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Topic: why me!!!!
dizzydean5's photo
Mon 02/05/07 03:19 AM
slow how are you dean

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 02/05/07 05:38 AM
Hummmmm well I guess most get tired of waiting for that certain one that
seems to be a needle in the haystach that can't seem to be found. So
some seem to lower our expections of what we are looking for since most
of the time you guys say our standards are set to high then when the
ones that do lower them get stuck with jerks lmao hummm so ya damn if
you do and damn if you don't. lmao. Seems most would be better off at
times just staying alone since most of the time there is no telling what
you will end up with for even if you think you know them do you really?

maryc's photo
Mon 02/05/07 11:55 AM
Because we are the gifts, and we are supposed to be choosen and not
waste are time looking,enjoy everyday like it was your last and find
yourself some fun things to do and let whatever happens happen,but the
key is to enjoy your life and live with lots of confidence and self
love,you might start enjoying life on a much different level, i know I
did...drinker laugh Maryc, P.S the book store "Boarders"and I became
very good friends and I love all the knowledge I have gained from
reading and not feeling sorry for myself,just a suggestion....(smile)

no photo
Mon 02/05/07 12:13 PM

oldsage's photo
Mon 02/05/07 12:27 PM
Maryc, you go girl. All book stores are great. Looking for a used bok
store, where I can go & trade books. SOn introduced me to one in
Norfolk Va. Lots of books cheap & recycles what I don't want. Want
some good self-improvement books, drop me a mail.

NYCgirl's photo
Mon 02/05/07 05:10 PM
omg slow and oldsage, hahahaha what did i missed yesterday?
nice conversation!!

Sluggo's photo
Mon 02/05/07 06:27 PM
So Txs & Marcy, it sounds like you both agree with Lunatic because women
are suppose to just accept the best or first line of BS that comes their
way (depending on who's story you listen to: Txs or Marcy's)?

I still agree with him that you should be looking, judging and choosing
better (but we are out there, you just don't know it when you see it):
So there you have your answer mslula54 :tongue:

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 02/05/07 09:32 PM
Well I have not captured that one yet humm he maybe I have met him I
dont know but seems Iam still single so guess I'm not taking what ever
just happens to come along lol besides I said some lower there standards
and when they do they get the jerks lol hummmmmm now what your turn!

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 02/05/07 09:35 PM
But if I do find that one I will know for he will show it right cause
that has to be a two way street ya gotto have that connection between
both not just one. Either its there or not I have waited this long I can
wait till that time comes.smokin

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 02/05/07 09:35 PM
But if I do find that one I will know for he will show it right cause
that has to be a two way street ya gotto have that connection between
both not just one. Either its there or not I have waited this long I can
wait till that time comes.:smokin

sushi's photo
Mon 02/05/07 09:36 PM
OK! I've had it! I'm gonna advertise, right now!

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 02/05/07 09:36 PM
oppppps made me stutter on that one lol

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