Topic: any study is worthless...
sethwyo's photo
Thu 04/24/08 08:36 PM
Edited by sethwyo on Thu 04/24/08 08:38 PM

That's absurd.

If I ask you if you believe in Pantheism and you say no. Do I start claiming that you are attacking my religion because you don't believe it?

After all, if you don't believe it then you're basically saying that you believe it's a myth.

sorry...just saw computer is slow lol. it maybe absurd to you but not to me.

but turn it around....not everyone that asks if someone believes in Christianity does that either me what I don't believe is a myth TO ME...but i respect it's not to someone else....just like they might see mine as a myth but it's not to me.

it goes both ways for all beliefs. my wiccan friend and i can debate but respect and agree to disagree. but there are some in her coven that push just as bad as some christians...i will listen to them but will stand up for my beliefs as well. i would expect my friend to do the same if my church (which I haven't found one i like yet) did that to her. i would even defend her right to believe.

goes both's about respect which (as i believe and was brought up to believe), as a chrisitan, you should have. but i can only speak for my beliefs...but it should go for anyone..respect

I think that U have lost ur mind. I never said anything like that.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/24/08 08:37 PM
Abra..there are many other faiths out there that do the same thing (muselims for one) but not all Muselims push it either.

I can respect any beliefs were someone feels strong enough to stand up for. that shows me that they strongly believe in something (whether it's religion, politics, parenting etc)

sethwyo's photo
Thu 04/24/08 08:40 PM

I have no problem with other beliefs...i actually like them. but just like i won't attack people because they believe something different...i expect the same respect. i would expect others to stand up for what they believe if they felt disrespected. i'm not talking about someone saying what they believe...i am talking about an attack
But what if what thay believe is stupid?

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/24/08 08:44 PM
seth...let me put it this way. if someone really believed pink ponies and purple dragons are gods....why should i tell them it's stupid???? I might THINK i've entered the twilight zone but then i think...someone thinks what i believe is stupid. AND i was brought up to believe not to judge. i can think but i try to look at other sides and put the shoe on the other foot.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/24/08 08:48 PM

That's absurd.

If I ask you if you believe in Pantheism and you say no. Do I start claiming that you are attacking my religion because you don't believe it?

After all, if you don't believe it then you're basically saying that you believe it's a myth.

sorry...just saw computer is slow lol. it maybe absurd to you but not to me.

but turn it around....not everyone that asks if someone believes in Christianity does that either me what I don't believe is a myth TO ME...but i respect it's not to someone else....just like they might see mine as a myth but it's not to me.

it goes both ways for all beliefs. my wiccan friend and i can debate but respect and agree to disagree. but there are some in her coven that push just as bad as some christians...i will listen to them but will stand up for my beliefs as well. i would expect my friend to do the same if my church (which I haven't found one i like yet) did that to her. i would even defend her right to believe.

goes both's about respect which (as i believe and was brought up to believe), as a chrisitan, you should have. but i can only speak for my beliefs...but it should go for anyone..respect

I think that U have lost ur mind. I never said anything like that.

who are U talking to???? this is a conversation between me and Abra....when did anyone say anything about you????

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/24/08 08:49 PM quoting is screwed up tonight

sethwyo's photo
Thu 04/24/08 08:50 PM
Edited by sethwyo on Thu 04/24/08 08:50 PM

seth...let me put it this way. if someone really believed pink ponies and purple dragons are gods....why should i tell them it's stupid???? I might THINK i've entered the twilight zone but then i think...someone thinks what i believe is stupid. AND i was brought up to believe not to judge. i can think but i try to look at other sides and put the shoe on the other foot.
U should tell them its stupid Because it is.Thats why.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 04/24/08 08:50 PM
but i can only speak for my beliefs...but it should go for anyone..respect

Well, again, I agree. And in the 'real world' I do show people respect for their religion. I never tell Christians in the 'real world' what I think about the Bible unless they either ask, or start trying to 'save' me. Then I explain why I don't believe that it's true.

However, on an Internet forum that is designed for religious chat that's a whole different thing. The whole idea is to voice our opinions on topics. So if someone posts a topic about the Bible then it's open for anyone to voice any opinion they have on it. And if their opinion is that they believe it was written by men to control the masses, then that's a valid and respectable opinion.

No disrespect in that. Unless they are actually being disrespectful toward the other posters in any specific way.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/24/08 08:53 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Thu 04/24/08 08:53 PM
Abra..I think we are pretty much agreeing in different words here lol

Seth....who are you to be so arrogant and judgemental about beliefs that aren't yours???? what is your belief BTW?

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/24/08 09:01 PM
IMO...most problems with online debate is you can't see the expression or hear the tone of voice so it's easy to misunderstand. hopefully people will ask what is meant first. but just like in real have people from everywhere that only want to argue

sethwyo's photo
Thu 04/24/08 09:02 PM
Edited by sethwyo on Thu 04/24/08 09:03 PM

Abra..I think we are pretty much agreeing in different words here lol

Seth....who are you to be so arrogant and judgemental about beliefs that aren't yours???? what is your belief BTW?
What dose BTW mean? also IMO?

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/24/08 09:05 PM
IMO - in my opinion
JMO - just my opinion
use an H in there and it's humble

BTW = by the way

now who said you didn't say something up in that other post?

sethwyo's photo
Thu 04/24/08 09:10 PM

IMO - in my opinion
JMO - just my opinion
use an H in there and it's humble

BTW = by the way

now who said you didn't say something up in that other post?
I dont think anyone said i didnt say anything.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/24/08 09:14 PM

That's absurd.

