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Topic: ~Angel of Mercy~
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Wed 05/07/08 07:24 AM
An angel of mercy surrounded by death
I Love You!Anna;until my final breath
Year of 1944 in some town of Bastogne
A nurse from Paris so fearfully alone

Constant bombing lights starless night
Wounded screams lend a dreadful fright
She's smeared w/blood & chilling stare
Precious small hands w/beauty so fair

Germans advance on this battered town
Bodies strewn on the snow filled ground
These men cut off yet they shun defeat
In a War this guardian & angel did meet

With skillful hands and courage to save
The harrowing events yet mightily brave
Her eyes filled w/tears as another died
An urge to scream as I stood by her side

Haunted by memories of the dying breaths
Victory nor Defeat masks untimely deaths
Some soldiers duty to claim a life today
We tirelessly attempt to cheat death away

Dear Anna;I'm devastated that you're gone
I have your blue scarf but a heart is torn
Just a soldiers dream of winning her heart
Though the battle and toils kept us apart

Rest now sweet angel for you are at peace
No longer dwell where man acts like beast
Know in your heart with each prayer I say
Eventually we'll be together 4ever I day

Written by CyPoet 5/7/08:smile: flowerforyou :heart:

Winx's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:25 AM

FaithfulOne78's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:26 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou smooched

No1sLove's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:27 AM
Tear jerker for sure...but so lovely it's worth it! flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:36 AM
Winx~flowerforyou :wink: flowerforyou
FaithfulOne~flowerforyou :wink: flowerforyou
No1sLove~flowerforyou :wink: flowerforyou
{{{{{bear~hug}}}:heart: drinker :smile:

pkh's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:43 AM
As always amazing.You never cease to amaze me with your writes.As you already know it was you and Kristi that got me starting to write.And as always amazing my friendflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:54 AM
Woo-Hoo!it's Pammy-Poolaugh I'm glad 2 see ya & hear from ya my bearific friend.:tongue: I hope ur feeling good hun.Thx!sweetheart 4 that beautiful compliment.I am bearifically happy 2 hear that I inspire U,& Kristi will be equally pleased.I actually perceive that also as a blessing dear.Well just my thoughts anyhow.I wuv ya,(chin-up)Yay!:wink: ttyl/my bearific friend.{{{bear~hug}}}
:wink: flowerforyou :heart: :tongue:

pkh's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:56 AM
Hugs right back at you.And my chin is up one day at a time.Just keep doing what you doflowerforyou

2Btrue2One's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:59 AM
Cy, that was an excellent poem my friend.. and I know it's based on a true story, I saw the band of brother series, and I know exactly the two people you speak of.. awesome write Cy..


no photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:14 AM

Cy, that was an excellent poem my friend.. and I know it's based on a true story, I saw the band of brother series, and I know exactly the two people you speak of.. awesome write Cy..


Wow!very kewl bro.Yep! that's 1 of my all time fav.'s 4 sure.I served w/101st Airborne myself.Though thankfully not in WW2 hey.That was very moving indeed which of course inspired me 2 write a short piece on it.It leaves U haunted in a sense because if there love had been allowed 2 blossom vs.the sad outcome in the story.Thx!4 reading bro.Ur bearific friend 4ever.Godspeed!Cy:smile: flowerforyou drinker glasses

2Btrue2One's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:31 AM

Cy, that was an excellent poem my friend.. and I know it's based on a true story, I saw the band of brother series, and I know exactly the two people you speak of.. awesome write Cy..


Wow!very kewl bro.Yep! that's 1 of my all time fav.'s 4 sure.I served w/101st Airborne myself.Though thankfully not in WW2 hey.That was very moving indeed which of course inspired me 2 write a short piece on it.It leaves U haunted in a sense because if there love had been allowed 2 blossom vs.the sad outcome in the story.Thx!4 reading bro.Ur bearific friend 4ever.Godspeed!Cy:smile: flowerforyou drinker glasses

It's one of my favorites as well, I actually watched it quite a few times, I did have the series once, but my exwife ended up with it..

