Topic: WOMEN who can Admit they like sex
Lynann's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:29 PM
Edited by Lynann on Sun 08/24/08 12:33 PM
Some random thoughts from me haha

Telephoneman said, "All the forty-something girls I meet still want me to believe they are a virgin..."

You know it's interesting that many men seem conflicted about what they want when pursuing women. I say this after many years of friendship with men both young and old.

Men want women who are sexual but in general I think many men are put off by women who know what they want sexually. There's a reason the old saying "A lady in public a whore in the bedroom" exists. Men want to do the chasing and they want to snare worthy prey. A woman who will be naughty with them but still must be won over.

So many men go for women based solely on looks. Like my friend Bill* who had a definite type. "Petite, sweet and bendable" is how he put it. One of these women broke him of dating that type; a former prom queen, Hooters waitress and southern belle was so stupid she thought your heart quit beating when you slept. It went well for awhile but he found himself discontent when he realized he couldn't have a conversation with her.

Then there are the men who seem to crave greedy *****es. You know the type, haughty and cold. My friend Sal* was always after those types. The one who broke him was a woman who he'd pursued and woo'd with dinners, gifts, vacations and flattery. He was surprised when she left him because he didn't make enough money. He was very financial comfortable she was just trading up I suppose.

I think to meet anyone you have to quit chasing a type (I know we all have them)talk to everyone, meet people, be happy on your own and just open yourself up to being found. My daughter, happily married for all of three years swears by dating out of your type. That's how she found her husband.

*names changed to protect the silly and or innocent

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 01:19 PM
Good on you!! You seem to be unique!

tesslane's photo
Thu 08/28/08 02:34 AM
sex can be good and enjoyable ...but lovemakeing is the best.....i once had a guy who always hit on me...every day he would just go on and on and on...and the thing was he knew i had a boyfriend and was a friend of his...they worked together and had known each other for years.....i liked the guy as a friend he was really nice but he really just felt the need to hit on me and the thing was it wasn't because he was in love with me ....because he wasn't he liked me and was sexually attracted to me but it wasn't love...well this went on for quite a while over 2 years actully until one day he came up to me as i was getting off of work ..>i ran the fuel desk in a truck stop and he was a truck driver......just so you get the ideal hear....anyway he caught me as i was leaving and as always the first words out of his mouth was come with me we will have some really great sex....on and on he went and i let him then when he finally ran down on his chatting i looked at him and these words just seemed to leave my lips...i said you know if all i wanted is sex i wouldn't need you i could have that with anyone at anytime.....and if that is all i am looking for i would want it to be a really good time someone who would help me to experiance something really really good who will know my body and know how and where and what is the best way to make me feel great.....and he looked at me and smiled and said Yes thats it ....i can do that.........and i looked back at him and said ....babe there is know body who in this world that knows my body and all my secret spots the way i do.....and since that is true then i can get my self all hot and bothered better than anyone else and have know need for you....and his mouth dropped open and then he laughed and shook his head and after that he told me that he really liked me and if i ever just wanted plain sex to look him up.....and we are still friends to this day...i told him one day that the differance to me from just haveing sex and actully makeing love was the feeling between the people who are involved....and love makeing will always win hands down...the personal feeling are what really make it so special.....the rest is just a quickie with no thought just reaction...:tongue:

EtherealEmbers's photo
Thu 08/28/08 02:49 AM
This thread is just lame. Why isn't it in the Sex and Dating forum?

I love how forealness1 says that people who think sex without love makes them "stuck-up prudes"... when in actuality, it just means that these people have self-respect and respect for others... a respect for sex in general, considering it's a beautiful bonding experience created for a woman and a man and also allows them to be fruitful and multiply.

Why is it always the extremely judgmental people that point out how everyone else is judgmental? It's pretty amusing.

Everyone has their view on sex, and some people's views have been distorted or tainted. Believe whatever you want to believe, but don't sit there and pretend you're better than everyone who believes differently.

Thepreacherswife's photo
Thu 08/28/08 04:05 AM
I am married and no matter what has happened all day,we have some form of sex at night.It has been this way for ten years.Even if we were fighting before bedtime,we always crawl in bed and snuggle up close. warm bodies touching under the blankets, being in love with your partner, whats not to love about sex? And when you love the person your having sex with, its 1000 times better.

EtherealEmbers's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:02 AM

EtherealEmbers I promise to never ever have or ask you to have sex or ask you to engage in any other exchange be it physical, emotional or intellectual.

