Topic: How Will We Know Who The Man Of Sin Is?
Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:11 PM
The Pure in Heart see's no evil..Blessings..Miles

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:19 PM

The Pure in Heart see's no evil..Blessings..Miles

The Christians believe that all the people who are pure in heart are dead.

This must be the case, since they believe that all mortal men who are living are sinners. ohwell

At least that's how their religion appears to me anyway. drinker

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:21 PM
The sermon on the mount talks about the Pure in Heart. He is not tlking about dead people..Blessings

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:43 PM
flowerforyou I dont think supervillains are real. flowerforyou Just in comic booksflowerforyou

no photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:43 PM

Jews believe in Revelation in the fact thier is really nothing new thier. You can find it in the old Testament.So everyone is looking for a new king to come. Now in your analysis of satan. He at 1st believed he could over throw Yahweh's Power and convinced 1/3 of the Angels he could also. This rebelling of his and refusal to believe as you say it is all ready planned out. Is the Very Reason man was created in the 1st place. So that they would learn through trial and aire to be sons of the most high seeing and expericing that the way to peace is through him.Satan immediately accosted Yahshua when he was weak and in the desert before he started his ministry.Right thier he was slyly trying to trick Yahshua because he knew Yahshua was a mere man and he expected to beable to tempt him. So of course him knowing the book as you say wants to declare himself Elohim and millions will believe him. To where when Yahshua does come he will claim this is satans trick and to destroy him. Once again trying to get rid of the son of Yahweh. Thier is alot about satan that can tell you what he plans.So if you have enough pride and an army behind you. You may very well believe you can win. Blessings of Shalom..Miles

you speak more like a christian than a jew...

no photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:44 PM
I think he'll look alot like mirror........

but with a funny accent......urapeein er sumpin......

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:03 PM me the lawless implies someone who thikns they are above the law or doesn't abide by law. I'm having a hard time connecting the 2 however. I keep thinking of the lawless as in man's law and a criminal

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 04/27/08 06:04 AM

I am niether. I would say I am somewhere in between. I call myself a Yahwists of the Way.Yellowrose10 remember it also says that he will think to change times and laws. So doing away with scripturual law would make him lawless. Blessings of Shalom...Miles

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:31 AM
You will know him by his deeds.

He will want to rule the earth.

He will be involved in the new world order, and Zionist politics.

He will claim to be the Messiah, or Jesus returned.

He will be the anti-christ.

He will be of the Serpent race.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:20 AM
yes. but he will come as an angel of light. everyone will love him. it even says that if it were possible even the very elect would be decieved. so who is the elect? the only ones we can see as the elect for sure is the 144,000 in Rev. That makes a lot people thinking he is the only one who can bring peace among the nations. Blessings...Miles

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:26 AM
He will be of the Serpent race.

Sounds like we’re in for a visit from aliens then.

I think there are any serpents on planet earth that are anywhere near being highly evolved enough yet to become involved in human politics any time soon. :wink:

These biblical tales and prophecy really does sound as outrageous as Greek Mythology.

I was talking with my Christian cousin and we were addressing the male-chauvinistic aspects in the Bible. I was pointing out that women were created as an afterthought, and created from a rib of Adam, not to mention that they a woman is the one who is blamed for luring Adam into sin. I also pointed to the fact that the Bible clearly states that women should have no voice in religious or political matters publicly.

So he says to me,… “You have to look at the bigger picture”. Then he goes on to claim that in the end it’s a woman who crushes the head of the reptile that is supposed to represent Satan to win the final victory over evil for God. He claims that woman will be Mother Mary because she’s the only woman without sin and women will reign supreme in the end. laugh

I’m not laughing at women reigning supreme, I’m laughing at how seriously crazy this story becomes. Is this story really any less incredible than Greek Mythology?

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 04/27/08 01:03 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sun 04/27/08 01:03 PM
flowerforyou In Greek Mythology "The Devil" is named Prometheus flowerforyou

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:05 PM
the egyptians went to great lengths to try to make it to the right place in the afterlife

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:13 PM
smokin Why does there always have to be a "bad guy"?smokin

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:23 PM

the egyptians went to great lengths to try to make it to the right place in the afterlife

I often wonder what they would have done if they hadn’t been obsessed with building such colossal tombs?

That must have pretty much been the focal point of their society for the most part.

Seems like such a waste of effort that could have been put into building better living arrangements or those who are alive.

They almost had an ‘ant-like’ or ‘bee-like’ society where the vast majority of the masses were just workers to serve their “queen” only in this case it was their Pharaoh.

The Greeks spent a great deal of effort and recourses building their temples too. A single Greek temple cost more to build than several entire Greek cities. They really felt a strong need to appease Gods in those days.

But it’s no wonder. They were totally clueless as to how anything worked. They thought that disease was the result of ‘evil spirits’. The attributed all of nature’s forces to the actions of the Gods. Even the very wind. And of course rare and catastrophic events likes earthquakes, floods, droughts, you name it, were all attributed to an angry God.

Today we don’t feel such a dire need to appease the Gods because we realize now how the forces of nature operate. They aren’t caused by an intervening God. We know this now.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 04/27/08 02:24 PM

smokin Why does there always have to be a "bad guy"?smokin

Ticket sales drop when there isn't any "bad guy". bigsmile

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/27/08 03:42 PM


I am niether. I would say I am somewhere in between. I call myself a Yahwists of the Way.Yellowrose10 remember it also says that he will think to change times and laws. So doing away with scripturual law would make him lawless. Blessings of Shalom...Miles

ty miles...that makes sense to me. i can see in that context that the sin would = the lawless

FYI: there are "christian jews" or "hebrew christians" not sure how that really applies though. but i don't know enough about their beliefs to speak on it but I know there is a belief out there

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 04:07 PM
Sounds like we’re in for a visit from aliens then.

I think there are any serpents on planet earth that are anywhere near being highly evolved enough yet to become involved in human politics any time soon. wink

These biblical tales and prophecy really does sound as outrageous as Greek Mythology.

"Aliens" and hybrids are living among humans and have been for a long time.

Some call it the bloodline of the dragon. The offspring of the "fallen angels, and descendants of Satan (the dragon race.)

No, they were not all killed by the great flood.

I have looked into a lot of different kinds of information concerning aliens, fallen angels, cults, secret societies, advanced civilizations, bloodlines, etc. and it is becoming more and more difficult to delude myself into thinking that they don't exist.

The strangest thing I am noticing is that there are certain groups who go to great lengths to convince people that the don't exist. (The government, and the Church, and certain people in power.)

In fact, they tend to cover up the truth, sensor information, classify it, etc. So many secrets hidden by the Church and by the government. I believe they are hiding something, and if they are not, then I would challenge them to let us see your secrets. Open all the doors. They will not.

Truth is so much stranger than fiction, most people really could not handle the truth.


Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 04/27/08 04:43 PM
It is known that the govt. uses the UFO craze to thier advantage. When a new plane is spotted they dismiss the UFO people as crazy. When very likely they saw one of our biggest secrets..Miles

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 04/27/08 04:54 PM

smokin Why does there always have to be a "bad guy"?smokin

Ticket sales drop when there isn't any "bad guy". bigsmile
flowerforyou The story just isnt as dramatic without a "badguy"flowerforyou