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Thirdml's photo
Tue 01/16/07 06:58 PM
Heyyyy Morena! Nice to see ya!!! too corny?? LOL

Kevin3824's photo
Tue 01/16/07 07:11 PM
Well putting those signs up and increaseing the SinTax is all they can
do beside outlaw it all togeather. They can't go that far think about
it. If they could outlaw it all togeather we would still be in
prohibition. While I am a smoker and believe it is my right to smoke in
my own home if I choose to. The courts tell me I cannot even do that
when my child is present. It is out of hand. I cant remember the last
time a person died from nicoteen overdose but I can almost guarantee a
hundred died today across this country from acute alcohol poisoning. It
is a political thing your dealing with. Welcome to the big apple Morena.
If you move to a more remote area you will probably not have the same
experience for a few years anyhow.

look_n_4lov's photo
Tue 01/16/07 07:32 PM
Nope remote area's don't help either. I live in west virginia where
lung cancer is one of the leading killers and we still can't smoke
inside.There is still one resturant in one of my local towns that we can
smoke in becouse it has an intirely different air system for the smoking
section. It's happening across the nation. When they start trying to
tell us to do on our own personal property they have gone to far.

Morena350's photo
Tue 01/16/07 07:41 PM
they have to do something about it, maybe if they take the toxic out of
the cigarrettes :) hah?

sushi's photo
Tue 01/16/07 07:54 PM
There are a few places in the Houston area where one can smoke. Next
they'll start raiding our homes. The ironic thing is if the sale and
smoking of tobacco were banned, this country would go broke--all of the
tax revenue from tobacco funds go to highway improvement, educational
stuff, food stamps, wars and the official White House Christmas tree.
Not to mention all the fancy Presidential funerals, Smithonian
Instition, and the list goes on.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:03 PM
Well most of the towns around were I live have no smoking in most of the
restaraunt already mattter of fact it is going in front of the board now
for Fort Worth which some of the restaraunts have already chose no
smoking already. Okay I'm and ex smoker I know the worst kind that there
is. I quit 4 years ago this month. NO I do not allow smoking in my house
they are welcome to go to the back patio or out front yes I do have
ashtrays out there. No one smokes in my car either but if I ride with a
smoker all I request is to roll your window down a bit. No I do not
***** at the ones that do smoke to each there own. I was smoking 3 packs
a day when I quit. But it is not easy it is something you truely want to
do or it will never happen. No I do not agree with the laws on smoking I
also believe that each place should have to mantain a smoking area and a
non smoker area. When I go to a restaraunt with my son we sit in smoking
due to he smokes and I do ask for smoking with my daughter non smoking.
I don't think smokers shoudd be singled out. Sorry but the bars should
be made to wear the air is vented better if you don't smoke and the
smoke bothers you don't go into that bar they should make bars that one
side is smoking one side is non. Hummmmmmm how hard is that. Yeah this
is the thoughts of an ex-smoker go figure.

Ohhh only reason I quit was due to grandbaby was born a premie and had
breathing problems and lived with me at the time she was under oxygen
for 4 days her lungs could not take the smoke so gave it up for her good
enough reason for me!!

Morena350's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:43 PM
everyone is quiting now!! firs cigarrettes then the world!!
mannnnn !!!

redmange420's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:50 PM
Telling people that they cant smoke is a violation of our civil rights.
Not to mention, its also pushin that "discrimination" issue all over
again. Its not right to discriminate, NO MATTER WHAT!!! And whats worse
is its the government doin it!! Thanx politicians, way to be "for the
people". A**HOLES!!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 01/16/07 11:06 PM
"Yay no smoking... Too bad they don't ban it from outside in public
places as well. Its not good for kids or people for that matter to be
around second hand smoke. Sigh someday the world will be a cleaner,
nicer smelling place :)"

Pfffft..please spare me. The average SUV pumps more crap into the air in
1 day than I possibly could in a lifetime of smoking!! Don't be blamin'
my smoking for the air quality OUTSIDE!

Morena350's photo
Wed 01/17/07 04:21 PM
hello animalillo!!?

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