If I ask you if you believe in Pantheism and you say no. Do I start claiming that you are attacking my religion because you don't believe it?

After all, if you don't believe it then you're basically saying that you believe it's a myth.

sorry...just saw computer is slow lol. it maybe absurd to you but not to me.

but turn it around....not everyone that asks if someone believes in Christianity does that either me what I don't believe is a myth TO ME...but i respect it's not to someone else....just like they might see mine as a myth but it's not to me.

it goes both ways for all beliefs. my wiccan friend and i can debate but respect and agree to disagree. but there are some in her coven that push just as bad as some christians...i will listen to them but will stand up for my beliefs as well. i would expect my friend to do the same if my church (which I haven't found one i like yet) did that to her. i would even defend her right to believe.

goes both's about respect which (as i believe and was brought up to believe), as a chrisitan, you should have. but i can only speak for my beliefs...but it should go for anyone..respect

I think that U have lost ur mind. I never said anything like that.

this is what I'm talking about seth....who has lost their minds???? this was a conversation between me and abra....where were you involved????

my other question to you is what would make someone so arrogant and judgemental to tell someone they are stupid for what they believe

no photo
Thu 04/24/08 09:16 PM
Drop your defenses, is my suggestion.

Beleifs are a very personal thing.

If you believe your religion is the truth and if it works for you there is no reason to defend it.

If people are intent on "attacking" your beliefs (or you for having them,) at some point you just have to consider the source, and allow them to keep their opinions.

It is not "personal" until they personally target you in a vicious manner or harass you, or boycott you etc.

You will never convert anyone to your view or religion with an argument.

You will convert people better by being a shinning example of a positive happy successful kind human being.

Because I am a tarot card reader, I have been targeted, harassed and boycotted by right wing Christians who wanted destroy my "tarot card business" and I was not even charging for readings.

Some of them sent a little old lady to me for a reading who was wearing a wire and they were hoping to get me to ask her for money and try to charge me with some kind of fraud. They failed!

They think they are righteous and they think I am doing "evil."

Is there any wonder why I mistrust Christians in general?

They defend their beliefs by aggressively targeting others.


yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/24/08 09:23 PM
JB....i can see why you do mistrust them in GENERAL and ty for saying it that way. i can see why anyone would...i do get me. i have gotten it from other christians as well as other faiths as well. my step father is an ordained minister and ex cop....try dealing with that lol....but i had to stand up to him and basically put him in his place...he doesn't mess with me any more lol. like i said....for me it's not really about the belief itself but more of lack of respect

what happened to you was wrong IMO...and I wouldn't claim to agree with it but i would defend you (even if you don't want me to...because i'm stubborn that way lol) i think tarot is interesting...i don't believe in it but i have had tarot readings before from my wiccan friend that wanted to show me her beliefs. i have no problem with others beliefs....and i believe what i believe and won't change it. but i'm a big believer in respecting others too. that's when i start "defending myself"

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 04/25/08 01:00 PM
and again the original spirit of the thread was lost for personal agendas.
the original spirit of the thread was that no matter how much we study God, if such study does not produce a spiritual growth is just worthless.
why people can't just keep it simple.

no photo
Fri 04/25/08 01:44 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 04/25/08 01:46 PM

and again the original spirit of the thread was lost for personal agendas.
the original spirit of the thread was that no matter how much we study God, if such study does not produce a spiritual growth is just worthless.
why people can't just keep it simple.

You cannot study God since no one can even be sure what God is or represents.

You can only study belief systems, religious doctrines. scripture, myth, tradition and other human concepts.

If you are saying that to study these like that is worthless, then I have to wonder why would anyone do it?

The answer is to better understand themselves and their history.

So I disagree that it is worthless.


I would define "spiritual growth" is the ability to love and understand ourselves and one another. Experience is the best teacher in that area, not book knowledge.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 04/25/08 02:20 PM

and again the original spirit of the thread was lost for personal agendas.
the original spirit of the thread was that no matter how much we study God, if such study does not produce a spiritual growth is just worthless.
why people can't just keep it simple.

You cannot study God since no one can even be sure what God is or represents.

You can only study belief systems, religious doctrines. scripture, myth, tradition and other human concepts.

If you are saying that to study these like that is worthless, then I have to wonder why would anyone do it?

The answer is to better understand themselves and their history.

So I disagree that it is worthless.


I would define "spiritual growth" is the ability to love and understand ourselves and one another. Experience is the best teacher in that area, not book knowledge.

as you disagree with me.
i disagree with you in every single word.
maybe two disagreements make an agreement.
we agree to disagree.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 04/25/08 02:44 PM
and again the original spirit of the thread was lost for personal agendas.
the original spirit of the thread was that no matter how much we study God, if such study does not produce a spiritual growth is just worthless.
why people can't just keep it simple.

I’m in total agreement that if studying “God” does not produce a spiritual growth it’s worthless.

What I disagree with is where knowledge of “God” can be found. I don’t see a study of a dogma to be a valid study of “God”.

If you want to know “God” study God through God’s creation.

The following is from a poem posted in the poetry section by a new member named Oya9. I hope she doesn’t mind me posting an excerpt from it here. I think it speaks volumes to what’s spiritually important in life:

Except from a poem written by Oya9,…

life rather than greed
kindness rather than cruelty
respect rather than discrimination
forgiveness rather than revenge
inspiration rather than dogma
knowledge rather than marketed propaganda
social consciousness rather than racism
human rights rather than capitalism

The entire poem can be read at the following link:

We can study “God” without dogma. And that can actually lead to a higher spirituality IMHO.