AngelLight's photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:15 AM
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

Very intense and haunting, yet with hope/promise for future reunion ....

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:04 AM

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

Very intense and haunting, yet with hope/promise for future reunion ....

Thx!sweetheart.Your words are so true indeed.
flowerforyou :wink: :heart: flowerforyou

DrX's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:10 AM
Bravo, I really enjoyed this poem. I don't mean this to sound egotistical, but the way it read, telling a story, it reminded me of my poems.

This is one of your bestsmokin

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Wed 05/07/08 06:53 PM
:cry: :heart: flowerforyou
(((CY))) Loving write...

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:08 PM

Woo-Hoo!it's Pammy-Poolaugh I'm glad 2 see ya & hear from ya my bearific friend.:tongue: I hope ur feeling good hun.Thx!sweetheart 4 that beautiful compliment.I am bearifically happy 2 hear that I inspire U,& Kristi will be equally pleased.I actually perceive that also as a blessing dear.Well just my thoughts anyhow.I wuv ya,(chin-up)Yay!:wink: ttyl/my bearific friend.{{{bear~hug}}}
:wink: flowerforyou :heart: :tongue:

Could not have said it any better then you just did.

Great write, it's good to see you writing again here have missed your poemsbigsmile

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:42 PM
Thx!Dr.X 4 dropping by & reading.I'm glad U liked it bro.I enjoy reading your work btw.Some is quite dark & laced w/pain.However if U read some of my earlier work under my pen name Cybear U would say the same of mine.
MsTeddy:tongue: how are U my bearific friend.I hope U are better hun.Wanna scratch?:tongue: laugh I'm glad U enjoyed it sweetheart.The story is very sad & moving yet so beautiful.(factual story btw).Let me know how you're feeling K.:wink: flowerforyou :tongue: :heart: :smile:
Hi!Kristi.Thx! 4 dropping by my bearific friend.I'm glad U enjoyed it hun,I really Luv the story & movie so I was inspired 2 write that piece.It's also a true story of my unit in WW2.I'm really happy sweetheart that I'm writing again.I feel more like my true self when I am writing u know.Woo-Hoo!that is bearific indeed.And Pammy is on the prowl w/us.Ms Teddy just needs a good old scratch w/my claws & she'll be a-o-k:tongue: laugh Thx!Kristi 4 keeping me inspired.
:wink: flowerforyou drinker :tongue: :smile:

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:43 PM
U would mention the word scratch...
You just would... :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

laugh devil laugh

Getting better, still hurts and itches though.
Baking soda just became my BFF. :wink:
I feel like a hermit. grumble

(((CY))) :heart: flowerforyou

kc0003's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:46 PM
very nice cy

well done

no photo
Thu 05/08/08 05:20 AM

U would mention the word scratch...
You just would... :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

laugh devil laugh

Getting better, still hurts and itches though.
Baking soda just became my BFF. :wink:
I feel like a hermit. grumble

(((CY))) :heart: flowerforyou
Awwwww!MsTeddy:tongue:K;they'll be no scratching.Hmmmm!Cy looks down at his claws & thinks well what are these claws 4 then?:tongue:Oh!them are 2 lop off the heads of icky demons.Yay!:smile: I knew there was a good reason Teddy.I'm glad it's getting better hun,I've heard it's very painful,I'm sorry Teddy:cry: And no you're no hermit the crab,you're a beautiful Teddy.Hey!U want me 2 catch some crabs from the lake 4 ya?:tongue: They look bearific plus they wink at ya.Woo-Hoo!ttyl/my beautiful & cherished friend.((((((((bear~huggie)))))))))
:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: :wink: drinker
Thx!K~C 4 stoppping by & reading,I hope U enjoyed the story bro.I really loved writing it 4 it was such a heart rendering love story though sadly surrounded by war & much death and the outcome is deeply saddening.:cry: ttyl/my friend.p.s.I :heart:Noden's poem btw.She is truly a remarkable lady & I am deeply honored 2 have her as my friend.drinker :smile:

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