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Topic: The Crimson Vixar Tavern
Max_Darkling's photo
Fri 04/25/08 03:45 PM
Slowly enters the tavern scooping out the mood of the place sees that it is clam. Walks over to the barkeep *Greeting my name is Max Darkling I am new to this land. And I seek Food drink and lodging*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:54 PM
*Rathil watches as Max Darkling walks into the inn. Once again making no motions or indications of recognition to the drow. He doesn't say a word as Max talks to the barkeep*

joshyfox's photo
Sat 04/26/08 05:34 AM
Edited by joshyfox on Sat 04/26/08 05:54 AM
*Kadis has begun to post a local newsletter on the wall, especially for all the new Foreign exiles in town.*

- The 6th of Taurus -

It has been several days since the visitors from another world have arrived in our town. Many claim that their homeland was destroyed and they now live as refugees here in our city. The mayor of Vamis Moor has ordered the emergency construction of temporary homes for the new arrivals and has sent word to every nation's leader telling them the plight of the people of Sinatorium. No response has returned as of yet.

Sam of Sam's Supplies, was proud to announce to us that his shelves are fully stocked once more and is again open for business. He then spat on the ground, pulled up his pants, and then spat again.

Finally a local farmer seems to be the victim of a bizarre prank. He woke up this morning that 3 more scarecrows than the one he remembers having had suddenly appeared in his field. It is still a mystery as to why someone would suddenly construct 3 Scarecrows just to freak out a old farmer. More on this story when more becomes available.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 04/26/08 06:08 AM
*Rathil reads the paper that Kadis put up and turns away in disgust. Trying to block out the horrible memories he has of the other night. He looks around and notices he is yet again the only person in this tavern and wonders why buisness here is always so slow. He goes back to one of the tables and tilts his hat down and closes his eyes, losing himself in thought.*

no photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:36 AM
Billibon Strudeln can't believe he slept for two days straight in the comfortable bed. He stretches and yawns. His stomach growls like crazy. He grabs his belongings and walks down the stairs to the tavern. He doesn't see Kadis but sees a wood elf wearing a eyepatch. Billibon minds his business and walks to a table to sit.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:43 AM
*Rathil watches the hobbit carefully. He remembers this being the hobbit from the other night who was very cheerful at the party. He was quite amused and he smirks a little as he sees him waddle over to a table. Rathil walks over to the hobbit*

Hello there my little friend. I see you are at a loss because the bartender seems to be gone for now. No breakfast to be served.

*Reaches into his pack*

I know it isn't much but you can have his if you want it

*Pulls out and hands him a rations packet*

no photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:50 AM
"Salutations and thank you very much for your kind hospitality. I am recovering from that party. I did drink, dance, and sing alot I must say. I am really enjoying this town.

Why don't you have a seat," the hobbit offers.

My name is Billibon Strudeln but don't call me by that name when I work across the street at Sam's shop. There I am called Melly Bellymore," he finishes eating some of the rations from the wood elf.

"Why this food is foreign. I don't believe I had such food before. Where did you get this?" he asks.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:53 AM
It's food from a town called Sinatorium,

*Takes a seat*

Now why would one such as yourself have a need for two names. Unless you were up to something that you didn't want anyone to know about? But no, not you right? shouldn't be a need for a double life.

*Rathil pushes the brim back a little bit so he can get a better look at the hobbit stuffing down the rations.*

no photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:58 AM
"A hobbit my size has no other choice but to think one step ahead. The second name is for a purpose. The question is if I will succeed in it. It is all about timing my friend.

*He chews on the food and makes a weird expression at the taste before swallowing wishing he had a hill ale now*

"So I never got your name? I see you are not from here and I see that you have suffered some atrocities perhaps.

*Billibon looks at the eyepatch*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:02 AM
*Smiles a bit*

Well of course the second name is for a purpose. Everything we do has a purpose or we would have no motivation for doing it. I am just figuring that your purpose is not as honest as others may seem. Although that is okay. What you are planning is of no consequence to me. I just find it interesting.

Ah this?

*He points to the eyepatch*

Yes, I am still getting used to it. Haven't quite regained all of my balance yet. Losing an eye will make you a tad tipsy at times

no photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:08 AM
**Billibon looks underneath the table for a moment to look what is in the leather pouch. He makes a confused expression as he looks at foreign money. He then smiles back.**

Perhaps one day my services will be of use to you," Billibon says as he hands over the leather pouch he stole from the wood elf who still didn't mention his name. With one big plop the leather pouch full of gold sits in front of the wood elf.

"Yes it seems you have suffered, yet I see that it was worth perhaps some while as you have a hefty some of money of some sort," Billibon replies.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:12 AM
*Laughs out loud as the hobbit puts the money bag down in front of him*

Yes, Little one I believe I may have a use for you yet. You are better at that then I originally thought. I almost didn't notice you going for it. The name is Rathil and I am new to these parts looking for a place to set up shop. I have a feeling you and I will be able to help each other a great deal. Let me know when you are done with whatever job you are pulling across the street.

*Thinks for a second*

Or if you are going to need any help.

no photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:21 AM
Edited by smiless on Sat 04/26/08 11:24 AM
"Well it is a great pleasure to meet you Rathil. You see we hobbits never leave the shire often. Mainly remain farmers. I just had to set and see more then the picking of potatoes," he replies.

**he sighs for a moment looking back wishing Kadis gets out of the kitchen then back at Rathil**

"Yes if I ever find a group of adventurers we could explore perhaps some of these lands and settle in a bigger town.

**He then leans over to the wood elf.**

"I plan to steal a few potions before leaving. You never know when you need them. I still am trying to figure out where he stashes his expensive and powerful stuff," Billibon whispers.

Why I split the findings if you distract old Sam for me," Billibion continues to whisper before talking normal again.

"Yes it is quiet a adventure for such a hobbit for me. I have alot to talk about if I ever return to Greendale," he finishes.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:23 AM
That sounds like a very interesting little gig you have going on then. A distraction you will have then. You just let me know when you are planning on pulling it off and I will be there.

no photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:25 AM

That sounds like a very interesting little gig you have going on then. A distraction you will have then. You just let me know when you are planning on pulling it off and I will be there.

"Why thank you very much humble elf," the hobbit replies as he slowly gets rid of the rest of the rations by slipping it under the table without the elf knowing.

**the food was stale and no flavor to it. He will have to show how to make food taste better in the future**

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:29 AM
Oh no need to thank me friend, You had my assistance as soon as you mentioned a split profit. You will realize my friend that there are great oppurtunities if the field you have chosen and that no cost is too high if the gain is higher.

silverwaya's photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:45 AM
She walks in from the outside of the tavern. Dirt streaking her tear stained face. the faint scent of jasmine still lingers about her. She looks so lost even though Silver, her magnificent companion is ever beside her. She has lost so many things , so many things she held dear to her heart. She can only hope that one day she can find a way back and find out what happened to her home and her love.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:48 AM
*Rathil abruptly stops talking to Bilibon regarding their plans as he notices Re'anna walk in. He watches her for a minute before tipping his new hat into her direction, acknowldeging her presence.*

silverwaya's photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:54 AM
She walks over to a table and notices Rathil sitting there.
She sees that at least he has made it here in one piece. She wishes there was some form of comfort that she could offer but she has none to give. Her heart lies in pieces. Silver walks over to his friend and licks him on the hand.

no photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:56 AM
***Billibon looks at the creature oddly. He never seen such a animal before. It looks alot like the man wolfs he party with the other day, yet walks on all four instead. A bit smaller of course but nevertheless Billibon raises his eyebrow with interest. ***

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