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Topic: Flying her in from England
SometingDifrent's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:53 PM
Well I have met someone I really like but she lives in England. We have been talking for about 2 weeks now and we both want her to come visit me here in FL. HOWEVER, perhaps I am a cynic, but I am concerned about being scammed. Here is what I have come up with to prevent such a thing. Tell me what you think. We will split the airfare, I will give the money directly to her travel agent not her. But my concern is, and this may just be paranoia, but how do know it isn't a friend and really a travel agent? I will have to either send a cashier's check or give my credit card number to the agent. So any suggestions as to how to protect my ass without coming across to her that I don't trust her. I want to move forward yet keep my eyes wide open.


Single_Rob's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:55 PM

Well I have met someone I really like but she lives in England. We have been talking for about 2 weeks now and we both want her to come visit me here in FL. HOWEVER, perhaps I am a cynic, but I am concerned about being scammed. Here is what I have come up with to prevent such a thing. Tell me what you think. We will split the airfare, I will give the money directly to her travel agent not her. But my concern is, and this may just be paranoia, but how do know it isn't a friend and really a travel agent? I will have to either send a cashier's check or give my credit card number to the agent. So any suggestions as to how to protect my ass without coming across to her that I don't trust her. I want to move forward yet keep my eyes wide open.

a good start migh be her name, if she is on the forums, etc. I would be suspicious

dungonmasterRJ's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:55 PM
if you use your card with the airline she can only get tixets no refunds if you say not to alow it

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:56 PM
grumble I was nearly killed by a gal I met on here like thatnoway

Queene123's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:56 PM
Edited by Queene123 on Tue 04/22/08 09:59 PM
scary be alert at all times

why should you pay... tell her she needs to come up with the fee

ashleyc's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:57 PM

Well I have met someone I really like but she lives in England. We have been talking for about 2 weeks now and we both want her to come visit me here in FL. HOWEVER, perhaps I am a cynic, but I am concerned about being scammed. Here is what I have come up with to prevent such a thing. Tell me what you think. We will split the airfare, I will give the money directly to her travel agent not her. But my concern is, and this may just be paranoia, but how do know it isn't a friend and really a travel agent? I will have to either send a cashier's check or give my credit card number to the agent. So any suggestions as to how to protect my ass without coming across to her that I don't trust her. I want to move forward yet keep my eyes wide open.

aw. just be really careful and really think things through before you do it! i mean, youve only been talking for 2 weeks...wait a while and see if its right

harveyrj's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:57 PM
Ya buddy don't do it. Why do you have to pay anything? Sounds fishy, and I have heard of those scams before. Who is her "travel agent" her friend possibly or an accomplice? Good luck.

SometingDifrent's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:58 PM
I have her full name and address in England. her birthday was april 20th and I sent her a bottle of my favorite perfume to celebrate it. FYI Sensual Amber from Bath and Body works

AdventurousOne's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:59 PM
Easiest way, put the ticket on your credit card..that way if ticket is not used, it goes right back on the is NEVER refunded. And because of security, its not going to be transferable. So may be the safest way to go. Just deal directly with the airline and you get the ticket purchased...NO TRAVEL AGENT!

Just in my opinion. flowerforyou

itsmetina's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:00 PM
yes buy the ticket on your card don't give her the number make sure its refundable good luck

ashleyc's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:00 PM

I have her full name and address in England. her birthday was april 20th and I sent her a bottle of my favorite perfume to celebrate it. FYI Sensual Amber from Bath and Body works
..yes..but really how do you know that thats her real name or a girl..i know, some girls are crazy like that! dont do it, make sure its right first

robert1652's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:05 PM

Well I have met someone I really like but she lives in England. We have been talking for about 2 weeks now and we both want her to come visit me here in FL. HOWEVER, perhaps I am a cynic, but I am concerned about being scammed. Here is what I have come up with to prevent such a thing. Tell me what you think. We will split the airfare, I will give the money directly to her travel agent not her. But my concern is, and this may just be paranoia, but how do know it isn't a friend and really a travel agent? I will have to either send a cashier's check or give my credit card number to the agent. So any suggestions as to how to protect my ass without coming across to her that I don't trust her. I want to move forward yet keep my eyes wide open.


