Topic: More random thoughts on the economy | |
I knew the food prices around me were going up. Everything is going up
in cost. I thought it was because of the soaring gas prices. I've been reading about the gas issues from a variety of site. While the cost per barrel has soared in general, I had really only heard about the extreme increase in gas prices in the U.S. and a couple other countries. I really thought that a lot of it was the Robber Baron's, I mean, Oil Baron's availing themselves of the opportunity to take as much money from the little guy as they think they can get away with. But I'm seeing articles from all around the globe on the rapid increase in food costs everywhere. Rice all around the world. But other grains are as well, just not as rapidly as the rice. In fact, Haiti's protests over this have brought down their government, according to Reuters. Of course, part of the reason for the world wide increase in cost is because producing countries have reduced exports of grains as the cost have gone up at home, so that they can try to keep the cost from getting too high at home. Isn't it interesting that many countries, they have opened food lines to the government stores of rice to make sure people eat, but Bush won't stop or reduce stock piling oil to keep the gas prices reasonable. It isn't like people who are driving half an hour to work can suddenly start walking. Bus fairs reflect the gas prices. Busing is also problematic. I'm lucky enough to live close enough to walk to work, but my city has bussing issues. When I lived in an apartment and worked downtown, it was a half hour drive. When my car was being repaired, it was a 1.5 hour bus ride. Each way. 3 hours of my day. That is a loss of 2 hours. Bush doesn't want to do anything to encourage reasonable gas prices. But should we be surprised. He is a Texan after all. And a supporter of big business making record profit as the cost of the average citizen. Whatever you think about it, last year, 25% of the entire nation wide earnings were made by 1% of the U.S. population. The last time the discrepance between the income of the wealthy and everyone else was that dramatic was right before the Great Depression. While I admit that I personally think we are on the verge of another Depression, I wasn't thinking in global terms. I was thinking on the national level. The other day people were commenting on the fact that nature would take care of overpopulation. And that food supplies might play a part in that. You know, we might be closer to it than you think. Hard to say for sure, but I'm thinking things are perhaps harder and more 'interesting' than I previously believed. By interesting, I mean that I'm interested in seeing what happens and where things go and how the public will react. I'm thinking that little loft apt downtown is looking better and better and I can donate most of my stuff and deduct it on next years taxes. |
Get ready for the "free for all"!! This train has been headed this way for a LONG time. Going to be a LOT of people caught on the tracks...and a train cannot turn folks..and its running 100 mph fully loaded.
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Edited by
Tue 04/29/08 06:23 PM
One of my friends told me that they heard on the radio that stores are going to be limiting the amount of rice each person can buy.
Has anyone else heard this? I went to the gas station today. Ugh. I went to the grocery store today. I was very surprised to find that the cost of the food had risen so much. It didn't feel very good. |
This ship was made to sink.
Most Americans have little to no understanding of how the monetary system works. The Federal Reserve, which prints our money, is as federal as Federal Express. It is a privately owned, run for profit, bank who's owners are kept private. They control the strength or weakness of the dollar by determining how much of it to print and then lend to the US government with interest. They determine the interest rates and when payment needs to be made. Bankers used similar tactics as they are now to obtain business' or rival banks for pennies on the dollar by artificially inflating the economy with low interest debt causing short-term growth. Following this is the stage of debt deflation where massive amounts of people are in debt and have trouble paying it back which in turn cuts consumer spending leading to layoffs and the failure of some businesses. We are at the beginning of a similar stage as what happened during the Great Depression. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out. On November 12, 1864 Abraham Lincoln said, "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country... Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was the final stage of what Lincoln was referring to and what our founding fathers revolted against. |
One of my friends told me that they heard on the radio that stores are going to be limiting the amount of rice each person can buy. Has anyone else heard this? I went to the gas station today. Ugh. I went to the grocery store today. I was very surprised to find that the cost of the food had risen so much. It didn't feel very good. Yes the story on the rice limitation has been going on over a week now. ![]() |
This ship was made to sink. Most Americans have little to no understanding of how the monetary system works. The Federal Reserve, which prints our money, is as federal as Federal Express. It is a privately owned, run for profit, bank who's owners are kept private. They control the strength or weakness of the dollar by determining how much of it to print and then lend to the US government with interest. They determine the interest rates and when payment needs to be made. Bankers used similar tactics as they are now to obtain business' or rival banks for pennies on the dollar by artificially inflating the economy with low interest debt causing short-term growth. Following this is the stage of debt deflation where massive amounts of people are in debt and have trouble paying it back which in turn cuts consumer spending leading to layoffs and the failure of some businesses. We are at the beginning of a similar stage as what happened during the Great Depression. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out. On November 12, 1864 Abraham Lincoln said, "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country... Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was the final stage of what Lincoln was referring to and what our founding fathers revolted against. Can you link the quote please?? Can't find it. ![]() ![]() |
One of my friends told me that they heard on the radio that stores are going to be limiting the amount of rice each person can buy. Has anyone else heard this? I went to the gas station today. Ugh. I went to the grocery store today. I was very surprised to find that the cost of the food had risen so much. It didn't feel very good. Yes the story on the rice limitation has been going on over a week now. ![]() What have you heard about it? I only know the little bit of what a friend verbally told me. When I went to the store, there was a sale on rice. |
Edited by
Tue 04/29/08 07:33 PM
One of my friends told me that they heard on the radio that stores are going to be limiting the amount of rice each person can buy. Has anyone else heard this? I went to the gas station today. Ugh. I went to the grocery store today. I was very surprised to find that the cost of the food had risen so much. It didn't feel very good. Yes the story on the rice limitation has been going on over a week now. ![]() What have you heard about it? I only know the little bit of what a friend verbally told me. When I went to the store, there was a sale on rice. I honestly do not know all the details. I really did not read up on that subject, just seen the headlines posted like "Stores limiting rice quantity purchases" etc. You should be able to find it easily, last I seen the subject I THINK was on ![]() |
One of my friends told me that they heard on the radio that stores are going to be limiting the amount of rice each person can buy. Has anyone else heard this? I went to the gas station today. Ugh. I went to the grocery store today. I was very surprised to find that the cost of the food had risen so much. It didn't feel very good. Yes the story on the rice limitation has been going on over a week now. ![]() What have you heard about it? I only know the little bit of what a friend verbally told me. When I went to the store, there was a sale on rice. I honestly do not know all the details. I really did not read up on that subject, just seen the headlines posted like "Stores limiting rice quantity purchases" etc. You should be able to find it easily, last I seen the subject I THINK was on ![]() Thank you. ![]() I will tell you, though, I sure don't like the sound of food rationing. I do wonder how much rice we give away to other countries. |
Come, Lord Jesus. Please come.
