very Funny!! laugh laugh laugh laugh

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 05/16/08 02:48 PM
Edited by cutelildevilsmom on Fri 05/16/08 02:49 PM
that makes sense when you consider Indians in this country did the very same thing to find their totem .cool read.
oh and doesnt altitude sickness cause delusions and hallucinations?

Belushi's photo
Fri 05/16/08 09:26 PM

that makes sense when you consider Indians in this country did the very same thing to find their totem .cool read.
oh and doesnt altitude sickness cause delusions and hallucinations?

It sure does Jax ...

I suffered from it when I descended down from the Eiger in Switzerland. Tweetie birds, funny sounds, shortness of breath, the feeling of fainting, its all there.

Although a burning bush 11,000 feet up a swiss mountain might have been a bit difficult. Although I did hear voices, just before I passed out on the train seat!

It was all ok after the descent and a big plate of Swiss sausage and mash, washed down with a bucket of coffee!

Ambrosia and nectar!

no photo
Fri 05/16/08 09:39 PM
1) It was 40 years, not 40 days.
2) All of the Israelites saw God as a pillar of fire and heard his voice, but they were terrified and asked Moses to talk to God alone.

Belushi's photo
Fri 05/16/08 10:07 PM
Edited by Belushi on Fri 05/16/08 10:19 PM

1) It was 40 years, not 40 days.
2) All of the Israelites saw God as a pillar of fire and heard his voice, but they were terrified and asked Moses to talk to God alone.

My apologies ... so after wandering the desert for 40 YEARS with little to eat apart from hallucenogenic trees, now the whole of the Israelites were tripping!!

The the old boy climbs an oxygen-deficient high mountain and speaks to someone who cannot be proved to exist.

It gets worse!

then comes down and says "Right! This is the plan."
"From now on, we will do this"
.. and lays out a system of law which very few people follow.

I am the Lord your God - Yeah right. Not a good start

You shall have no other gods before me - More stuff that non-Jews are struggling with

You shall not make for yourself an idol - Hmmm Well we went from Yahweh to Jesus ... does that not make it wrong?

You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God - Yeah right ... bang your toe and see what happens

Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy - is that Friday, Saturday or Sunday - Screw it ... take the whole weekend off

Honor your father and mother - Now we are getting to some useful stuff

You shall not murder (RCs use kill) Well, err good in principle, except when you use your imaginary friend's name to do some slaughtering in the 14th centrury

You shall not commit adultery - Not a cat in lack-of-hell's chance of this happening

You shall not steal - not many people following this one either

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor - Yeah .. .when I find out what that means, Ill get back to you ... Im sure I have got evidence of that somewhere around here

You shall not covet your neighbor's house/wife ... err yeah right ... population explosion and a bit of land grabbing work on that idea.

So, he is given two tablets ... which in a fit of pique, because he wasnt invited to the party at the bottom of the mountain, he breaks!

Man! the guy had a temper too.

Paranoia and anxiety are also classic signs of drug addiction ...

I wonder if Betty Ford was available then?

wouldee's photo
Sat 05/17/08 10:11 AM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 05/17/08 10:12 AM

and they kept this valuable secret from me all of these centuries, only to find myself awakened to your expose.

I feel so..............

.........naked and ill equipped to compete with such sage as this.laugh

God bless pundits.:tongue:


no photo
Sat 05/17/08 10:33 AM

My apologies ... so after wandering the desert for 40 YEARS with little to eat apart from hallucenogenic trees, now the whole of the Israelites were tripping!!

The the old boy climbs an oxygen-deficient high mountain and speaks to someone who cannot be proved to exist.

sounds like Woodstock

Belushi's photo
Sat 05/17/08 07:27 PM

My apologies ... so after wandering the desert for 40 YEARS with little to eat apart from hallucenogenic trees, now the whole of the Israelites were tripping!!

The the old boy climbs an oxygen-deficient high mountain and speaks to someone who cannot be proved to exist.

sounds like Woodstock

It was!! Hendrix and Joplin had to get inspiration from somewhere laugh

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 01:07 AM

someone with a sense of humour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

where's the jumping up and down emo!!!?????

duncan! get your mind out of the gutter!!! rotflmao!!!!
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh :wink:

Belushi's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:05 AM

Its most at home there. :heart:

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:22 AM
Whey cant people understand that enegry never dies? thats what humans are, one acid trip changes everything look at all the infulencal icons of humanity. A strong simularity to all DRUGS, humans have No clue about most of this planet or life why is this different?