Topic: Evangelicals admit they are out of touch with mainstream Ame
MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/03/08 07:43 PM
flowerforyouYes its true, I hate those that are misleading the Evangelicalsflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/03/08 07:45 PM
flowerforyou I try to be love and light most of the time but Im in a bad mood right now and if Im gonna hate something Ill hate the fools that are corrupting the Evangelicalsflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/03/08 07:53 PM

laugh Does that answer your question Lindyy?laugh


Your thoughts are nothing to be proud of. I do not know where you get all your hate, but I pity you.

Such a waste of a human mind.:cry:

flowerforyou I dont have a bunch of hate in me normally but when I think about what these evil men are doing I become enraged.flowerforyou I dont know why you consider me a waste just because of one or two opinions.flowerforyou More evangelical propaganda I suppose.flowerforyou Human life means so little to you Evangelicals now. flowerforyou You people are so quick to throw away those you dont deem to have any value.flowerforyou If someone doesnt conform to your exact specifications then they are worthless to you.flowerforyou No one is a waste to me.flowerforyouIm sure no one is a waste to the One True God.flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/03/08 07:55 PM
flowerforyou Lindyy--the difference between me and the Evangelicals are that I believe in redemption.flowerforyou I believe that no one is a waste. flowerforyou I believe that all people are of value.flowerforyou Not just Evangelical Americans.flowerforyou

Lindyy's photo
Sat 05/03/08 07:58 PM

I cannot believe you put this post up knowing I am here.

Let me tell you hiker, UNLESS you follow people like Dr. Dobson, Charles Colson, Billy Graham and Franklin Graham, Charles Stanley, Pat Robertson, I suggest you post another type of thread.

ALL of the above have been soooooooooooooooooo badly misquoted, taken out of context and DELIBERATELY lied about. I KNOW, I follow them.

MSNBC - OMG talk about a twist n turn media.

Listen to Dr. James Dobson's radio program, go to his website and read EVEYTHING there. THEN you might be able to very lightly discuss the issue of evangelicals/protestant christians.

MSNBC is out of touch with mainstream America - CHRISTIANS.


I seem to remember an interview many years ago when the preacher(?) (Oral Roberts if I remember correctly) was asked if it bothered him at all that some old lady would send him her last $50 and do without the rest of the month. His reply was that if it made her feel better to do it then who was he to stop her. God was a product to be sold like any other product.

Definitely makes me want to convert ........... NOT!!laugh

First your quote is a down and out lie. Oral Roberts never said that, go google and find it.

I think the Christians will have the last laugh, although that is not going to be their intent. There will be a lot of sorrow among God's people over all of the lost souls, such as yourself.

It is blatantly obvious that you have not read the Bible, God's divinely inspired word. If so, you would truly understand why Christians give/tithe what the Lord has blessed them with financially.

For starters, now you should have known I was going to throw a few scriptures in here:

But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart not grudingly or of necessity; for God LOVES a CHEERFUL GIVER. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

Luke 6:38
"Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you."

Malachi 3:10-12
"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try (God is actually challenging man to TEST HIM) Me now in this," says the LORD of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessings that there will not be room enough to receive it. "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field" Says the LORD of hosts; "And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land," says the LORD of hosts.

Are you still laughing, whoever you are?

FOREVER AND EVER:smile: :smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:00 PM
flowerforyou Lindyy---If you notice, I didnt say anything bad about Billy Graham.flowerforyou

Lindyy's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:00 PM

laugh Does that answer your question Lindyy?laugh


Your thoughts are nothing to be proud of. I do not know where you get all your hate, but I pity you.

Such a waste of a human mind.:cry:

flowerforyou I dont have a bunch of hate in me normally but when I think about what these evil men are doing I become enraged.flowerforyou I dont know why you consider me a waste just because of one or two opinions.flowerforyou More evangelical propaganda I suppose.flowerforyou Human life means so little to you Evangelicals now. flowerforyou You people are so quick to throw away those you dont deem to have any value.flowerforyou If someone doesnt conform to your exact specifications then they are worthless to you.flowerforyou No one is a waste to me.flowerforyouIm sure no one is a waste to the One True God.flowerforyou


Once AGAIN, as ususal, you read incorrectly. I said "waste of a human MIND."

