Topic: Worrying bout my Kids
blovdubb's photo
Tue 01/30/07 12:52 PM
My x-wife was cheating so i moved away, I have three kids whoam i love
very much and raised mostly on my own, well as soon as I left, she moved
her boyfriend in , and he is an Alchoholic, and a convicted Felon, Im
very worried about my Kids in what right now seems like a hopeless

no photo
Tue 01/30/07 12:56 PM
If you are that worried file for custody and get them out of there.Go to
Family Court in your home county and do this.

Tneal's photo
Tue 01/30/07 01:02 PM
Hello blov.

When you start your divorce. Make sure you tell your lawyer what is
going on. If you can't afford a lawyer, go to your city hall and check
into Family law. Sometimes they can steer you to someone who can help.

I would see about being able to go into the home sometimes to see your
kids. Keep in contact with them. See if your Childrens Services
department can help you get custody. If you see anything that even looks
like Child safety problems (beer laying around the house, pot, other
felons hanging out around the house) document these things or get

I would also find out just what the bf did to get locked up. If he has a
job. Cause if not, then how is he helping pay the bills (if he is),
could be he is back to doing what got him in trouble.

When you see the kids talk to them, make sure they know you love em and
care for them. In the end... you will prevail...


trying_to_fly's photo
Tue 01/30/07 03:20 PM
blovdubb....GO THROUGH THE FRIEND OF THE COURT!!! Do NOT handle it
yourself as you will get into trouble. I've seen it happen and I've
been there. Friend of the Court will check this guy out and just tell
them you want to fight for custody because you are afraid for your kids.
Don't **** around with child support and all that bull****. GET YOUR
yourself and fight back as it will be a tough road but, I think you'll
be alright. Get those kids, go through friend of the court, tell them
about the live in boyfriend being a felon and an alcoholic. Tell them
EVERYTHING and fight back!! You'll be okay. I'll be here if you want
to chat. I'm with ya buddy!!!!

blovdubb's photo
Tue 01/30/07 04:13 PM
Hey thanks trying to fly, good to know you got friends out there

He got in trouble for Possesion of a firearm, amongst other things..

I can see them anytime as long as its possible, I have been talking to
my kids and wife daily , I still love her very much, though I feel
really dumb that I do, Im not sure if we will divorce, I really got up
on here hoping that if I find someone new, I will get over her cheating

FedMan's photo
Tue 01/30/07 04:40 PM
you aren't divorced? Is there a judicial custody agreement? If not you
have every bit as much custodial rights as she does at this point and
you can go get the kids and take them anywhere you want. My suggestion
is to you, if you are fearing for the safety of the children, go to your
county courthouse and file for an ex-parte order of protection for the
children, be prepared with any information as to why you fear for their
safety. Then get you a lawyer and get the divorce and custody of your
children. If you 2 still love eachother that's fine, but the safety of
the children must be first and foremost, if you 2 decide to try to works
things out later then you can cross that bridge when you get there.

FedMan's photo
Tue 01/30/07 04:47 PM
oh and the ex-parte will grant you temporary custody and she will not
be able to even call the kids much less come see them until you 2 go to
court over this. Legal Aid might be able to help with a lawyer if money
is an issue with the divorce, the ex=parte should be free for you.

trying_to_fly's photo
Tue 01/30/07 04:47 PM
You can't help who you love man. It's natural. I have an ex that I was
with 12 years ago and you know what, I still love her and will NEVER get
over her. She was my high school sweetheart and those you NEVER forget.
As for you, what I would do? Stay TRUE to yourself. She's your wife
dude....of course you still love her and don't be hard on yourself if
you do. You can't help how you feel. Don't get with another girl right
now cause I will tell you what..... It will be JUST a rebound and you
DO NOT want that!!!!! It will be hard on you and her and it will just
hurt you more. Stay by yourself and THINK about everything. Think
about your kids right now....not another woman. Don't even think about
your wife cheating on you. It hurts and I KNOW it's painful
HAVE to be strong and concentrate on those children and get them out of
there. You're a NATURAL HUMAN BEING!!!! DO NOT forget that!! Of
course you have feelings and it's normal. Don't think you're stupid.
You didn't cheat, she did. You love her. You wouldn't cheat. If she
loved you, she wouldn't have cheated. If I were you, I would
put your emotions aside and look at yourself, look at those kids and
love them endlessly. Maybe your wife will come around and REALIZE she
made a mistake and FUKED UP!!! Take one day at a time buddy and I'll be
here if you need help. DO NOT HESITATE to mail me or ask me something.
I'm here for you man.......and I don't even know you. Isn't GOD a
wonderful thing!!!!! He's GREAT to me and he'll be great to you too.
Just BELIEVE in yourself and your abilities and you'll be JUST FINE!!!

FedMan's photo
Tue 01/30/07 04:59 PM
blovdubb I hope you read this stuff and take it to heart if these kids
are in a negative environment.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 01/30/07 05:56 PM
Contact the DA's office they handle the child support cases at a very
low cost they will send you the paper work to fill out and they will do
all the filing and getting it too court if your kids are in this
situation don't stand back and do nothing get your kids out of there and
protect them before something bad was to happen no telling what kind of
record that guy has. Besides our kids should always come first over
another person.

FedMan's photo
Tue 01/30/07 07:44 PM
well most states the DCSE handles child support, but his case isn't
about support. He needs to get his kids for visitation or whatever and
take them to the county courthouse and file an order for protection that
will taske care of it and it is free for him, when they go to court , if
everything is in order, (the kids are in danger like he states) she will
have to pay for the order and court costs.

FedMan's photo
Tue 01/30/07 07:52 PM
either way while they are waiting for court he will get temporary
custody, if the judge believes it's necessary, which really don't take
much, until the court date which then will determine if the full order
will be granted.

FedMan's photo
Fri 02/02/07 07:55 PM
blovdubb in another post someone and I won't mention names, said you
shouldn't make any rash choices it could backfire, well that's not good
advice, because, if there is some elements of concern going on and you
sit back idly watching it all you could get the kids taken away from you
as well and have them placed in state custody, it's ALWAYS best to
intervene yourself and let the cards fall where they may, at least it
shows you are concerned for their well being.

Marie55's photo
Fri 02/02/07 08:05 PM
If the boyfriend is a convicted felon he likely has probation or parole
rules to follow and drinking usually is not allowed and having guns
around is usually forbidden. Find out if he is on parole and who his
officer is, and report his alcoholism, that is a direct violation and
could get him locked back up, and if you ever see a firearm around the
house, another violation. Don't know your state rules, but I worked in
the prison system for 17 years, and each state has its own rules, so
worth checking. Ex-inmates in this state can never possess a firearm,
even after they are off parole so they can never go hunting, etc.,
something to look into. Hope this helps. These people have given you
lots of good advice.

theronin75's photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:00 PM
bro my ex is an alcoholic and i filed for custody and now my baby girl
is safe with me so do the same and all will be right