Topic: Please reply?
no photo
Sat 07/29/06 09:07 PM
I was wondering why the ladies that I have sent emails to have not
emailed me back? Even if they weren't interested, isn't the replying
still polite?

Maybe I have been sending messeges to fake profiles, sense I ahve heard
those going around on this site lately.


no photo
Sat 07/29/06 09:19 PM
Apologies for my spelling errors (sleepy).

no photo
Sat 07/29/06 10:04 PM
You are right in that even if someone is not interested, he or she
should be polite and respond. However,It could be a simple matter of
them not checking their messages yet. You know you can check to see if
someone has read your email, right? Just look at the sent messages and
if it has been read, there is a check.

andreww38's photo
Sun 07/30/06 04:08 PM
i think it just reflect on the person.

different people have different approaches.
from what i've seen, some people:
1) write to one person. it's a 50-50 chance they'll write back.
2) write to 5 people. at least one person should write back
3) write to 100 people. they'll get a number of replies and pick the
ones they'll write to.

generally, i'd favor approach (1) or (2), it's more sincere.

but anyway, i don't usually write to people. i wait for them to write

no photo
Sat 08/12/06 08:39 AM
some girls get the profile and leaveit never check the mail or just
forget about this site

no photo
Sat 08/12/06 09:00 AM
My 2 cents on this.

Ive gotten a lot of PM's and if i get a broken English one line sentence
I'm not responding to it. Sorry. I also dont respond to "wow your so
hot" I mean what can i possibly say to that? If someone is interested
in me only because they think hot, I'm not interested. Looks are
transitory and not something i base a possible relationship on.

I do review the profile of the person sending the PM but overall if its
a half ass PM i wont respond. I'm sorry if that is offensive to some
people but i can tell at that point we wont be clicking. :)

no photo
Sat 08/12/06 09:17 AM
Hey ruewen,,
I agree with that. Some people are shallow and can't see past the

I find getting past the wrapping and finding a chocolate heart is more
fun my self!!

sexymichy220's photo
Wed 09/27/06 11:41 AM
humm good question.........Well is not that you are bad looking that is
not for sure, and believe me that matter alot here and every where no
matter what people say.

Well it could be that you are to far away, and that is why they don't
want to bother with a answer.

Or maybe a conflict of intrest,

Hell who knows!!!!!!!...there are some weird people in this world and
specially here and in the internet, try not to be bother with this and
be patience, since I join this side I have only have received two
e-mails and when I answer them only one answer me back.

no photo
Wed 09/27/06 11:43 AM
it happens all the time most people aren't evenpolite enough to respond
when approache they think that they are too god to even tell you fuck
off.. T o all those who have responded thank you for your those
who haven't well you can guess it WILL

no photo
Wed 09/27/06 11:55 AM

no photo
Wed 09/27/06 11:56 AM

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 09/27/06 12:02 PM
hey Andrew. what happened to your advertisments?

no photo
Wed 09/27/06 12:07 PM
arthur is looking for women quit fucking him up WILL

unsure's photo
Wed 09/27/06 01:48 PM
I usually reply even if it is to say...geesh you are rude!!

cookieie's photo
Wed 09/27/06 03:45 PM
Please dont think me rude for not replying to emails. This site doesnt
ask specifically what one is looking for in a particular potential
'click'. So it really is hit and miss for some. I myself prefer to
hang out on the playground (forum) rather than get into a one on one
chat. To the ones who extended a welcoming email, thank you.
on a happier note.... That pair of workboots that walked back into my
life just might be walking back again. So heres to my good Karma, good
Luck, prayers answered, and just good old fashioned crossing my fingers.

restlessone1954's photo
Wed 09/27/06 04:16 PM
I'm on this site and another one so I am bad about not answering a
letter SOME of the time. In my defense, at first I answered all of them
but then got to where I was spending too much time doing emails and not
concentrating on what I want...someone to enjoy life with. I want a
meaningful relationship so when I get a letter asking if I will move to
another state, get rid of my cats, kick my son out, be someone's love
toy who is half my age...then I just don't respond. Also,I look at the
inside of a person for the most part, but am guilty of not wanting
someone my height or shorter also. That isn't vain ...just that when I
go dancing with a guy or want to be affectionate in public...I want to
look UP into his eyes and not DOWN. I think most guys would feel the
same...I'm tall and most guys wouldn't be comfortable with the woman
being taller. Anyway, hanging my head...guilty of not always answering
back..sorry. :-( How about some guys responding back about whether
height is important to them?

no photo
Wed 09/27/06 06:36 PM
I don't really think much if I don't get a reply. Hell, most of the time
I don't even expect a reply, and am fairly surprised to get one, which
is weird because I usually tend to get a response. Go figure, huh? -=x

tretia's photo
Wed 09/27/06 06:56 PM
well, guess i could use some online etiquette then, cuz i get several
emails a day and i dont always reply..i am busy and if i dont have an
interest i dont email back..that simple..especially if theres no pic or
avatar and spelling is at a grade school level..

now, that being said if someone nicely compliments me and/or my baby i
will send a quick thank you :) to them, no matter what..

but, YOU ARE SEXY email me and i'll chat with, i dont answer