Never ever listensyawn yawn


no photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:04 PM
*humming the theme from the twilight zone*

Lindyy's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:04 PM

flowerforyou Lindyy---If you notice, I didnt say anything bad about Billy Graham.flowerforyou

Well, yippee doo!

Why not? After all Billy Graham is the GREATEST EVANGELICAL OF ALL MODERN TIME?


MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:05 PM

laugh Does that answer your question Lindyy?laugh


Your thoughts are nothing to be proud of. I do not know where you get all your hate, but I pity you.

Such a waste of a human mind.:cry:

flowerforyou I dont have a bunch of hate in me normally but when I think about what these evil men are doing I become enraged.flowerforyou I dont know why you consider me a waste just because of one or two opinions.flowerforyou More evangelical propaganda I suppose.flowerforyou Human life means so little to you Evangelicals now. flowerforyou You people are so quick to throw away those you dont deem to have any value.flowerforyou If someone doesnt conform to your exact specifications then they are worthless to you.flowerforyou No one is a waste to me.flowerforyouIm sure no one is a waste to the One True God.flowerforyou


Once AGAIN, as ususal, you read incorrectly. I said "waste of a human MIND."

Never ever listensyawn yawn

flowerforyou I didnt take it personal.flowerforyou I was just using it as an example.flowerforyou So, my mind is only a waste as long as I dont worship the Evangelical leaders?flowerforyou I hope you read my other posts on this thread. flowerforyou Im really not this hateful of a person but thinking about this subject brings out a lot of emotion in me.flowerforyou I want to change things. I want to believe that there is a force for good in the world, not just never ending lust for power and control.flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:06 PM

flowerforyou Lindyy---If you notice, I didnt say anything bad about Billy Graham.flowerforyou

Well, yippee doo!

Why not? After all Billy Graham is the GREATEST EVANGELICAL OF ALL MODERN TIME?

flowerforyou Yes, he probably isflowerforyou

Lindyy's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:12 PM

Amen, Lindyy! The only thing saving America from complete collapse is God's forbearance. You better thank your lucky stars that our nation has the annointment and the favor of God.

Columbine, school shootings, killings, crime. The only reason it doesn't go totally out of control is God's hand on us. If God withdrew his protection from us, there would be total chaos and disaster, mark well my words.

I'm no great fan of MSNBC. I think they're grinding their own axe and distort the news from a liberal agenda and a liberal viewpoint that is not favorable toward God and the message the evangelicals provide.

As for me and my house, we will worship the Lord and vote conservative. It's the way to maintain the liberty that has made this nation great the last 200 years or so.

And Amen, Amen to that:smile: :smile:


MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:13 PM
flowerforyou In my heart, perhaps I am a little jealous of people like you Lindyy.flowerforyou I wish I could trust these political and religious leaders. Everytime Ive tried, it has required turning my back on the suffering inflicted on my fellow man.flowerforyou I dont think anyone is worthless.flowerforyou I dont think its right to hurt people who are different from me.flowerforyou I just cant accept thatflowerforyou

Lindyy's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:15 PM

laugh Does that answer your question Lindyy?laugh


Your thoughts are nothing to be proud of. I do not know where you get all your hate, but I pity you.

Such a waste of a human mind.:cry:

flowerforyou I dont have a bunch of hate in me normally but when I think about what these evil men are doing I become enraged.flowerforyou I dont know why you consider me a waste just because of one or two opinions.flowerforyou More evangelical propaganda I suppose.flowerforyou Human life means so little to you Evangelicals now. flowerforyou You people are so quick to throw away those you dont deem to have any value.flowerforyou If someone doesnt conform to your exact specifications then they are worthless to you.flowerforyou No one is a waste to me.flowerforyouIm sure no one is a waste to the One True God.flowerforyou


Once AGAIN, as ususal, you read incorrectly. I said "waste of a human MIND."

Never ever listensyawn yawn

flowerforyou I didnt take it personal.flowerforyou I was just using it as an example.flowerforyou So, my mind is only a waste as long as I dont worship the Evangelical leaders?flowerforyou I hope you read my other posts on this thread. flowerforyou Im really not this hateful of a person but thinking about this subject brings out a lot of emotion in me.flowerforyou I want to change things. I want to believe that there is a force for good in the world, not just never ending lust for power and control.flowerforyou

Mirror, you did not even read the scripture I quoted, did you?
Figures.grumble grumble

Well, why not hate Billy Graham? He is, as you partially agreed to, the GREATEST EVANGELICAL OF MODERN TIME.

