Topic: all religion came from god!!! | |
can any tell how they r all connected?????i will post the answer after i
get responces,,all this hate can from men so be careful while y r hating other poeple that belive in god!!!! |
Most religions started with goddess worship. Even the Jews elevate
Shekina above all else. Yes, christians, your origins began in a goddess cult. The one good thing the Jews brought to religion was authority and cleanliness. It broke down at Jesus' time and Jesus found eastern ideas to integrate into the Jew's ideas. I also believe (my own personal conviction) that Jesus did include women in His ministry. This was rebeliously radical, since the Jews had started to disregard the sacred feminine. Oh, BTW, please don't quote scripture unless you plan to interpret the meaning behind the whole chapter. As a student of the Kabbalah, I firmly believe that the bible was NOT intended to be use literaly and I also believe that Jesus followed this in His ministry as well. I believe that the coming Messiah will be an incarnation of the Shekina and therefore will probably be a woman. So, to answer the question here, all religions are connected through the goddess. Angel Blessings, L |
what creative ideas you have,,,,,,that sounded good,,, however being a
woman have nothing to do with it,,and nor does pagans and and worshiping man kind or idols,,,the angle that told mary she was to have the christ,,,,is the same angle that revealed the quran to you no the name of this angle???? all these man made christ by the nacin creed was invented by homo's 2---300 years after his there is no different in pleaseing god as long as you please him,and not that other person |
BLS, The Nicene Creed is a statement of faith pure and simple. Written
in 4th century AD in an attempt to unify the Christian church under emperor Constantine. We believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father by whom all things were made; who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, and was made man, and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried, and the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead, whose kingdom shall have no end. And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets. And we believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. And we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. There is no man-made Christ here. It is a statement of faith pure and simple. |
![]() Actually, I believe that god and the devil are one and the same. I think the last 5,000 years kinda proves this point. I'm not saying that Matriarchal societies can't be evil, they just don't tend to be. Especialy regarding their own, where as almost all patriarchal religions enslave their own with fear and tourture. Almost all of them also burry their own goddesses and make women the scape goat for evil. Jesus attempted to teach this truth to his diciples and he and his followers did a rather good job until Constantine got a hold of the faith, but Jesus saw this too. He knew that his teachings would bring distruction. Not because of their value, but because there were so few who truly comprehended them. It holds true today. Their are so many people who cling to the words rather than opening their minds and hearts to the meaning. "Oh Israel hear me..." This is a term that means to open your spiratual ears and hear. If you continue to dig for 'the truth' in more words, you'll never find it. If you open your mind and heart to the Shekina, she will teach you to hear. Angel Blessings, L PS Karmafury, love them dragons! Where do you get your pics? |
God and satan one in the same? Oh boy.
i fill so sad,for some of the people on this site, i pray for them to
some day find the rite path, and pleed for the LORD GOD to forgive them,for the things they say on this site,and all so trying bring down the ones that haven't studied much of the word of GOD, please read your bible, do not relay on man, ![]() |
Go ahead and waste your prayers for me if you wish, But I refuse to be a
slave to any Diety.So say your prayer on bended knee, to your god who wants your adulation.Mine want to raise man kind to be equals,brothers.Yours wants slaves.I have my path.Feel not pity for me. |
Well said Dane. Valhalla!
Bravo Dane!!! Valhalla or Summerland, we shall meet in our afterlife!!
You surely shall.
Devin, to my knowledge the earliest is an 'Earth Mother' based religion.
With the 'Earth Mother' represented by a plump woman with heavy breasts. This theme being common pretty much the world over. |
sit down class ill paint the picture for ya.
-Religion comes from man. DOES TOO. -God and his Laws are not to be confused with any Religion. ... Oh wait thats what i said. -Religions may use a varing degree of Bible truth to espouse THIER position. ???espouse??? on a related subjest, -Mans Laws change -Gods Laws remain the same as always. Any Questions? |
But god is part of relion. Therefore if religion is of man so therefore
is god. Thus god is man and man is god. Then god's laws are man's laws. Your use of the term espouse was correct as was the spelling. |
Religions use God as PART of thier doctrine. I use a hammer. Does that
mean I am a hammer? |
left myself open there, huh.
to equate Religion to God is flawed logic. Gotta look a lot closer to see the pic. |
To equate religion AND God.... yak yak yup.
can anyone answer the question?
Me i'm not a religous person I can believe in god such as Jesus but i
don't believe in Christianity etc I just find the reason for such things were created due to the fact people had to create something for other people to follow...They have the hiearchy of power, such as it goes ants and small creaters, dogs and such, people , gods interpriters ( priests etc) and then god himself. People created the devil and religon out of purpose to explain bad things such as hurricanes, illnesses, we created the devil in order to explain why such bad things happen. And god that if we are of good people and follow basic guidelines we will be allowed into "paradise". Me personally is way to far fetched in no way don't get me wrong i believe in Jesus, i just don't believe i should follow him how im told to. I practise Wicca ( the white magick of course) in which is healing using the 4 elements and invoking your own personal being. I know that has nothing to do with what the purpose of the question being asked but then that way people understand in some way. If that does not make sense and in some way i've blabbered to much let me know and hopefully i can clearify ![]() |