First of all if she is English (not British) she will never scam you

Why don't you buy the ticket in her name and make it non negotiable so she can use it for the two legs of the trip.
The cost
She will give you 1/2 the money when she is here I am sure about it price of 700 box to pay is not a big deal for love of your life I know I travel constantly home.

If she were not from Britain yes I would be dubious but check that she is an Anglo rather than a naturalized British. I know it sounds horrible, you asked I give you the experience I had.

The gold Gem I am talking at the moment is in Britain too. Give me an English girl any day. You are lucky

jenleah32's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:06 PM
Travelers check or something like that and make it out to the Airline she is flying on not to her this way she can't cash it and niether can anyone else and you can also get the money back if it is either lost or **STOLEN**...:smile:

DebbieJT's photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:45 PM
ok buy on credit card and do threw airline as someone british..and we are not all bad lol..but its still better to be safe than sorry

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 04/23/08 12:44 AM
Someone who is looking for a ticket (or half of one) from you to the states in only two weeks sounds very dubious to me.

People who are happy and well adjusted in their lives (And would make a good partner) are not that eager to drop out of their life and go running off to another country for a stranger unless they are looking for someone to susidize their travel. She could, and probably will fly here and back on your nickle and you will never lay eyes on her. Just because you pay for her ticket you have no rights to actually meet or talk to her or even see her if she even comes.

Some people desperate to come to the USA are neurotic ex lovers of other Americans or their abandoned children who have romaticised coming to the USA or are going to bring a child to a deserting father in hopes that once in this country they can stay and pursue child support and or other public assistances. They may think that here they will seem so pitiful or blackmail you. Some actually count on being sent back home. Since the funds are limited for this you can pretty well count on INS to pursuade you that it is in your best interest to provide her a way home; immediately at and exhorbitant rate, rather than be drawn into a human trafficing charge. That is if you are lucky enough that she is not already "muleing" drugs or other contiband.

Sounds like someone who is running out of a visa in England and is looking for a free pass to the next lonely heart. She, or her pimp, has probably researched you and knows more about you than you know about yourself from basic info you probably gave her voluntairly in the romantic flush. She will show up here verify what you have and then threaten you one way or another to give her more money.

Even if she doesn't get you to voluntarily give her anything more you will then find yourself on a "watch list" under the Patriot Act and there after be hassled when ever you travel or try to get security for a job or at the very least spending some major bucks to get a lawyer to protect you from some kind of trumped up charges. If she turns out to in fact be a minor you might find yourself on a sex offender list.

This scenario sounds very romantic and exciteing but even if not a drama filled as several of the potential problems suggested the reality is she is probasbly just the same average boreing fair of a person that you could find in your own neighborhood that after the initial reality sinks in you will loose interest in feel ripped off because it is expensive to fly across the pond and our cultures are not nearly so compatiable as they might seem and she will get homesick and leave you.

SometingDifrent's photo
Wed 04/23/08 04:08 AM
Wow Pacific, and I though I was a cynic, lol

Thanks everyone for the advice,


hikerchick's photo
Wed 04/23/08 04:13 AM
I won't even give someone my phone number after only two weeks. Something is seriously awry here and you need to tell her to travel on her own dime. I don't want to see you get scammed.

SometingDifrent's photo
Wed 04/23/08 04:16 PM
Just a quick update to those that offered their advice and experiences. I have several friends in the UK from playing Lineage 2 with them, an on-line video game. I had one of them call information and verify that the travel agency actually exists and tomorrow she will talk to the agent himself and confirm the means by which I need to get the money to him. Yes there is still the possibility that she looks nothing like her pic, and yes she can still fly here and never see me and just enjoy a 1/2 price vacation. But some level of risk is involved in just about any relationship and I think I have narrowed it down to an exceptable level.


Fade2Black's photo
Wed 04/23/08 04:30 PM
You know I've met a # of men in person that were LDR's .. I would pay for my airfare, they would put me up in a nice hotel, and pay for the 'dates' ..

Worked for me. :wink: I never ever got scammed.

missy51970's photo
Wed 04/23/08 04:33 PM
2 weeks seems like its a little early to be planning to pay for an expensive flight lik that...Maybe wait a bit make sure its the real deal..

I mean if youre havin some "paranoia" issues maybe its your gut tryin to tell ya something..JMO

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