Topic: all religion came from god!!! | |
oooh goody another witch!Stand behind me,I won't let them burn you!
I don't hex or anything like i said its all white , my advisor taught me
" Ever mind the rule of 3 what you do will come back to the, and times 3" i would never intentionaly do something bad, but thanks Dane but once again |
I wasn't talking about Hexing anyone,I was just offering my services to
keep you from getting too warm. |
ok well i clarified anyways hahaha and make sure no one brings bbq sauce
that would suck!! |
Hey Dane. How goes?
well you all got good feedback,,however the nacin creed was made up by
rome to give christ his place in there world even though they like paganism and witchcraft,,and homoism.... nevertheless was makes christ and islam the same is that the angle girbril told mary she was to have the christ,,,he came 600 years after that,,and revealed the quran to muhammad,,,they both have the same author god,,,, and the first religion was asar ,aset, and huru man woman and child africa,,,,getgeemonedoo native,,,,,,,,,, |
hey BLS Blessed be...
BLS try 1. Spelling it correctly , 2. Taking a history lesson. At the
time it was written Rome was NOT the center of the Christian (Catholic) faith. |
Karma you know the por guy only thinks with his other head.
BLS. Point of information. Homoism is a term coined in 60's to replace
homosexuality. It is not a religion. Please research things before you come out with them. Your information is skewed and obviously off the top of your head. Serious discussion on any subject is always nice but only when facts are there to back up a statement. |
OK, the Hindu of the group will now take the soapbox. :)
Hinduism is quite old, older than many of the major religions on this Earth. Yet any good Hindu will tell you this is not what's important. There are a lot of people in the world causing a lot of trouble and spreading a lot of grief because 'their' religion is the correct one, and 'their' God is above all other gods. Yet any good Hindu will tell you this is not what's important. There are a myriad of ways to interpret religious text, no matter where it comes from. There are scholars and shamans, priests and rabbis, ministers and laymen all pointing to their interpretation of Holy Writ. Yet any good Hindu will tell you this is not what's important. What's important? That you love one another. That you give God a place in your heart and strive to understand His role for your life. That you seek to understand that our petty little lives are threads in God's tapestry, weak by themselves but strong as part of the fabric of the universe. Now, I could go on about the Vedas, and the concepts of reincarnation, karma, the Godhead, the incarnations of Vishnu, and all the rest of it. Those things are important - to a Hindu. They are not important to everyone. Any good Hindu knows that the things that matter to everyone are the only things that have real importance. It doesn't matter who's religion is oldest, or whether it started with goddesses or totems or blue cheese dressing. It's not important to know how the world was created, or how it will end, or whose prophets were touched by God and whose weren't. What matters is that we love each other. That is the essence of all true religion. |
Well there's a lot of talking going on here and yet not much is being
said. Its kinda like most of the worlds religions even my own which I find to be veey sad indeed. But anyway. I don't think God or whatever you want to call this being than which nothing is greater pays bothers much about us down here on the rock. The Universe is a vast palce so I think were left to find many of the ansewers ourselves. So maybe if we can learn to just accept each other for ourselves we can overcome all the petty differences we might at least make a heaven out this place were in. Just a little thought anyway gotta go. |
And as for the religions independent from Christianity? The Greek
pantheon, the Roman gods, Shamanism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and so on? They each came before Christianity or were completely isolated from them. How do you explain that? Some of them don't even have gods, like Buddhism. Your argument doesn't even make sense, and if I've understood what you're trying to say (your grammar is atrocious), then I think we can definitively say that you're wrong. |
the first religion to grace this earth was goddess worshipping proven by
the oldest artifact that we have the goddess of willendorf, and supported by goddess worshipping societies.. one anthropologist believed that as when in intial stages like during goddess worshipping men and women didn't know that sex.. or that men had any role in reproduction ; however with the gosh .. i can't think of the word so for lesser thoughts " taming" the animals we began to see that man plays a role which is why we have a shift into male gods helping female gods rule, then female gods with male cohorts, then the male god ruling alone, this shown by the babylonian creation myth which we suspect is the prime example for our modern genesis. |
black.. your wrong you better go look up where you got that information
from and go back to catal huyuk |
and what your trying to talk about really isn't that relavent because
first of all Islam, Judaism, and Christianity believe in the same God; however, Christianity and Judaism place their descendant line one way, while Islam places it the other. Then not to mention genesis is shared with chrstianity and judaism, but in islam its very different so i would say overall .. if this is making any sense what so ever.. that they really aren't connected that much... |
devin112 wrote:
OK SINCE YOU PPL SEEM TO KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT RELIGION,CAN ANYONE TELL ME THE FIRST RELIGION TO GRACE THE EARTH? =========================================================================================== SpiderCMB replied: Christianity. Before Moses was given the law, Adam and Eve lived by the law. Before the Israelites were told to sacrifice to God, Adam and Eve sacrificed to God. Sacrifice and the Law are the shadow of Jesus. The earliest people simple followed the shadow of Jesus, but they were following Jesus none-the-less. |
spider has a nice answer, however, mine is backed up by proof if you'd
like to look it up... |
I think MDPiscean answered the question perfectly.
yeah ok...