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andreww38's photo
Sat 07/29/06 11:02 AM
was wondering since there're a number of breakups mentioned in the
forum, after a breakup what's the worst thing you done or someone's done
to you.

I was reading on a site that this lady was hiding raw meat and raw liver
all over her ex's house.
in the ceilingboards, under the carpet, behind the wall....

two weeks later, kapow!....

what're your horror stories?
(or maybe you were the one inflicting the horror!)

ImJusKat58's photo
Sun 07/30/06 01:37 PM
I had a brief relationship (or so I thought) with a young Marine once.
He called once to cancel a date claiming he'd done something stupid and
got extra duty. I saw his high-performance street rod at a skating ring
~ and it was TEEN night! When I told him I'd seen him there (I looked
inside), he swore he wasn't there and tried to use my statement on our
break up.

When I didn't call him for days and days, he came to my job (I was a
cocktail waitress) and loudly announced that he had gonorrhea (sp?)and
that I needed to get treatment right away. While he was inside dancing,
I went to the parking garage with my Buck knife and flattened all four
tires on his car. The next day, I called his Commanding Officer and
reported him for carrying a sexually transmitted disease. He was given
30 days of "quarters" (only allowed to go to do his job and then back to
his barracks).

Yes, I went to the doctor and started treatment immediately. The test
later showed he'd lied, and that I was healthy.

In case he's here, Wesley Grantham of Lakeland,'re a dick!

andreww38's photo
Sun 07/30/06 03:53 PM
wow, Kat.
that shows a lot of thinking and foresight.
i might have to consult you in the future...

does anyone else have anything to share?
or does this board only have 2 people harboring thoughts of

fosterfarms84's photo
Tue 08/01/06 01:51 PM

I'm not afraid! I will smudge my so far clear reputation here as at
least a 'not-bad' guy...i must admit i was very young...but
and my gf brokeup, and i immediately worked my way into her best friends
life, and soon she was my girlfriend...oh man how mean, i broke up their
friendship of like 8 years, and i knowingly fueled and fueled more the
intense fire of hatred she had for me. Man, and you know this
girlfriend i had was quite emotional, and oh man i knew every single
button to push and then push harder....WOW IS THAT EVIL OR WHAT?? damn,
yeah that was a dark day for andrew terrible. But see
after having caused so much suffering on purpose, i got to really feel
the guilt of being so cruel. I could see the agony on her face, like
the hurt in her eyes- especially since we loved each other so much, and
i did love her. but oooo see theres where...what is it again?...that
fine line between love and the coldest yes. It took me
like two years to make amends to her for being so fucked up, and whats
worse, i dont even remember why i was so determined to hurt her in the
first place....but hey, learning learning...sometimes its painful, but
then after its really useful. i understand now- that i was an idiot
before- whoops!

andreww38's photo
Tue 08/01/06 04:33 PM
well, we live and learn.

there was this time i made my ex-gf really pissed. and she said 'don't
call me!'

i said 'ok, dont call you for how long?'

she glares at me.

after the second week, she call me and yells 'why didn't you call me?'

i was like 'but you told me NOT to call you'.

so that was the end of the relationship.

precious823's photo
Fri 08/04/06 05:56 PM
I found out my husband was cheating with a police woman and she knew he
was married so I called her supervisor and told him that she was
cheating with a married man and to top it off he is a 4 time felon.So
now she is being investigated and about to lose her job.That's only
because she knew he was married and did'nt care.(we've only been mARRIED

no photo
Sun 08/06/06 06:49 AM
Wow precious823 that horrible!! Poor thing i hope it works out for you!

no photo
Thu 08/24/06 01:32 AM
You know, most of the time I try to forgive to all these people that
were treating me bad, even that sometimes my temperament makes me little

no photo
Fri 08/25/06 02:23 AM

I have to say I have only had a couple bad break ups. But one of
them(back in high school) turned ugly quick. She knew me for years and
she asked me out. We went out 2 times and I told her I would rather be
friends as I was not attracted to her. We had talked about what turns us
on and one of my turn ons is long hair. Well a couple weeks later I ask
a girl out and we went out the next weekend. The next weekend a mutual
friend of the ex and the new one was having a slumber party. The exgf
cut the new girl friends hair while she was asleep. We went from talking
and being friends to enemies because I was not attracted to her and she
was atracted to me.

