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Topic: why...
miksit29's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:37 PM
do some people invite you into their life, tell you they need you, only to shut you out????? It is sooo frustrating.

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:39 PM

do some people invite you into their life, tell you they need you, only to shut you out????? It is sooo frustrating.

Honestly don't know why I do that.... I do, and I know I do... SCARED for one thing. Hell let me have a drinker smokin , do u want one? or two?

iRon's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:40 PM
Edited by iRon on Fri 04/11/08 10:43 PM
I find that when someone "NEEDs ME" and its in the first year of a relationship I run quick and far...........and if that's why I am still single I am OK with that......

I want to wanted not needed.....I am weired like that..

briancarr's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:40 PM
Because sometimes they are searching, then the next best thing comes along.flowerforyou

CleanBathroom's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:40 PM
It's all about fear. Low self worth is prevalent.

miksit29's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:43 PM

It's all about fear. Low self worth is prevalent.

yeah, he doesn't have much love for himself. Its frustrating because i care about him a great deal. And I know he needs a true friend. The people he doesn't push away, the ones he calls friends are the ones who encourage his bad behavior. He has severe adult ADD and they take him gambling and drinking and whatnot. They don't encourage his school work or anything positive like I did. Grrrrrrr.

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:45 PM

I find that when someone "NEEDs ME" and its in the first year of a relationship I run quick and far...........and if that's why I am still single I am OK with that......

I want to wanted not needed.....I am weired like that..

So then you like INDEPENDENT women?

sethwyo's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:46 PM
I think that, 'thay think U are what thay need,or what thay think thay want, and that U are going to make them happy, when thay find out you arnt what thay fantisised about then thay dont care and simply throw U away,
like a cd or something thay dont want anymore.

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:46 PM

It's all about fear. Low self worth is prevalent.

I dont think so... Not for everyone at least.grumble

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:49 PM
I have trouble letting people in. In-as in-my heart, my life, my childrens lives, etc..... I know that it is caused by my past, and that is somethin that I work on everyday, and some people are the same way. Not to day that they-we are/ have low self worth. I call it-having a guard up, and I have ran off a couple of good men because of it, but the fear of hurt or being hurt again outways the needingness of love, companionship, etc...


miksit29's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:50 PM
he's the one who said he needed me, not the other way around.

we've had a very on again off again relationship/friendship. I mean i've held the guy in my arms while he cried. I am the one he's called in the middle of the nite when he was at some strangers house his friends took him too and got him drunk. He's told me I am one of the few brite spots in his life, the others being his parents and sisters. Only to throw me away and act like I don't exist. Its hard, I don't know if I should cut my ties or still be there knowing that he really needs someone sane in his life. But it is painful for me. I'm the one who gets hurt, I'm the one he calls when he needs something serious, not a drink or a good time, when he needs someone to hold him and listen to him.

CleanBathroom's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:51 PM
You're doing what is right and hopefully he'll come to realize it. Some things are out of our hands.

If nothing else, anyone who reads this threas will have a great deal of respect for you. I've been in similar situations and it's tough to be selfless and let someone move forward despite that you feel they are making a mistake.

Also, I agree not EVERYONE can be compartmentalized into the low self worth category....but many more qualify than we realize.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:52 PM
drinker Dont give updrinker you are only 3000 more clicks away from true lovedrinker

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:52 PM

he's the one who said he needed me, not the other way around.

we've had a very on again off again relationship/friendship. I mean i've held the guy in my arms while he cried. I am the one he's called in the middle of the nite when he was at some strangers house his friends took him too and got him drunk. He's told me I am one of the few brite spots in his life, the others being his parents and sisters. Only to throw me away and act like I don't exist. Its hard, I don't know if I should cut my ties or still be there knowing that he really needs someone sane in his life. But it is painful for me. I'm the one who gets hurt, I'm the one he calls when he needs something serious, not a drink or a good time, when he needs someone to hold him and listen to him.

