Topic: HEy guys!!!
no photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:48 PM
HEy guys rate my profile..let me know what you think!

Wolfshado's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:49 PM
great profile.... just tooo young

Jokull's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:50 PM
It looks like everyone elses huh

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:50 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou amazingflowerforyou flowerforyou

A64WOODY's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:52 PM
Nice profile. Good pics and a great smile! And you like softball! Way cool!

poohbearface19's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:53 PM
great profile,better thne mine hahaha

Crashy's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:53 PM
your prettyful....ill give a 10

xander29's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:00 PM
wow, yea i dont want to sound cliche but you are very beautiful 10/10

YourLove1's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:01 PM

HEy guys rate my profile..let me know what you think!
ill give it a 6+

forever_fifites's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:04 PM

HEy guys rate my profile..let me know what you think!

As teacher to student - switch your pics so the "pink" one is your main pic. Always put your best foot forward. :wink:

Monier's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:06 PM
Looks good.

It says you're a readhead, but all blonde pics. I bet you're stunning with red hair.

jonny63's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:13 PM
Beautiful Beautiful, nice job!flowerforyou
To young for me but good luck.

Jtevans's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:26 PM
i give you a 9.5

you would've gotten a 10 but in one pic,you're wearing a Cardinals shirt

noway laugh

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:44 PM

great profile.... just tooo young

Sluggo's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:57 PM
It says you have Red hair; maybe you can die your hair to make it Red? :tongue: :tongue:

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:11 PM

great profile,better thne mine hahaha

Other than mispelling the name of the city you live in, I disagree. At least there's some content to your profile. A profile with just pictures doesn't say much.

dodger1953's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:36 PM
look like you own to many vibrators!