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Topic: Adults living at home with their parents
newfiegirl5's photo
Wed 10/04/06 07:24 AM
Yes why judge someone for where they live.Betteer live with parents then
on the street ain't it.
I have been supportin me and mine since i was 16..had no other chose. I
had a kid it was mine not my mothers so i took the responsiblity of
her.Not like some others does.

Cancer26's photo
Wed 10/04/06 08:00 AM
I agree with manDii, it's okay if you know that you're only there
temporarly and you have plans of moving and really want to. And are
trying to get out. Doing something to get there. Not just being lazy and
milking your parents. You got to grow up you know? (generally speaking)

Cancer26's photo
Wed 10/04/06 08:01 AM
Independence is a real turn on!!!

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 10/05/06 04:37 PM
ive been out of my parents hair for almost ten years now i moved out
when i was seventeen and when my parents need help they come to me and
my older bro jon because we are the only ones in a position to help them
but i couldnt move back in with them even if they wanted me too im used
to a certain level of freedom and me and my parents have a couple of
clashing veiws wich we cant gewt past i love my parents but im just too
different than my ma and pa besides now they acctually miss me and
invite me over cause im not always there like a couple brothers of mine
and they dont understand how come i get treated differently than they
do.my ma still says im the one most like my father and with a dad like
mine thats one hell of a compliment ...i think its because im the only
one out of 8 kids to move out and stay out none of my other brothers
moved out or tried moving out till they were in their twenties i moved
out at 17 and been out ever since the worst part is im number 6 i got 4
older brothers and a younger bro an older sis and a younger sis who is
still young so shes the exception right now

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/06/06 12:23 AM
My turn...

I currently live with my mother, again. I orignally moved out when I
was 18 and back in about 3 months ago. I thank God everyday that I
had/have this opportunity.

I am not in great health...I have three chronic health conditions that I
have to deal with. I also am manic depressive and that weighs really
heavy on me. Moving back in with my mom probably saved my life. I
definately could see the downward spiral coming with a quickness.

Not that I live in cotton candy gumdrop land. Being back "under her
roof" sucks too. I know that it's temporary and that it's where I NEED
to bee right now. And, as far as I'm concerned- if someone chooses to
judge me for it..SCREW THEM!

no photo
Fri 10/06/06 12:26 AM
"And, as far as I'm concerned- if someone chooses to
judge me for it..SCREW THEM!"

As Joy says from "My Name Is Earl"..."OH SNAP!!!!" lol -=x

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/06/06 12:29 AM
well hell, how can you judge someone because of one thing and not know
the whole story...it's not like i'm lying on her couch being a lazy bum.
i work. i take care of the house. i do WAY more than my share...and I

I live here because my heart, mid, body and soul needed someplace safe
to heal.

Cancer26's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:25 AM
I don't judge you Peachie. I understand your situation. Eventhough you
live there, it sounds like you're still the woman of the house. Good for
you girl! :-)

Lionsbrew, good for you, you go boy! You should be very proud of
yourself, that's awesome. Freedom is a beautiful thing.

I know I could never go back to my mom's house, unless I really had to,
by having no other choice. (like in Peachie's case, totally exceptable)

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/06/06 07:29 AM

I guess sometimes we have to look at our lives and make an adult
decision about what really is the best alternative. And thanks for not

I know that some people look at me and all they see is that I live with
my mom, and that's fine...really. The people that actually know and
love me understand that this is where I truly need to be right now.

I'm thankful that I am "grown-up" enough to weigh my choices and really
choose what is the right choice versus what I want to do. But then, I
guess that's the whole "survival of the fitest" idea as well...

Sportychic's photo
Sat 10/07/06 12:51 AM
i had to move out when I was 22 ive been on my own for 4 yrs and if i
could move back i dont think i would that was too much pressure and to
much stress

samantha198403's photo
Sat 10/07/06 01:33 AM
when i was in college, i had a problem with partying, and i got into a
lot of trouble. i am probably one of the only ones you will ever hear
honestly say that getting kicked out of school was one of the best
things that could ever happen to me... cause i had to move back home...
i stopped partying so much (now its only like one every couple months) i
have to say that my mother... single parent of 3 has gone above and
beyond, and should have never done that, cause i put her into debt back
then, right now, i am getting back on my feet, and i am helping her with
the debt i put her in... i am 22 years old. i owe her everything, this
is one of the reasons living with your parents is a good thing.

Sportychic's photo
Sat 10/07/06 01:40 AM
well Samantha im sure your right my siutation was a little different i
did not leave voluntarily I had to move out b/c my mother couldnt afford
the house payments and the house was going up for aution the next day so
I had to go into emergency housing under my county I didnt have an easy
childhood I came from a broken home my parents disliked each other and
couldnt be civil around us so i didnt see my mother and my father was
too distraught to know what hit him needless to say im on my own now and
keeping my chin up and learning how to be strong and lead a semi normal

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 10/07/06 06:38 AM
i have a couple freinds who stayed home for a lil while to save up for a
down payment on a house and whatnot or had legel or marriage trouble
every one needs help and usaully the first place we go is family thats
what being in a family is all about ..im just happy im at the point in
my life were the help i get from my parents is advice ...wich i listen
to more now than i used too ...i swear if i had a dollor for everytime i
didnt listen to my pop and it came back to bite me in the ass id be

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 06:46 AM
ain't that funny lion how our perceptions of our parents advice changes
over the years and when we start to learn more about life they don't
look so dumb afterall. lol

the advice is always given with the best of intentions and they may have
learned it the hard way and don't want you to go through the same thing

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 10/07/06 06:57 AM
i swear if i hadnt been soo damn stubborn ...i think it was all me being
rebelious and trying to be different from them..but if i hadnt been so
stubborn i prolly woudnt have moved out and stayed out either.sometimes
i think me and my pop are to much alike and thats why we prolly didnt
always see eye to eye..i also have to say my parents are prolly my
biggest hereos to.

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 06:59 AM
it sounds odd but true, you can't always get along with people that are
exactly like you. at least something good came out of it though instead
of it getting in the w2ay like it sometimes does.

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