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Topic: Kaynak stole my profile!!!
hikerchick's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:13 PM

I deleted all of what I wrote in mine when I got p!ssed one night. It had been workin well for me.
Wish I could find my words somewhere. I'd paste em right back!!!
laugh devil laugh

Look around, maybe somebody else has them!

DTHRomeo's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:14 PM
Is it a chick or a dude?

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:15 PM
Edited by symbelmyne on Thu 05/01/08 11:18 PM
a young man from england...I cant email him because I dont meet his preferences...Now Im going to bed, before a monkey shows up and steals my hamburger....:angry:

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:19 PM
noway laugh

Im a mature, no-nonsense man whose been around the block a few times. I don't impress easily and get bored quickly with BS. My friends I count on one hand because I take my friendships very seriously. I am loyal to the end and say what I mean and mean what I say. People tell me that Im strong, confident and someone they can count on. They also say Im condescending and a royal pain in the butt, guess no one is perfect. Im not looking for anyone in particular, but if I'm found then thats ok by me. Likes and dislikes I have many, im open minded but not naive. If I've peaked your interest take the time and send me an email. See you in the sandbox

if you want to sort out your life here is some useful advice


1. Reduce the clutter in your life
2. Cut your grocery shopping time in half
3. Buy in bulk
4. Run all errands in one place
5. Stop buying clothes that need to be dry cleaned


1. Move to a simple house
2. Drive a simple car
3. Build a simple wardrobe
4. Turn off the TV
5. Stop the junk Mail
6. Don't answer phone just because it is ringing
7. Relax for once


1. Get out of debt!
2. Live on half of what you earn, and other half save
3. Rethink buying habits
4. Change the way you shop
5. Reduce your needs for goods and services
6. Get rid of all but one credit card
7. Next time you buy a car, buy it secondhand
8. Teach your kids fiscal responsibility


1. Work where you live or live where you work
2. Do what you really want to do
3. Turn your hobby into your job


1. Simplify your eating habits
2. Make water your drink of choice
3. Be in bed at 9pm one night a week
4. Learn to laugh
5. Create your own rituals
6. Learn to meditate


1. Clean up your relationships
2. Just be yourself
3. Trust your intuition
4. If it is not easy then don't do it
5. Stop trying to change people
6. Spend one day in the month in solitude
7. Do one thing at a time
8. Change your expectations
9. Review your life regularly to keep it simple Send me a message!

Profession: self employer

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:20 PM
Hey!!!! Thats me...at least the first part, Im sure the rest of it belongs to some other JSH memeber....grumble

DTHRomeo's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:20 PM

a young man from england...I cant email him because I dont meet his preferences...Now Im going to bed, before a monkey shows up and steals my hamburger....:angry:

Que insecto grumble

jonny63's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:26 PM
If he stole someones words he needs to be banned. I know I've read that paragraph before. Chances are he stole the rest from someone else.
I say we sic the dogs on im.devil

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:49 PM
I had a Jackass get mad at me and threaten me...cuz I called out on how he was was talking to a woman on here so he stole my pic, so it looked like I was saying those things and arguing with my self...

He got deleted from JSH

So I say report it, looks like he stole your words without giving you credit....sound like somethinglaugh laugh

zanne46's photo
Fri 05/02/08 01:10 AM
It never entered my mind to do something like this..

Someone here took my Marine insignia.....and fixed it..cause the sun was blocking the SemperFI....:heart:

that was cool and ok..

The rest I am hearing is just not right...

I have been on other sites...never came across this stuff...interesting...hmmmmm

hikerchick's photo
Fri 05/02/08 04:40 AM

I had a Jackass get mad at me and threaten me...cuz I called out on how he was was talking to a woman on here so he stole my pic, so it looked like I was saying those things and arguing with my self...

He got deleted from JSH

So I say report it, looks like he stole your words without giving you credit....sound like somethinglaugh laugh

Yeah, but you DO argue with yourself on here sometimes. Remember the time you blocked yourself?laugh

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 04:45 AM
wow freaky

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 04:45 AM

I had a Jackass get mad at me and threaten me...cuz I called out on how he was was talking to a woman on here so he stole my pic, so it looked like I was saying those things and arguing with my self...

He got deleted from JSH

So I say report it, looks like he stole your words without giving you credit....sound like somethinglaugh laugh

some twat did that to me to. grumble grumble

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 07:58 AM
well I reported him, but havent heard anything back from the site monitors...grumble

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 05/02/08 08:30 AM

well I reported him, but havent heard anything back from the site monitors...grumble

Well not sure who took the report if you sent it in but the Mods have no access to those type of issues only the Admin do. One must go straight to their profile and report it that way. For then it goes to the Admin to deal with. Not sure if you did it that way or not. But after reading this I did do that. But.... not sure what they will do about it. Just have to wait and see.

Site Mod

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 08:48 AM
thanks, I did just that, went to his profile and where it said report abuse (or something to that effect) I did then wrote my complaint (stealing my profile and using it as his own).

still no word, but I guess they're busy with the "other site"...ohwell

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 08:49 AM

I had a Jackass get mad at me and threaten me...cuz I called out on how he was was talking to a woman on here so he stole my pic, so it looked like I was saying those things and arguing with my self...

He got deleted from JSH

So I say report it, looks like he stole your words without giving you credit....sound like somethinglaugh laugh

Yeah, but you DO argue with yourself on here sometimes. Remember the time you blocked yourself?laugh

Yeah Even I cant stand myselflaugh laugh

hikerchick's photo
Fri 05/02/08 08:50 AM

I had a Jackass get mad at me and threaten me...cuz I called out on how he was was talking to a woman on here so he stole my pic, so it looked like I was saying those things and arguing with my self...

He got deleted from JSH

So I say report it, looks like he stole your words without giving you credit....sound like somethinglaugh laugh

Yeah, but you DO argue with yourself on here sometimes. Remember the time you blocked yourself?laugh

Yeah Even I cant stand myselflaugh laugh

well, who can blame you?

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 07:10 PM
many thanks to the mods who responded to my complaint...hope this guy gets his own life and stops stealing other's....

Totage's photo
Fri 05/02/08 07:19 PM

think I should report him for "copyright" infringement???

Actually yes, that is copyright infringment.

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