Sounds like you are to good for him, or you are so good for him, that he has not realized it yet, but something will happen and he will.

brooke007's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:52 PM
if somebody is not bringing good happy thoughts/feelings into my life...
no place in life for confusion etc....

then well........door closed

flowerforyou flowerforyou

CleanBathroom's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:52 PM
oooops...typo. That was supposed to say "thread" - not "threas" (FREAKIN' DUH)

iRon's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:54 PM
Edited by iRon on Fri 04/11/08 11:00 PM

I find that when someone "NEEDs ME" and its in the first year of a relationship I run quick and far...........and if that's why I am still single I am OK with that......

I want to wanted not needed.....I am weired like that..

So then you like INDEPENDENT women?

I have found that there is a fine line between independence and crazy off in their own world and will not let anyone in due to some found or unfounded fear......So not really.

My point is, If I am NEEDED then that person has not learned to take care of themselves and it is just a red flag. Now after a year or so and once in a committed relationship, people go through life experiences that will require their partner to be there and supported and that's normal.

I don't need to be needed I want to be wanted......drinker

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:56 PM

I find that when someone "NEEDs ME" and its in the first year of a relationship I run quick and far...........and if that's why I am still single I am OK with that......

I want to wanted not needed.....I am weired like that..

So then you like INDEPENDENT women?

Well understood!flowerforyou

I have found that there is a fine line between independence and crazy off in their own world and will not let anyone in do to some found or unfounded fear......So not really.

My point is, If I am NEEDED then that person has not learned to take care of themselves and it is just a red flag. Now after a year or so and once in a committed relationship, people go through life experiences that will require their partner to be there and supported and that's normal.

I don't need to be needed I want to be wanted......drinker

miksit29's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:57 PM

he's the one who said he needed me, not the other way around.

we've had a very on again off again relationship/friendship. I mean i've held the guy in my arms while he cried. I am the one he's called in the middle of the nite when he was at some strangers house his friends took him too and got him drunk. He's told me I am one of the few brite spots in his life, the others being his parents and sisters. Only to throw me away and act like I don't exist. Its hard, I don't know if I should cut my ties or still be there knowing that he really needs someone sane in his life. But it is painful for me. I'm the one who gets hurt, I'm the one he calls when he needs something serious, not a drink or a good time, when he needs someone to hold him and listen to him.

Sounds like you are to good for him, or you are so good for him, that he has not realized it yet, but something will happen and he will.

Don't I wish, its been a year now and nothing. I am tired of missing him and I am tired of feeling like crap. But I can't give up yet. If you couldn't tell, I am in love with him just a little. I have realized that I cannot wait around for him to love me tho either. Of course I've only ever loved two people him being one of them, the other my ex husband. haha guess I know how to pick em.

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 04/11/08 10:59 PM

he's the one who said he needed me, not the other way around.

we've had a very on again off again relationship/friendship. I mean i've held the guy in my arms while he cried. I am the one he's called in the middle of the nite when he was at some strangers house his friends took him too and got him drunk. He's told me I am one of the few brite spots in his life, the others being his parents and sisters. Only to throw me away and act like I don't exist. Its hard, I don't know if I should cut my ties or still be there knowing that he really needs someone sane in his life. But it is painful for me. I'm the one who gets hurt, I'm the one he calls when he needs something serious, not a drink or a good time, when he needs someone to hold him and listen to him.

Sounds like you are to good for him, or you are so good for him, that he has not realized it yet, but something will happen and he will.

Don't I wish, its been a year now and nothing. I am tired of missing him and I am tired of feeling like crap. But I can't give up yet. If you couldn't tell, I am in love with him just a little. I have realized that I cannot wait around for him to love me tho either. Of course I've only ever loved two people him being one of them, the other my ex husband. haha guess I know how to pick em.

It will all work out though. Whos to say how it will work out, but it-the situation will... Pray about it, I know that some people dont like to hear that, but I am a firm believer in prayer, and in trusting that everything happens for a reason. You-We might not know what that reason is today, tomorrow, or a week from now, but everything happens for a reason!flowerforyou

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