I know that's upsetting but well we all have our own views as you've pointed out. I am glad that my personal experiences, genes, spiritual upbringing and environment have provided me with the courage to call you on your b.s.

Looks like you are making plenty of judgments yourself.

Don't pretend you are any better than anyone else either.

If the thread is lame...please feel free to not comment rather than judge.

What is your problem? You're not supposed to attack the poster, just state your opinion on the thread... I believe that's what I did. I commented on the post. I never said any particular person's view of sex was wrong, just that some have a distorted view. Some do. Apparently you decided to be one of those judgmental people and attack me personally.

no photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:32 AM

You people know what this man mean, If you are just a square and think your way of thinking about sex is the right way then you are dead wrong.You are just a stuckup prude... There are nice and very respectful people that love and practice safe sex,even participate in group sex. Now if you are one of those stuck-up people that have some kind of sexual hang-up about yourself, that's understandable too, but don't try to down the next person opinion of loving open and safe sex because of your hangups. The majority of people that enjoy safe sex are usaully the beatiful one with nice bodies that don't have all of these hangups and the ones that have had great sex before know the deal. Now you take someone that not sure of their body and know they carry that extra roll of meat on them somewhere and has that stinch when the action get hot and heavy are going to want to be with someone that love them so that they can overlook all of this. They are going to be totally against the nostrings attached, good safe sex, and that is somewhat understandable too. But don't down the next person for having the fun you are afraid to have.

You sound frustrated. If you were enjoying all this great sex with multiple nice, respectful, beautiful people, you wouldn't be here.

pris's photo
Thu 08/28/08 07:54 PM
All I can say is Ester said it best on Sanford and Son--"Heathens, y'all are heathens!!"

No1sLove's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:17 PM
On the other side of that coin...if you found someone you had so much fun with "in and out of the bedroom" why wouldn't you want them under contract? drool :banana:

awolf1010's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:42 PM

On the other side of that coin...if you found someone you had so much fun with "in and out of the bedroom" why wouldn't you want them under contract? drool :banana:
sign here please

no photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:46 PM
Ahhhh...... the delemna on this sight........And in real life.....

Men are on here for sex.......

and women dont know what they want.......laugh

(just joking..... no hate mails please!!!!! Well..... sorta.......):tongue:

No1sLove's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:55 PM

On the other side of that coin...if you found someone you had so much fun with "in and out of the bedroom" why wouldn't you want them under contract? drool :banana:
sign here please
Quick...someone get me a pen!!!! :heart: smooched :heart: smooched

awolf1010's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:58 PM

On the other side of that coin...if you found someone you had so much fun with "in and out of the bedroom" why wouldn't you want them under contract? drool :banana:
sign here please
Quick...someone get me a pen!!!! :heart: smooched :heart: smooched
:banana: drool :banana: drool :banana: biggrin

pris's photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:48 AM
Just kidding--just adding a bit of humor. :smile:

EtherealEmbers's photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:54 AM
I thought it was funny bigsmile

Sir_Galahad's photo
Wed 09/03/08 12:24 PM

On the other side of that coin...if you found someone you had so much fun with "in and out of the bedroom" why wouldn't you want them under contract? drool :banana:

Who needs a contract? If I'm with someone, it's an exclusive arrangement from my side--it should be from hers as well.

forealness1's photo
Thu 09/04/08 01:51 AM
Calling a person's views distorted is an attack upon that person and what make your views or your opinion not to have sex so right on? But I don't mind being attacked, I knew someone would, and I knew it would be a somewhat self-rightous female when it happen. Sorry if I offended you lady... hey, anyone up for some (no strings)SEX? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.....

forealness1's photo
Thu 09/04/08 02:04 AM
No, not mad at all. I have seen this all before, several times over. Also you are so right about my reason for being here, but here is not the only place to find nostrings sex, even though it is also a good place to find it. Believe me, this place is all-good for it, I am the proof. You see, there are a lot of women here that don't have any sexual hangups and love having a little rumble in the jungle. But if you don't, that's your business and so good luck finding you a husband online and if one day you guys decide to try something freaky to pep up that marriage sex life then don't be afraid to call on the DOG. peace

forealness1's photo
Thu 09/04/08 02:08 AM
Brother you are so right about that ... You have posted the best quote of the year. And ladies don't even think about sending this man any hate mail, send it to me if you have a problem with it.

JuliaA's photo
Thu 09/04/08 03:34 AM
To each his/her own...consenting adults are just that and What you do in your bedroom is none of my business and vice versa, just be safe. it's not like it was in the early 70's and 80's. Sex can kill you todaygrumble