Read the scripture and you will understand.

I will not force you to believe in God, nor will HE force you to believe in Him.

Good luck.


MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:16 PM
laugh What is the Evangelical message nowadays? laugh Is it "Kill-em All"?laugh I know thats coming eventually.flowerforyou I wonder why evangelicals dont get along better with those nuts in the middle east.flowerforyou Evangelicals are becoming more like the MiddleEastern nuts every year.flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:18 PM

laugh Does that answer your question Lindyy?laugh


Your thoughts are nothing to be proud of. I do not know where you get all your hate, but I pity you.

Such a waste of a human mind.:cry:

flowerforyou I dont have a bunch of hate in me normally but when I think about what these evil men are doing I become enraged.flowerforyou I dont know why you consider me a waste just because of one or two opinions.flowerforyou More evangelical propaganda I suppose.flowerforyou Human life means so little to you Evangelicals now. flowerforyou You people are so quick to throw away those you dont deem to have any value.flowerforyou If someone doesnt conform to your exact specifications then they are worthless to you.flowerforyou No one is a waste to me.flowerforyouIm sure no one is a waste to the One True God.flowerforyou


Once AGAIN, as ususal, you read incorrectly. I said "waste of a human MIND."

Never ever listensyawn yawn

flowerforyou I didnt take it personal.flowerforyou I was just using it as an example.flowerforyou So, my mind is only a waste as long as I dont worship the Evangelical leaders?flowerforyou I hope you read my other posts on this thread. flowerforyou Im really not this hateful of a person but thinking about this subject brings out a lot of emotion in me.flowerforyou I want to change things. I want to believe that there is a force for good in the world, not just never ending lust for power and control.flowerforyou

Mirror, you did not even read the scripture I quoted, did you?
Figures.grumble grumble

Well, why not hate Billy Graham? He is, as you partially agreed to, the GREATEST EVANGELICAL OF MODERN TIME.

Read the scripture and you will understand.

I will not force you to believe in God, nor will HE force you to believe in Him.

Good luck.

flowerforyou I dont hate Evangelicals.flowerforyou I believe in God.flowerforyou

Lindyy's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:19 PM

flowerforyou In my heart, perhaps I am a little jealous of people like you Lindyy.flowerforyou I wish I could trust these political and religious leaders. Everytime Ive tried, it has required turning my back on the suffering inflicted on my fellow man.flowerforyou I dont think anyone is worthless.flowerforyou I dont think its right to hurt people who are different from me.flowerforyou I just cant accept thatflowerforyou


Jealous of WHAT?

God is there for you just as He is for me!! You are just breaking His heart because you turn away from Him. Yet, He loves you unconditionally, and He understands your heart. He is just waiting for YOU to go to HIM.


adj4u's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:21 PM

flowerforyou Lindyy---If you notice, I didnt say anything bad about Billy Graham.flowerforyou

Well, yippee doo!

Why not? After all Billy Graham is the GREATEST EVANGELICAL OF ALL MODERN TIME?

flowerforyou Yes, he probably isflowerforyou

is he the one in that commercial sitting on the bench with sharpton or is that a differnt one ??????????????????

Lindyy's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:23 PM

laugh What is the Evangelical message nowadays? laugh Is it "Kill-em All"?laugh I know thats coming eventually.flowerforyou I wonder why evangelicals dont get along better with those nuts in the middle east.flowerforyou Evangelicals are becoming more like the MiddleEastern nuts every year.flowerforyou


You keep putting your foot in your mouth. If you read the Bible, God tells of exactly what is going to take place in the Mid East. ALL nations will turn against Israel. It has already been spoken by God, but yet Israel will prevail as God is their Lord, He will never leave them nor forsake them.


MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:24 PM
Lindyy-- Im tired of giving up on hope.flowerforyou Im tired of walking away from what is right just because some politicians and ministers say so.flowerforyou I love my fellow man.flowerforyou I dont like seeing them suffer.flowerforyou Im sure "GOD" doesnt either. flowerforyou Im tired of war and fear and being told thats all there is.flowerforyou I would rather be wrong than give up on my fellow man anymore no matter what they have done.flowerforyou Im sick and tired of giving up on love.:heart: I have said some strong things tonite.flowerforyou I stand by those words. flowerforyou I hate those that decieve and hurt my friends and family.flowerforyou