The other bad break up was more verbal/mental in nature. And I deserved
part of it. I caught her making out with another guy at a football game.
I was in band and should have been in the group but nature was calling.
I acted like nothing happened after the game and took her out to eat
like we normally did at pizza hut. Only I skipped out and left her with
the check and a note on a napkin by telling her I was going to the
restroom. There was alot of verbal insults and mental torture from both
of us. Like another person said you later regret many things like this.
I was 16 and was to stupid to know how a thing like this would haunt

andreww38's photo
Fri 08/25/06 02:36 AM
gee that sounds messy.
i hope u got out of it ok.

i guess when we're young, there's a whole bunch of learning experiences.

heather's photo
Fri 08/25/06 02:50 PM
Let’s just say limburger cheese in the heat vents in the truck. He will
never get that smell out.

gterry05's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:22 PM
See I don't see the point??You harmed me so I'm going to harm you in
some way?? Though I have been very hurt at times in my life I don't
believe I have ever set out to hurt any of the ladies I have met. I did
however have a lady once that wasn't in the same frame of mind as I.We
had broke up and I was seeing another lady when she got two guys
pretending to be detectives from from some police dept. go to my new
girlfriends parents house and tell them that there daughter was seeing a
known drug dealer and they had surveillance tapes and had been tracking
me for some time and that there daughter was in "grave" danger.These
people who were heavily involed with the Catholic Chruch flipped out!! I
was with the lady when her mother chrip her to come over right away!!
After days of the daughter not speaking with me a friend of hers called
and told me the story. Not long after the friend calling, the ex called
and asked me how did I like being a drug dealer!!!Wow!!

tallandtttanned's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:24 PM
i would love to get back at my exwife because she did it to that a
good idea?

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:32 PM
I don't care to share time and space with people who "want to get back"
at this one or that one, for whatever reason.

I think that gterry05 hit the nail on the head when he questioned, "you
harmed me, so I'm going to harm you?". If we all thought, felt and
acted that way, we might as well just go back to walking on all fours.

My response to relationship immaturity and payback behavior is to cut
bait and go fish somewhere else.

tallandtttanned's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:34 PM
i just asked a question

gterry05's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:37 PM
LoL!! Kat, well put.And to should i get back at my ex?? It is never the
right the thing to harm anyone for any reason other than life threating
protection of one's self!! So my answer to you is NO it's not right!!
Though you may feel like doing something because it hurts to be hurt and
its ok to feel that way but its never "ok" to hurt anyone!!!

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:40 PM

I wasn't singling you out. Please don't think that I was. I am not
mean spirited.

tallandtttanned's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:40 PM
that is not what i ment i felt hurt when she left and i want her to feel
the same hurt i did

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:40 PM
I had been dating a guy for a year when he asked me to move in with him.
Reluctantly I finally did but it just didnt feel right for some reason
and I couldnt put my finger on it. Anyway we had a party and my best
g-friend had too much to drink and I wouldnt let her drive, so she
stayed at our house.
I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and there
they were buck ass naked and going at it. I was livid!
ANyway an arguement insued and the next evening (I had been moving out
all that day) I could a very "romantic dinner". When he got home from
work everything was ready and so nicely arranged on the plates and the
candles were lit. His dinner however had a generous portion of laxative
mixed in_ I watched as he gobbled down his dinner thinking everything
was ok and then I told him I had moved out and I never wanted to see him
again. I also told him my best friend had a disease that would cause
voilent stomach cramps and diarreah. Oh wouldve loved to have been a fly
on the wall!Then I left

tallandtttanned's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:44 PM
how did that work for him greeneyedlady

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