Topic: What is your Purpose?
Shaden's photo
Wed 04/16/08 04:27 PM
Right now being a mom..which I love!:heart: :heart:

Lily0923's photo
Wed 04/16/08 04:30 PM
I don't think you ever really get to know what your purpose is in life.

But I don't believe in free will either, I believe that everything was pre-destined.

The things that happen in your life, make you who you are, stronger or weaker. Whichever that happens to be. Every step takes you to the next step, and closer to your destiny. Whatever that may be.

Alot like Chaos effect. There is so much order in choas, and so much chaos in order.

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 04:43 PM
Are we here for a purpose?
Someone once told me may not ever see it or feel it. You may be the descendants of doctors or lawyers or future presidents...ect. You may be somewhere sometime and do something so insignificate ...that it may change someones life for the better ...that could be your purpose .

Everything happens for a reason?
For me this one is hard to accept as I lost my mother this past year to cancer...what is the reason for that???
The same person told me....7 people we know quit smoking because of her illness...4 out of these people have children that now will no longer be exposed to cig smoke in their homes...all 7 of these people are closer now then they have ever been in their lives. They are all family. Was that the reason? :cry:

auburngirl's photo
Wed 04/16/08 05:07 PM
Tough one. I believe everything happens just the way it is suppose to. Is that the same as everything happening for a reason? I have often wondered if God knows the limits of our days and I believe he does although like someone else said...about drive-by shootings etc.....accidents happen, disease happens..."time and chance happen to us all".

It's a hard lesson to learn and often a difficult one to accept.

TheShadow's photo
Wed 04/16/08 05:41 PM

My last girlfriend asked me this....i don't have an answer....she gave me a religious answer, "living your life for God"
she also said everything happens for a reason...

Now i disagree with both comments....I find it hard to believe that we have some special purpose & somehow, like a scientist we are supposed to discover what that purpose is....

I also don't think everything happens for a reason....I have seen pointless drive-by killings & read about other pointless murders & find it unbelievable that people think there is a purpose for something like that....

what are your thoughts? Do you have a Purpose? what is it? Does everything that happens happen for a reason?

ill have to agree on that not everything has a purpose. **** happens and sometimes there is nothing we can do about it or we will ever understand it. It's life and we have to take things as they come wether we like it or not.

As for the the special purpose. I do agree, some of us may not ever find out what it is and i'm one of them that haven't found what it is yet. But one thin g i do know. being on here and helping people in different ways and sometimes never hearing about it by just being me. I can look at that a kinda being a special purpose. I dunno but, it's somthing to hang on to:smile:

Totage's photo
Wed 04/16/08 05:44 PM

My last girlfriend asked me this....i don't have an answer....she gave me a religious answer, "living your life for God"
she also said everything happens for a reason...

Now i disagree with both comments....I find it hard to believe that we have some special purpose & somehow, like a scientist we are supposed to discover what that purpose is....

I also don't think everything happens for a reason....I have seen pointless drive-by killings & read about other pointless murders & find it unbelievable that people think there is a purpose for something like that....

what are your thoughts? Do you have a Purpose? what is it? Does everything that happens happen for a reason?

Yes, we have a purpose, at the very least and basically to help one another.

Yes, everything does happen for a reason.

niceguyseeksgirl's photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:26 PM
My purpose is to be happy here on earth.

I think that's what God wants.

He wanted Adam and Eve to be happy in the garden and just enjoy each other and their beautiful surroundings.

That's what I want, a nice girl to spend my time with and enjoy life on this beautiful earth.

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 03:17 AM
Well, would personally say yes, we all have a purpose and things do happen for a reason.

My purpose seems pretty simple. God has all the 'saintly' people who do various forms of 'good things' for him. But just as roses have thorns, God has me. Don't pay attention, or get careless around the roses, ya get pricked. :wink:

Now, I don't believe EVERYTHING is pre-destined, but I think a few things are. And some days - I just feel like a sh*t magnet!

downhomechik's photo
Thu 04/17/08 06:23 AM
Its the lesson you learn from the experience. Until you learn the lesson it will continue. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:17 AM
to care for othersflowerforyou

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:20 AM
if my purpose is living for God ... i think i failed laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:22 AM
Which God?huh

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 04/17/08 07:59 PM
Ooooh, I like these questions!

Yes, I most definitely have a purpose. I know what it is. I can't tell you what it is though. That would be cheating. laugh

And yes, everything happens for a reason too. We may not know what the reason is. We may never know what the reason is. But there is a reason. If whatever it is didn't happen...well, we're talking alternate realities and stuff. Butterfly Effect.

Just my nickel.

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 04/17/08 08:03 PM

My last girlfriend asked me this....i don't have an answer....she gave me a religious answer, "living your life for God"
she also said everything happens for a reason...

Now i disagree with both comments....I find it hard to believe that we have some special purpose & somehow, like a scientist we are supposed to discover what that purpose is....

I also don't think everything happens for a reason....I have seen pointless drive-by killings & read about other pointless murders & find it unbelievable that people think there is a purpose for something like that....

what are your thoughts? Do you have a Purpose? what is it? Does everything that happens happen for a reason?

Everything happens because of choices we made in the past, typically anyway. Rather odd to live for God, as in the word itself cannot be fully proven that and why not live for yourself? My purpose...generally it is to live, pro-create, and die. We are no different than animals, we just think that.

mry's photo
Thu 04/17/08 08:04 PM
My purpose is to make sure my son grows up great and knows his porpose in life...

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 08:05 PM
my purpose?????

seems to be....

to piss folks off.......

I seem to be good at it.............

smokin smokin smokin noway

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 04/17/08 08:10 PM
keep myself alive

smuflicker's photo
Fri 04/18/08 04:46 AM
Everything happens for a reason, weather you think so or not. There is a perpose for you being but thats getting into religon and really don't think you want to go there with me. Lets just say that i'm not liveing the way i was raised and i'll stop there.

No1sLove's photo
Fri 04/18/08 04:59 AM
Makes me think of Steve Martin in The Jerk. "Today I found out what my special purpose is for." laugh

hikerchick's photo
Fri 04/18/08 05:04 AM

I'm agnostic, so I believe the only real reason I'm alive is to pass on my genes to the next generation.

Well, don't agnostics
half believe in Christ/ half don't??
There was no reason to post that
you were know, it had nothing
to do with it...


It'd be like someone posting and saying,
"Hey, how's the weather today?
I'm agnostic.."

But idk where I stand on this;
I believe in Karma, and that's about it.

Agnostics don't "half believe" in anything. The basic tenet of agnosticism is that you really can't know the truth of religion or God. The topic is "purpose". Many people derive their purpose from religion; or they feel an unseen, godly hand is directing their lives. In that context, a mention of one's agnosticism is perfectly apropos.