Topic: I'm thinking I'm meant to be alone... | |
Life has also altered my physical Self and I had found this hard to deal with at first...But through believing in myself and the beauty in others I have found that there are many that look beyond the "face" of us to what is in our hearts..None yet that are willing to take my hand, but I know that it will come... We are all beautiful in our own right... |
Have you tried being alone for a while, figuring out who you are when you're not with someone else? I think single time of that nature is seriously undervalued in our society. You could take a break, get the divorce settled, and take some time to figure out what patterns you fall into that enable you to pick out men with similar issues.
Basically, work on yourself and making yourself happy. This also seems to be the best way to find an actual healthy relationship. |
hun im very sorry that he treated you this way
no woman should ever have to be abuised ever your a beautiful woman inside and out just remember that hun ok dont let any man tell you different i know right now your hurting but it will get better ok just trust in yourself always god bless you too |
Thank you all for your kind and very uplifting words. The words of encouragement and advice are VERY appreciated! You all have given me a lot to think about.
I never really thought I "needed" someone, but it was always nice to have the companionship, conversation, and company. As a single mother, it is hard to find that. Your "friends" have their own lives and you grow apart after time, even when you have been friends for 20 + years. So, I often find myself without a single soul to talk to or relate to. There is only so much that you can talk to teenagers about, that they would even care to talk to you about haha. |
starre, i am so sorry to hear about what you have gone through...i teared up as i was reading really must be a survivor, sweetie. don't ever sell yourself short, you seem like a truly beautiful person...there will be a wonderful man out there who will be lucky to have you. just keep your chin up! it will get better.
Becca |
I know this will sound cold and heartless but believe me I've got your best interests in mind............
(((( WAIT TIL JUNE )))) |
Maybe I'm the only who sees my point about finding someone to stick with me now and reap the rewards later?
If someone could actually stick with me now, it means they are far worth my time than any others who would only want me then? Not to be mean, but it seems that some of the girls are just as shallow as some of the guys. There is FAR more to me than just those two teeth. There is a lot more. But, again, maybe I'm wrong in my line of thinking? |
I'm sure there is more to you, but it seems as though you have some self-esteem issues wrapped up in that. It also seems as though that has been a barrier. Why not wait two months. Why is that so long to wait?
im sorry you had to go through that..people now adays are soo fixed on looks its crazy..
its thoughts like that that make you alone
Star you have been thru a lot, but why all the emphasis on finding someone like right now. Get you together (and no, I am not referring to your teeth).
I am a firm believer of good things happening to those that wait. Stop searching, make friends, enjoy life, your family. You and only you should be responsible for your happiness, not another human. just my opinion |
I am sorry that you are going through all of this stuff BUT I truly believe that you need to wait until you have healed. You are still married so why would you want to meet someone else? You said that you are now going through your second, why are you looking for someone to stand beside you right this moment? STOP AND THINK!! You need time to heal, jumping into another bad relationship is not going to be good. Take a look at you, look deep within you and figure out what YOU want.
This has nothing to do with your teeth at all, this has everything to do with your self esteem and your heart. You need time to heal and forget about the past. I am sure that you have a lot of trust issues? I know I would find it very hard to trust any man if I was in the past situations that you were. Slow down, you have a whole lifetime to find someone else. Are you also aware there are programs out there that will help you fix your teeth if you were an abused woman? You need to call your local womans shelter and talk to someone about this, I have seen many talk shows mention this. There are funds set aside for this and it goes unused because so few people know about it. So call and ask, hopefully they can point you in the right direction. Good luck |
Edited by
Tue 04/08/08 12:40 PM
Maybe I'm the only who sees my point about finding someone to stick with me now and reap the rewards later? If someone could actually stick with me now, it means they are far worth my time than any others who would only want me then? If they are out there.. they are worth waiting for. It kind of sounds as if the time could be used to work on the inside job. Not to be mean, but it seems that some of the girls are just as shallow as some of the guys. There is FAR more to me than just those two teeth.
I don't see much here that represents itself as shallow. The scars you might have are much deeper then skin or teeth. I'm suspecting that the trauma you have survived is shaping your thinking in some unhealthy ways right now. Not too surprisingly, really... But it might serve you well to take some time to get back to center with yourself. So no one can take the power you give to others. I've done that in my time. Two full years of learning that my worst enemy is myself, learning how I can be a party to my own victimization... Learning that I am not as bad a person as I was thinking.. and I deserve much better. Until I started to get it? i had no business bringing anything more serious then friendship into my life. There is a lot more. But, again, maybe I'm wrong in my line of thinking?
I have no idea if what I wrote above applies to you or not... But.. until we completely embrace those things we do to self sabotage? It is a good idea to not put ourselves in situations where those things can be taken advantage of. |
Nothing is meant, it is all created. Emotions, attraction, relationships, enemies, friends, etc. All created by the person, "meant to be" is a line that involves an outside force acting upon the situation. With that out of the way, we can go with it like this: 1. Give up, like I did (really not a very positive choice); or 2. Find something worth having and don't let go (I fumbled mine).
You are not alone.... single, ? |