Topic: i need help
gentalkindguy's photo
Thu 01/18/07 02:01 PM
hi my name is shawn and i am what you would call obese. i am havening a
hard time finding a relationship.nowa days it seems like everything is
rated from our looks and ive got a zero rating. can someone please help
me figure out what is wrong . thank you

iceprincess's photo
Thu 01/18/07 02:08 PM
OK you say your obese that is one strike against you unfortunatly. I'm
sorry but society on a whole is pretty much against overweight people.
If your shy youv'e compounded your problem just put yourself out there
someday somebody will see you for you not anything else. Don't ever feel
you need to apologize for being you and above all don't change to fit
somebody elses image of who they think you should be

gentalkindguy's photo
Thu 01/18/07 02:15 PM
yea but aparently being myself aint workin seems like all women say they
want nice guys but they all end up leavin with the asshole

sushi's photo
Thu 01/18/07 02:22 PM
No, ****, get to an MD and find out why you need to eat yourself to
death. It has nothing to do with stomach growling hunger. The cravings
are far worse. You can bash your head against a wall, but when you need
that sugar, you need it NOW! Don't ask me how I know this; You probably
already know how it feels to eat a whole apple pie and still want more.
It has litle to do with will power, so throw yourself into to the
nearest bariactic clinic and refuse to leave until they help.

gentalkindguy's photo
Thu 01/18/07 02:23 PM
yea i really dont eat all that much i have a very slow matabilisim like
if i lose 10 pounds i gain 20 back right away it sucks

sushi's photo
Thu 01/18/07 02:30 PM
If that's the case,it can be controlled with medication. But thyroid
weight gain is rare. Don't waste anymore time with excuses. It is great
to be able to get into a Nissan Sentra with room to spare bet. you and
the steering wheel, even if you are hungry. HAHA

gentalkindguy's photo
Thu 01/18/07 02:31 PM
well what ever it is sucks i am very self cautous with low self esteem i
cant help it its all just there

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 01/18/07 02:32 PM
Hiya Shawn,
I'm Lisa nice to meet you!

I was just at your house you didn't hear me!!!

You got the right idea about Cali. So some body must of liked you if you
have kids... so get out of Kanasas smile!
I like big guys.... stick horses are only Fun if you gallop around on
your own 2 feet!!
play with a camara & get some good pics of you..

just be yourself!!

gentalkindguy's photo
Thu 01/18/07 02:33 PM
thank you

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 01/18/07 02:40 PM

Don't even trip on it! I have alot of guy friends that are big.

As long as make peace with yourself.

I'm a big ol' girl!

I have no problem with it.

until i try to lace my darn steel toed boots ggrr

spay's photo
Thu 01/18/07 03:07 PM


spay's photo
Thu 01/18/07 03:08 PM

unsure's photo
Thu 01/18/07 03:41 PM
Hey Shawn...I know exactly how you feel! I just lost 125 pounds and now
I not only feel better about me, I feel much healthier. The first thing
you have to do is realize that you are a good person and like yourself!
If someone doesn't like you because you are a bigger person, do you
really want to be friends with them? Hold your head high...some people
(like me) love bigger guys!!
Never let anyone make you feel low about yourself, I am sure that you
are a good person inside and out! So keep that head high and keep never know when the right girl will be looking your way

ShagnaC's photo
Thu 01/18/07 03:51 PM
You know kind I made many excuses about my weight also, Oh I am big
boned, Oh I dont know why I am so fat I dont eat much, You know what it
was all bull**** as I was not facing the facts that I was a lard a$$, I
stopped making excuses and I did something about it. I went to weight
watchers and I have lost over 70 pounds in the last 8 months,
If you want it bad enough then put the hard work into it and do
something about it, Sitting on the pitty pot will only make it harder,

spay's photo
Thu 01/18/07 03:56 PM

purplecat's photo
Thu 01/18/07 04:02 PM
well I to am having zero luck in the relationship department too !! just
no pleasin folks these days!! keep your chin up ,,I'll try to keep mine
up and maybe somethin will happen eventually ???!!??

halfnutts's photo
Thu 01/18/07 04:06 PM
Health is the single greatest investment in you future, therefore, seek
help from a Doctor, to design a diet for you, then join a Gym, to design
a exercise routine, and follow the
exercise and diet routine, and be patient, results will come.

ShagnaC's photo
Thu 01/18/07 04:13 PM
Yes the good old gym, I remember when I started the gym it was horrible,
I was only able to do 3-6 minutes on the elliptical and now with being
consistant I can do 45 at a high rate.
I went from a 49 1/2 inch waist to a 36,weights are great. It can be
done but again you have to put the hard work into it. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 01/18/07 04:30 PM
Just be yourself you will find someone to love you as you. Do what ever
makes you happy. Don't try to please others or change for someone else
if you do change anything do it for yourself only! Good luck good things
come to those that wait!