This link is for USA Today. It tells about Sam's Wholesale and rice and the rising cost of food. |
This ship was made to sink. Most Americans have little to no understanding of how the monetary system works. The Federal Reserve, which prints our money, is as federal as Federal Express. It is a privately owned, run for profit, bank who's owners are kept private. They control the strength or weakness of the dollar by determining how much of it to print and then lend to the US government with interest. They determine the interest rates and when payment needs to be made. Bankers used similar tactics as they are now to obtain business' or rival banks for pennies on the dollar by artificially inflating the economy with low interest debt causing short-term growth. Following this is the stage of debt deflation where massive amounts of people are in debt and have trouble paying it back which in turn cuts consumer spending leading to layoffs and the failure of some businesses. We are at the beginning of a similar stage as what happened during the Great Depression. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out. On November 12, 1864 Abraham Lincoln said, "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country... Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was the final stage of what Lincoln was referring to and what our founding fathers revolted against. Can you link the quote please?? Can't find it. ![]() ![]() The quote was actually written in a letter to (Col.) William F. Elkins. The guy on the following link researched this quote and cites a few different places it appears. |
The Federal Reserve, which prints our money, is as federal as Federal Express *sigh* If you are going to spread your uninformed FUD, at least try to get some of the easier facts straight. The Federal Reserve Banks do not print money. Nor produce coin. They place orders to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the paper money, and U.S. Mint for coinage. Both are under the Dept. Of Treasury, currently run by a fellow named Paulson. Sec. Paulson does have the ability to reject a printing or minting order if he feels it inappropriate. And contrary to popular conspiracy theorist beliefs - neither the Bureau or the Mint have machines 'running 24x7, making as much money as they can" Actually..that is pretty far from the truth. It is a pretty rare day they have ALL the presses running at one time. *sigh* but then...that doesn't sound quite as inflammatory as your statement, huh ? |
The Federal Reserve, which prints our money, is as federal as Federal Express *sigh* If you are going to spread your uninformed FUD, at least try to get some of the easier facts straight. The Federal Reserve Banks do not print money. Nor produce coin. They place orders to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the paper money, and U.S. Mint for coinage. Both are under the Dept. Of Treasury, currently run by a fellow named Paulson. Sec. Paulson does have the ability to reject a printing or minting order if he feels it inappropriate. And contrary to popular conspiracy theorist beliefs - neither the Bureau or the Mint have machines 'running 24x7, making as much money as they can" Actually..that is pretty far from the truth. It is a pretty rare day they have ALL the presses running at one time. *sigh* but then...that doesn't sound quite as inflammatory as your statement, huh ? None of this is true. The Fed is not under the Department of the Treasury, the Fed is a completely separate entity, and the board of governors isn't even comprised of "government" officials. Also, please check up on the concept of "coinage" as I think you're taking it a little too literally. |
Food has historically been used as a weapon to force popultations to submit or thin their numbers down.
Don't believe me? Henry Kissinger convinced Gerald Ford that a explosion of third world populations would be a grave threat to, here's bush's favorite word, National security and therefore we should covertly use food to drop the numbers and less covertly use war and birth control to maintain that population reduction. Meaning? Brown people are threatening us, we should kill off a massive amount of them so we can be safe... On Dec. 10, 1974, the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger completed a classified 200-page study, “National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” The study falsely claimed that population growth in the so-called Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) was a grave threat to U.S. national security. Adopted as official policy in November 1975 by President Gerald Ford, NSSM 200 outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in those countries through birth control, and also, implicitly, war and famine. Brent Scowcroft, who had by then replaced Kissinger as national security adviser (the same post Scowcroft was to hold in the Bush administration), was put in charge of implementing the plan. CIA Director George Bush was ordered to assist Scowcroft, as were the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture. Would you be surprised if you woke up tomorrow to find yourself and your family the target of a eugenics program? I wouldn't, because we're already packed full of eugenics programs and the elitists who love them. Ted Turner has been going on T.V. calling for population reduction to "save the earth", the roots of planned parenthood can be found in the people who were backing and teaching hitler how to do it to the Jews and anyone else who wouldn't go along with his evil. You can find examples of elitists/globalists preaching for population reduction all over the place, I've even heard Mr. Nobel Prize Al Gore talking about one child policies. What does that mean? It means, like in China, forced abortion. If you violate the one child policy, that child is killed and you are put in a prison cell somewhere. Speaking of the federal reserve, has anyone noticed the odd little coincidence? The fed lowers rates and things get worse. This has happened now repeatedly and it has only made things worse. It's high time that the Fed was audited along with the reserves of gold that is supposed to be at places like Fort Knox. Does anyone remember the last time either of this places were audited? |